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Created January 19, 2017 08:46
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var mav = require("./mavlink_v10_ardupilotmega.js");
var mavProtocol = new MAVLink( null, 252, 1 );
var serverPort = 6000; // local sever listening port
var remotePort = -1; // this is set by the first HEARBEAT msg received from the drone
var remoteIp = ''; // drone IP
var dgram = require('dgram');
var server = dgram.createSocket('udp4');
// Server
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- //
server.on('listening', function () {
var address = server.address();
console.log('UDP Server listening on ' + address.address + ":" + address.port);
server.on('message', function (message, remote) {
// decode the MAVLink msg, this function should return the msg or null
decodedMsg = mavProtocol.decode(message);
// wait for the first HEARTBEAT message to send the remotePort
// this is used to send back messages to the drone
if ( decodedMsg && == "HEARTBEAT" )
// this is the first HEARTBEAT msg received
// log and send a test message to the drone
if ( remotePort < 0 )
remotePort = remote.port;
console.log('set udp port: ' + remote.port );
sendMAVLink( new mav.messages.autopilot_version_request(1, 1) );
remotePort = remote.port;
// Log incoming messages except HEARTBEAT
if ( decodedMsg && != "HEARTBEAT" )
console.log( decodedMsg );
else if ( !decodedMsg )
console.log( 'Decode Error: ');
// MAVLink
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- //
function sendMAVLink( msg )
buff = new Buffer(msg.pack(mavProtocol));
mavProtocol.seq = (mavProtocol.seq + 1) % 256;
mavProtocol.total_packets_sent +=1;
mavProtocol.total_bytes_sent += buff.length;
if ( remotePort > 0 ) // wait for the drone to send the HEARTBEAT
server.send( buff, remotePort, remoteIp, function(err, bytes) {
if (err) {
console.log('ERROR! ' + err );
throw err;
console.log('MAV not ready!');
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