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Created July 16, 2019 05:42
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For convenient of renaming animation clips from fbx files
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
public class MixamoTools : EditorWindow
private static MixamoTools _window;
private Object[] _selectedAssets;
Vector2 scrollPos;
private void OnGUI() {
_selectedAssets = Selection.objects;
GUILayout.Label("Selected Models");
if(_selectedAssets != null && _selectedAssets.Length > 0)
scrollPos = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPos, false, false, GUILayout.Height(150));
foreach(Object o in _selectedAssets)
EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(o, typeof(Object));
if(GUILayout.Button("Change AnimationClip name to filename"))
ModelImporter mi = null;
// AnimationUtility.GetAnimationClips()
foreach(Object o in _selectedAssets)
string path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(o);
int last_slash = path.LastIndexOf('/');
int last_dot = path.LastIndexOf('.');
string filename = path.Substring(last_slash + 1, last_dot - last_slash - 1);
filename = filename.Replace(' ', '_');
mi = ModelImporter.GetAtPath(path) as ModelImporter;
ModelImporterClipAnimation[] clips = new ModelImporterClipAnimation[mi.defaultClipAnimations.Length];
clips[0] = mi.defaultClipAnimations[0];
clips[0].name = filename;
mi.clipAnimations = clips;
// _window =
static void OpenWindow()
if(_window == null)
_window = GetWindow<MixamoTools>();
_window.titleContent = new GUIContent("Mixamo Tools");
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