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Created April 23, 2014 01:40
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MTA Libs: classlib
-- Developer: sbx320
-- License: MIT
-- Github Repos:
--// classlib
--|| @type: Shared
--|| @desc: A library providing several tools to enhance OOP with Lua
--|| @info: Registers itself into the global namespace
local elementClasses = {}
local elementIndex = {}
-- Set DEBUG to true to enable some additional checks
DEBUG = DEBUG or nil
--// new(class, ...)
--|| @desc: Creates an instance of 'class' and calls the constructor
--|| and all derived_constructors
--|| @param: table 'class' - The class which should be instanciated
--|| @param: vararg - Parameters passed to the constructor and derived_constructors
--|| @return:table - The newly created instance
function new(class, ...)
assert(type(class) == "table", "first argument provided to new is not a table")
-- DEBUG: Validate that we are not instanciating a class with pure virtual methods
if DEBUG then
for k, v in pairs(class) do
assert(v ~= pure_virtual, "Attempted to instaciate a class with an unimplemented pure virtual method ("..tostring(k)..")")
local instance = setmetatable( { },
__index = class;
__super = { class };
__newindex = class.__newindex;
__call = class.__call;
__len = class.__len;
__unm = class.__unm;
__add = class.__add;
__sub = class.__sub;
__mul = class.__mul;
__div = class.__div;
__pow = class.__pow;
__concat = class.__concat;
-- Call derived constructors
-- Weird Lua behaviour requires forwarding of recursive local functions...?
local callDerivedConstructor;
callDerivedConstructor = function(self, instance, ...)
for k, v in pairs(super(self)) do
if rawget(v, "derived_constructor") then
rawget(v, "derived_constructor")(instance, ...)
local s = super(v)
if s then callDerivedConstructor(s, instance, ...) end
callDerivedConstructor(class, instance, ...)
-- Call constructor
if rawget(class, "constructor") then
rawget(class, "constructor")(instance, ...)
instance.constructor = false
-- Add a change handler for all ._changeVARIABLE methods
for k, v in pairs(class) do
if k:sub(1, 7) == "_change" then
addChangeHandler(instance, k:sub(8), v)
return instance
--// enew(element, class, ...)
--|| @desc: Makes an element an instance of 'class' and calls the constructor
--|| @param: table 'class' - The class which should be instanciated
--|| @param: vararg - Parameters passed to the constructor and derived_constructors
--|| @return:element - The element passed
function enew(element, class, ...)
-- DEBUG: Validate that we are not instanciating a class with pure virtual methods
if DEBUG then
for k, v in pairs(class) do
assert(v ~= pure_virtual, "Attempted to instaciate a class with an unimplemented pure virtual method ("..tostring(k)..")")
local instance = setmetatable( { element = element },
__index = class;
__super = { class };
__newindex = class.__newindex;
__call = class.__call;
__len = class.__len;
__unm = class.__unm;
__add = class.__add;
__sub = class.__sub;
__mul = class.__mul;
__div = class.__div;
__pow = class.__pow;
__concat = class.__concat;
elementIndex[element] = instance
-- Weird Lua behaviour requires forwarding of recursive local functions...?
local callDerivedConstructor;
callDerivedConstructor = function(self, instance, ...)
for k, v in pairs(super(self)) do
if rawget(v, "derived_constructor") then
rawget(v, "derived_constructor")(instance, ...)
local s = super(v)
if s then callDerivedConstructor(s, instance, ...) end
callDerivedConstructor(class, element, ...)
-- Call constructor
if rawget(class, "constructor") then
rawget(class, "constructor")(element, ...)
element.constructor = false
-- Add a change handler for all ._changeVARIABLE methods
for k, v in pairs(class) do
if k:sub(1, 7) == "_change" then
addChangeHandler(instance, k:sub(8), v)
-- Add the destruction handler
triggerClientEvent ~= nil and
"onElementDestroy" or
"onClientElementDestroy", element, __removeElementIndex, false, "low-999999")
return element
--// registerElementClass(elementType, class)
--|| @desc: Registers a class to be used upon element index operations like e.g.
--|| getPlayerFromName("MrX"):hello() would search in the class assigned to "player"
--|| @param: string 'elementType'- The element type the class is supposed to be assigned to
--|| @param: table 'class' - The class which is assigned
function registerElementClass(elementType, class)
elementClasses[elementType] = class
--// __removeElementIndex()
--|| @desc: This function calls delete on the hidden source parameter to invoke the destructor
--|| !!! Avoid calling this function manually unless you know what you're doing! !!!
function __removeElementIndex()
--// delete(self, ...)
--|| @desc: Deletes an instance and calls the destructor
--|| and all derived_destructors
--|| @param: table 'self' - The instance to be deleted
--|| @param: vararg - Parameters passed to the destructor and derived_destructors
function delete(self, ...)
if self.destructor then --if rawget(self, "destructor") then
-- Prevent the destructor to be called twice
self.destructor = false
-- Weird Lua behaviour requires forwarding of recursive local functions...?
local callDerivedDestructor;
callDerivedDestructor = function(self, instance, ...)
for k, v in pairs(super(self)) do
if rawget(v, "derived_destructor") then
rawget(v, "derived_destructor")(instance, ...)
local s = super(v)
if s then callDerivedDestructor(s, instance, ...) end
-- Cleanup
elementIndex[self] = nil
--// super(self)
--|| @desc: Gets the superclasses of an instance or class
--|| @param: table 'self' - The instance / class to get the parent class of
--|| @return:table<table> - The superclasses
function super(self)
if isElement(self) then
self = elementIndex[self]
local metatable = getmetatable(self)
if metatable then return metatable.__super
else return {}
--// instanceof(self, class, direct = false)
--|| @desc: Returns if 'self' is an instance of 'class'. If 'direct' is set to true it enforces 'self'
--|| to be a direct descendant of 'class' (new(self, class)). If 'direct' is set to false
--|| (default) 'self' is allowed to be a instance with any kind of link to 'class' even with
--|| multiple levels of inheritance or similar polymorphic connections.
--|| @param: table 'self' - The instance to check
--|| @param: table 'class' - The class to check
--|| @optparam: bool 'direct' (false) - Whether to check for direct inheritance
--|| @return:bool - the result of the check
function instanceof(self, class, direct)
for k, v in pairs(super(self)) do
if v == class then return true end
if direct then return false end
local check = false
-- Check if any of 'self's base classes is inheriting from 'class'
for k, v in pairs(super(self)) do
check = instanceof(v, class, false)
return check
--// bind(func, self)
--|| @desc: Wraps the function(...) return function(self, ...) end idiom
--|| @param: table 'func' - The function to bind
--|| @param: vararg ... - The parameters to bind
--|| @return:function - the bound function
function bind(func, ...)
local boundParams = {...}
local params = {}
local boundParamSize = select("#", unpack(boundParams))
for i = 1, boundParamSize do
params[i] = boundParams[i]
local funcParams = {...}
for i = 1, select("#", ...) do
params[boundParamSize + i] = funcParams[i]
return func(unpack(params))
--// load(class, ...)
--|| @desc: Creates an instance of 'class' and call the 'load' method
--|| @param: table 'class' - The class which should be instanciated
--|| @param: vararg - Parameters passed to the 'load' method
--|| @return:table - The newly created instance
function load(class, ...)
assert(type(class) == "table", "first argument provided to load is not a table")
local instance = setmetatable( { },
__index = class;
__super = { class };
__newindex = class.__newindex;
__call = class.__call;
-- Call load
if rawget(class, "load") then
rawget(class, "load")(instance, ...)
instance.load = false
return instance
--// inherit(from, what)
--|| @desc: Creates a new class inheriting from 'from' or sets 'what' to inherit from 'from'
--|| @param: table 'from' - The class to inherit from
--|| @optparam: table 'what' - The class which should inherit, optional
--|| @return:table - The now inheriting class
function inherit(from, what)
if not from then
outputDebugString("Attempt to inherit a nil table value")
return {}
if not what then
local classt = setmetatable({}, { __index = _inheritIndex, __super = { from } })
if from.onInherit then
return classt
local metatable = getmetatable(what) or {}
local oldsuper = metatable and metatable.__super or {}
table.insert(oldsuper, 1, from)
metatable.__super = oldsuper
metatable.__index = _inheritIndex
return setmetatable(what, metatable)
function _inheritIndex(self, key)
for k, v in pairs(super(self) or {}) do
if v[key] then return v[key] end
return nil
--// pure_virtual()
--|| @desc: Yields an error on call. Use like: class.memberfunction = pure_virtual to enforce
--|| implementation in derived classes
function pure_virtual()
error("Function implementation missing")
--// getTypeName(object)
--|| @desc: Returns the type name of the specified object (for debug purpose only)
--|| @param: object - the object
--|| @return: The type name
function getTypeName(object)
return table.find(_G, getmetatable(object).__index)
--// Syntax 1: addChangeHandler(instance, key, func)
--|| @desc: addChangeHandler calls 'func' whenever 'key' is changed on 'instance'
--|| @param: table instance - any table to watch for changes
--|| @param: string key - the key to watch
--|| @param: function func - the function to call when the value of instance[key] is changed
--|| return anything but nil to override the value. Do not attempt to
--|| change instance[key] directly within 'func' as it will cause a
--|| stack overflow. Additionally: do not use rawset on the table and
--|| key with a changehandler unless you want to face some awkward bugs
--|| Parameters for func: function (table/element instance, any value)
--|| Syntax 2: addChangeHandler(instance, func, func)
--|| @desc: addChangeHandler calls 'func' whenever any key is changed on 'instance'
--|| @param: table instance - any table to watch for changes
--|| @param: function func - the function to call when the value of any index in instance is changed
--|| return anything but nil to override the value. Do not attempt to
--|| change the contents of instance directly within 'func' as it will cause a
--|| stack overflow. Additionally: do not use rawset on the table with a
--|| changehandler unless you want to face some awkward bugs
--|| Parameters for func: function (table/element instance, any key, any value)
function addChangeHandler(instance, key, func)
if isElement(instance) then
instance = elementIndex[instance]
local metatable = getmetatable(instance) or {}
if not metatable.__changeHandler then
metatable.__changeHandler = {}
metatable.__changeData = {}
metatable.__realNewindexFunction = metatable.__newindex
-- This saves us from checking on each call
if type(metatable.__index) == "table" then
metatable.__realIndexTable = metatable.__index
elseif type(metatable.__index) == "function" then
metatable.__realIndexFunction = metatable.__index
metatable.__index = __changeHandlerIndex
metatable.__newindex = __changeHandlerNewindex
if type(key) == "function" then
func = key
metatable.__changeHandler = func
metatable.__changeHandler[key] = func
return setmetatable(instance, metatable)
function __changeHandlerIndex(self, key)
local metatable = getmetatable(self)
if metatable.__changeData[key] then return metatable.__changeData[key] end
return (
-- If we have a __index function use it
metatable.__realIndexFunction and
metatable.__realIndexFunction(rawget(self, "element") or self, key) or
-- If we have a __index table use it
metatable.__realIndexTable and
metatable.__realIndexTable[key] or
-- Else rawget
rawget(self, key)
function __changeHandlerNewindex(self, key, value)
local metatable = getmetatable(self)
if type(metatable.__changeHandler) == "table" then
if metatable.__changeHandler[key] then
local ret = metatable.__changeHandler[key](rawget(self, "element") or self, value)
if ret ~= nil then
value = ret
metatable.__changeData[key] = value
setmetatable(self, metatable)
elseif type(metatable.__changeHandler) == "function" then
local ret = metatable.__changeHandler(rawget(self, "element") or self, key, value)
if ret ~= nil then
value = ret
metatable.__changeData[key] = value
setmetatable(self, metatable)
return (
-- If we have a __newindex function use it
metatable.__realNewindexFunction and
metatable.__realNewindexFunction(rawget(self, "element") or self, key, value) or
-- Else rawset
rawset(self, key, value)
-- -- Magic happens here. -- --
-- Lua's lightuserdatas (which MTA uses for Elements) can have one global shared metatable. This blocks
-- the possibility to do debug.setmetatable(element, class), therefore we redirect all class on elements
-- to a table. This allows full control about the metaactions on any lightuserdata.
-- The debug.setmetatable is applied to root as it will always be an existing element. It could be applied
-- to any other element and have the same effect
-- Note for 1.4: add "<oop>false</oop>" into the meta
__index = function(self, key)
if elementIndex[self] then
return elementIndex[self][key]
elseif elementClasses[getElementType(self)] then
enew(self, elementClasses[getElementType(self)])
return self[key]
__newindex = function(self, key, value)
if not elementIndex[self] then
enew(self, elementClasses[getElementType(self)] or {})
elementIndex[self][key] = value
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