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Created September 25, 2020 08:16
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generate mesh via code in gdscript example
extends MeshInstance
godot arrayMesh generate a box geometry
var rings = 50
var radial_segments = 50
var radius = 1
export(float) var width_fwd = 1
export(float) var width_back = 1
export(float) var height_fwd = 1
export(float) var height_back = 1
export(float) var depth_left = 0.5
export(float) var depth_right = 0.5
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
var arr = []
var verts = PoolVector3Array()
var uvs = PoolVector2Array()
var normals = PoolVector3Array()
var indices = PoolIntArray()
# generate a sphere
# Vertex indices.
var thisrow = 0
var prevrow = 0
var point = 0
# Loop over rings.
for i in range(rings + 1):
var v = float(i) / rings
var w = sin(PI * v)
var y = cos(PI * v)
# Loop over segments in ring.
for j in range(radial_segments):
var u = float(j) / radial_segments
var x = sin(u * PI * 2.0)
var z = cos(u * PI * 2.0)
var vert = Vector3(x * radius * w, y, z * radius * w)
uvs.append(Vector2(u, v))
point += 1
# Create triangles in ring using indices.
if i > 0 and j > 0:
indices.append(prevrow + j - 1)
indices.append(prevrow + j)
indices.append(thisrow + j - 1)
indices.append(prevrow + j)
indices.append(thisrow + j)
indices.append(thisrow + j - 1)
if i > 0:
indices.append(prevrow + radial_segments - 1)
indices.append(thisrow + radial_segments - 1)
indices.append(prevrow + radial_segments)
indices.append(thisrow + radial_segments - 1)
prevrow = thisrow
thisrow = point
var vts = [
Vector3(width_fwd, 0, 0),
Vector3(0, height_fwd, 0),
Vector3(width_fwd, height_fwd, 0),
Vector3(0, 0, -depth_left),
Vector3(width_back, 0, -depth_right),
Vector3(0, height_back, -depth_left),
Vector3(width_back, height_back, -depth_right)
var faces = 6
for n in range(0, faces):
uvs.append_array([ Vector2.ZERO, Vector2(0, 1), Vector2(1,0), Vector2(0,1), Vector2(1,1), Vector2(1,0) ])
Vector3.UP, Vector3.UP, Vector3.UP, Vector3.UP, Vector3.UP, Vector3.UP,
-Vector3.UP, -Vector3.UP, -Vector3.UP, -Vector3.UP, -Vector3.UP, -Vector3.UP,
# indices.append_array([0,2,1,2,3,1])
indices.append_array([0,2,1,2,3,1, 4,6,0,6,2,0])
indices.append_array([1,3,5,3,7,5, 2,6,3,6,7,3])
indices.append_array([4,0,5,0,1,5, 5,7,4,7,6,4])
# indices.append_array([0,1,2,3,4,5])
# print('indices: %s, verts: %s' % indices.size(), verts.size())
arr[Mesh.ARRAY_VERTEX] = verts
arr[Mesh.ARRAY_TEX_UV] = uvs
arr[Mesh.ARRAY_NORMAL] = normals
arr[Mesh.ARRAY_INDEX] = indices
mesh =
mesh.add_surface_from_arrays(Mesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES, arr)
pass # Replace with function body.
# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
#func _process(delta):
# pass
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