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Better PyCharm mixin handling would make it far more useful for Django Class-Based Views, Managers, etc
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# usage: python
Better PyCharm mixin handling would make it far more useful for
Django Class-Based Views, Managers, and in contexts others have identified
such as Werkzeug.
PyCharm should look at the "Mixin" (MixIn, mixin, etc) class name suffix and
treat it as a composition-based pattern,
i.e. distinct from inheritance-based patterns which it does well.
The following example simplified from a production project demonstrates:
(1) "class-referential" mixins, which extend subclasses by
relying on references that only resolve given the complete class
hierarchy (i.e. knowledge of all subclasses).
(2) "overriding" mixins, which would typically extend including a call to
`super()` in the method implementations. These are a common subset of (1).
It does not demonstrate:
(3) "pure" mixins, which extend a class with no direct reference to
other classes in the class hierarchy. These aren't interesting here
because PyCharm won't have any unresolved reference warnings to raise.
This looks a lot like the "utility functions" case described for React:
Aside - If I'm understanding correctly, React rediscovered the
decorator pattern and called it a higher order component:
ObjectContextViewMixin & PyCharmContextViewMixin are examples containing both
(1) - `self.request` and
(2) - `super().get_context_data`
ObjectTemplateResponseMixin & PyCharmTemplateResponseMixin contain only
(2) - super().render_to_response
from django.views.generic import TemplateView, View
from django.views.generic.base import (
class ObjectContextViewMixin(object):
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
data = super(ObjectContextViewMixin, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
# e.g. Prefetch data we always use to populate menus
'remember-this': self.request.COOKIE.get('remember-this'),
return data
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
raise ValueError(
'This code will consistently raise '
'ValueError in non-framework subclasses')
class PyCharmContextViewMixin(ContextMixin, View):
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
data = super(PyCharmContextViewMixin, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
# e.g. Prefetch data we always use to populate menus
'remember-this': self.request.COOKIE.get('remember-this'),
return data
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
raise ValueError(
'INCONSISTENT: This is dead code for PyCharmTemplateView '
'as TemplateView.get() comes first in the .mro(), '
'but this code is live for PyCharmRedirectView!')
class ObjectTemplateResponseMixin(object):
def render_to_response(self, context, **response_kwargs):
response = super(ObjectTemplateResponseMixin,
self).render_to_response(context, **response_kwargs)
if context.get('remember-this'):
# Store the remember-this in a cookie which can later on be used
# when the remember-this parameter is not provided in the URL
return response
class PyCharmTemplateResponseMixin(TemplateResponseMixin):
def render_to_response(self, context, **response_kwargs):
response = super(PyCharmTemplateResponseMixin,
self).render_to_response(context, **response_kwargs)
if context.get('remember-this'):
# Store the remember-this in a cookie which can later on be used
# when the remember-this parameter is not provided in the URL
return response
class BaseObjectViewMixin(ObjectTemplateResponseMixin,
Bundle several view mixins together so we can apply them consistently.
class BasePyCharmViewMixin(PyCharmTemplateResponseMixin,
Bundle several view mixins together so we can apply them consistently.
class ObjectTemplateView(BaseObjectViewMixin, TemplateView):
class ObjectRedirectView(BaseObjectViewMixin, RedirectView):
class PyCharmTemplateView(BasePyCharmViewMixin, TemplateView):
class PyCharmRedirectView(BasePyCharmViewMixin, RedirectView):
width = 120
print('Compare the Method Resolution Order (MRO) ')
print('of the following two classes - which is easier to read?')
print('-' * width)
print('# ObjectDetailView.mro()')
print('-' * width)
for a in ObjectTemplateView.mro():
print('# PyCharmDetailView.mro()')
print('-' * width)
for a in PyCharmTemplateView.mro():
print('# ObjectDetailView MRO is logically grouped into project classes then '
'framework (django) classes - easier to understand.')
print('# PyCharmDetailView MRO intertwines framework and project classes, '
'must call .mro() to be 100% sure what will happen.')
print('# NB: Both are valid C3 Linearizations, '
'but the intertwined latter is more likely to lead to WTFs. e.g.')
# Play with the subclasses - how should they behave?
def test_get(view_class):
instance = view_class()
instance.get(request='') # We can mock a request with ''
print('{}: OK'.format(view_class.__name__))
except ValueError as e:
print('{} - {}: {}'.format(view_class.__name__,
except AttributeError as e:
print('{} - {}: {}'.format(view_class.__name__,
# Usage - PyCharmTemplateView which raises no warnings is harder to understand
# because of inconsistent subclass behaviour,
# i.e. PyCharmContextViewMixin.get() is like Schrödinger's cat -
# dead code or live code depending on which Django View subclass it is mixed in
# Hopefully I don't need to explain to most why this inconsistency
# is usually a bad idea, but just in case:
# import this
# The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters
# ...
# Simple is better than complex.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# <>
Usage: python
Draw inheritance hierarchies via Dot (
Author: M. Simionato
Date: August 2003
License: Python-like
Requires: Python 2.3, dot, standard Unix tools
Original source:
PyCharm auto-format, and some code cleanup performed.
Changed default to PNG.
Renamed to snake_case which is more common for Python modules.
import itertools
import os
from mro_exploration import ObjectTemplateView, PyCharmTemplateView
PSVIEWER = 'gv' # you may change these with
PNGVIEWER = 'open' # your preferred viewers
PSFONT = 'Times' # you may change these too
PNGFONT = 'Courier' # on my system PNGFONT=Times does not work
def if_(cond, e1, e2=''):
"""Ternary operator would be"""
if cond:
return e1
return e2
def MRO(cls):
"""Returns the MRO of cls as a text"""
out = ["MRO of %s:" % cls.__name__]
for counter, c in enumerate(cls.__mro__):
name = c.__name__
bases = ','.join([b.__name__ for b in c.__bases__])
s = " %s - %s(%s)" % (counter, name, bases)
if type(c) is not type:
s += "[%s]" % type(c).__name__
return '\n'.join(out)
class MROgraph(object):
def __init__(self, *classes, **options):
"""Generates the MRO graph of a set of given classes."""
if not classes:
raise TypeError("Missing class argument!")
filename = options.get('filename',
"MRO_of_%s.png" % classes[0].__name__)
self.labels = options.get('labels', 2)
caption = options.get('caption', False)
setup = options.get('setup', '')
name, dotformat = os.path.splitext(filename)
format = dotformat[1:]
fontopt = "fontname=" + if_(format == 'ps', PSFONT, PNGFONT)
nodeopt = ' node [%s];\n' % fontopt
edgeopt = ' edge [%s];\n' % fontopt
viewer = if_(format == 'ps', PSVIEWER, PNGVIEWER)
self.textrepr = '\n'.join([MRO(cls) for cls in classes])
caption = if_(caption,
'caption [shape=box,label="%s\n",fontsize=9];'
% self.textrepr).replace('\n', '\\l')
setupcode = nodeopt + edgeopt + caption + '\n' + setup + '\n'
codeiter = itertools.chain(*[self.genMROcode(cls) for cls in classes])
self.dotcode = 'digraph %s{\n%s%s}' % (
name, setupcode, '\n'.join(codeiter))
os.system("echo '%s' | dot -T%s > %s; %s %s&" %
(self.dotcode, format, filename, viewer, filename))
def genMROcode(self, cls):
"""Generates the dot code for the MRO of a given class"""
for mroindex, c in enumerate(cls.__mro__):
name = c.__name__
manyparents = len(c.__bases__) > 1
if c.__bases__:
yield ''.join([
' edge [style=solid]; %s -> %s %s;\n' % (
b.__name__, name,
if_(manyparents and self.labels == 2,
'[label="%s"]' % (i + 1)))
for i, b in enumerate(c.__bases__)])
if manyparents:
yield " {rank=same; %s}\n" % ''.join([
'"%s"; ' % b.__name__
for b in c.__bases__])
number = if_(self.labels, "%s-" % mroindex)
label = 'label="%s"' % (number + name)
option = if_(issubclass(cls, type), # if cls is a metaclass
'[%s]' % label,
'[shape=box,%s]' % label)
yield (' %s %s;\n' % (name, option))
if type(c) is not type: # c has a custom metaclass
metaname = type(c).__name__
yield ' edge [style=dashed]; %s -> %s;' % (metaname, name)
def __repr__(self):
"""Returns the Dot representation of the graph"""
return self.dotcode
def __str__(self):
"""Returns a text representation of the MRO"""
return self.textrepr
def test_hierarchy(**options):
class M(type):
pass # metaclass
class F(object):
class E(object):
class D(object):
class G(object):
__metaclass__ = M
class C(F, D, G):
class B(E, D):
class A(B, C):
return MROgraph(A, M, **options)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# test_hierarchy() # generates a PNG diagram of A and M hierarchies
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pzrq commented Nov 13, 2015

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pzrq commented Nov 13, 2015

# Example run under Python 3.5.0, Django 1.8.6
# Note: Extra newlines and # for readability on GH
$ python
Compare the Method Resolution Order (MRO) 
of the following two classes - which is easier to read?
# ObjectDetailView.mro()
<class '__main__.ObjectTemplateView'>
<class '__main__.BaseObjectViewMixin'>
<class '__main__.ObjectTemplateResponseMixin'>
<class '__main__.ObjectContextViewMixin'>
<class 'django.views.generic.base.TemplateView'>
<class 'django.views.generic.base.TemplateResponseMixin'>
<class 'django.views.generic.base.ContextMixin'>
<class 'django.views.generic.base.View'>
<class 'object'>

# PyCharmDetailView.mro()
<class '__main__.PyCharmTemplateView'>
<class '__main__.BasePyCharmViewMixin'>
<class '__main__.PyCharmTemplateResponseMixin'>
<class 'django.views.generic.base.TemplateView'>
<class 'django.views.generic.base.TemplateResponseMixin'>
<class '__main__.PyCharmContextViewMixin'>
<class 'django.views.generic.base.ContextMixin'>
<class 'django.views.generic.base.View'>
<class 'object'>

# ObjectDetailView MRO is logically grouped into 
# project classes then framework (django) classes 
# - easier to understand.
# PyCharmDetailView MRO intertwines framework and project classes, 
# must call .mro() to be 100% sure what will happen.
# NB: Both are valid C3 Linearizations, 
# but the intertwined latter is more likely to lead to WTFs. e.g.
ObjectTemplateView - ValueError: This code will consistently raise ValueError in non-framework subclasses
ObjectRedirectView - ValueError: This code will consistently raise ValueError in non-framework subclasses
PyCharmTemplateView - AttributeError: 'PyCharmTemplateView' object has no attribute 'request'
PyCharmRedirectView - ValueError: INCONSISTENT: This is dead code for PyCharmTemplateView as 
    TemplateView.get() comes first in the .mro(), 
    but this code is live for PyCharmRedirectView!

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pzrq commented Nov 13, 2015

I apologise to anyone who got this far if the PyCharmZZZ class hierarchy has a way to define the MRO such that __main__ all come before django that is easier to find than just following the Two Scoops of Django / Kenneth Love recommended pattern of:

  1. The base view classes provided by Django always go to the right.
  2. Mixins go to the left of the base view.
  3. Mixins should inherit from Python's built-in object type.

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pzrq commented Nov 16, 2015

MRO graphs recommended by a colleague reviewing the area python

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