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Created September 21, 2012 04:15
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Decode datatables ajax request URL in ruby controller
# Process AJAX request generated by jquery datatables plugin, prepare an object which contains information to be used in
# ActiveRecord operation, result object properties tbd
def decode_datatables_req
cols_count = params['iColumns'].to_i
row_start = params['iDisplayStart'].to_i
rows_per_page = params['iDisplayLength'].to_i
search_text = params['sSearch']
sort_cols_count = params['iSortingCols'].to_i
columns = (0..cols_count-1).map { |i| params["mDataProp_#{i}"] }
# Suffix table name by grabbing from current control, to avoid ambigious col issue which might occured during ordering
sort_columns = (0..sort_cols_count-1).map do |i|
col_name = columns[params["iSortCol_#{i}"].to_i]
col_name = "#{params[:controller]}.#{col_name}" unless col_name.index('.')
:col => col_name,
:direction => params["sSortDir_#{i}"]
# Now let's rock it and do the processing
per_page: rows_per_page,
page: row_start/rows_per_page + 1,
columns: columns,
cols_count: cols_count,
sort_cols_count: sort_cols_count,
sort_columns: sort_columns,
sort_statement: ( {|col| "#{col[:col]} #{col[:direction]}"}).join(', '),
search_text: search_text
def get_rows
dt = decode_datatables_req
# Extra filtering for type and branch id
where_array = []
where_array << "branches.chinese_name like :keyword or branches.english_name like :keyword" unless params['keyword'].blank?
search_obj = {
:include => [],
:order => dt[:sort_statement],
:conditions => [where_array.join(' AND '), { :keyword => "%#{params['keyword']}%" }]
@total_rows = Branch.count(:all, search_obj)
@rows =[:page]).per(dt[:per_page]).find(:all, search_obj)
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