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Created March 3, 2017 04:20
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a little Powershell Cmdle that makes performance measuring easier.
$script:perfstack = @()
$fullperfnames = $false
function measure-function([string] $__name, [scriptblock] $__command) {
$__result = $null
$__cmd = {
$__result = Invoke-Command $__command
if ($script:perfstack -eq $null) {
$script:perfstack = @()
$__isrecursion = $__name -in $script:perfstack
$script:perfstack += "$__name"
try {
$__r = Measure-Command $__cmd
if ($global:perfcounters -eq $null) {
$global:perfcounters = @{}
if ($fullperfnames) {
$__key = [string]::Join(">",$script:perfstack)
} else {
$__key = $__name
if ($global:perfcounters.ContainsKey($__key)) {
if (!$__isrecursion) {
$global:perfcounters[$__key].elapsed += $__r
} else {
$__props = [ordered]@{ name = "$__key"; elapsed = $__r; count = 1 }
$global:perfcounters[$__key] = new-object -type "pscustomobject" -property $__props
if ($__result -ne $null) {
return $__result
} finally {
$script:perfstack = $script:perfstack | select -First ($script:perfstack.Length - 1)
# Usage:
# When you want to measure your functon "Get-Something"
function Get-Something {
# i'm doing some heavy loading here
return $something
# Add Measure-Function like this:
function Get-Something {
Measure-function "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)" {
# i'm doing some heavy loading here
return $something
# then check results in $global:perfcounters hashtable
$global:perfcounters | format-table -AutoSize -Wrap | out-string | write-host
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kib commented Dec 31, 2018

I really liked your function and was using it to improve the performance of my scripts.
However, when using .NET HashSet objects, they are being converted to arrays when this wrapper is around the function.

I solved this by modifying the return like this (which works for all types of System.Collections.Generic.Hashset

            if ($__result.GetType().Name -like 'HashSet*') {
                # prevent expanding hashset causing it to become an array
                return ,$__result
            } else {
                return $__result

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kib commented Dec 31, 2018

Also, to check the results in powershell > 4.0 you simply do
$Global:perfcounters.Values | ft -Autosize

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