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Created March 3, 2022 16:57
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Go: mocks and subtests


  1. Presenting the potato code, part 1
  2. Using mockgen from golang/mock
  3. //go:generate commands for mocks generation
  4. CI check for updated mocks, see mocks.yml
  5. Testing CutAndFry with golang/mock, see potato_test.go part 1
  6. Mock calls order, see previousCall *gomock.Call
  7. Comparing with golang/mock with mockery, see potato_mockery_test.go
  8. Presenting the potato code, part 2
  9. 3 ways to subtest, see potato_test.go part 2
name: Mocks check
- master
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: actions/setup-go@v2
go-version: "^1.17"
- run: go install
- run: go generate -run "mockgen" -tags integration ./...
- run: git diff --exit-code
package potato
import "fmt"
type Potato uint8
const (
APotato Potato = iota
type Frie struct {
Cooked bool
type Cutter interface {
Cut(potato Potato) (fries []Frie, err error)
type Fryer interface {
Fry(uncookedFries []Frie) (cookedFries []Frie, err error)
func CutAndFry(cutter Cutter, fryer Fryer, potatoes []Potato) (fries []Frie, err error) {
for _, potato := range potatoes {
uncookedFries, err := cutter.Cut(potato)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot cut potato: %w", err)
cookedFries, err := fryer.Fry(uncookedFries)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot fry raw fries: %w", err)
fries = append(fries, cookedFries...)
return fries, nil
// ==================================
// ==================================
// ==================================
// Part 2 mocks returning other mocks
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// ==================================
// ==================================
type Fetcher interface {
FetchTools() (cutter Cutter, fryer Fryer, err error)
func MakeFries(fetcher Fetcher, potatoes []Potato) (fries []Frie, err error) {
cutter, fryer, err := fetcher.FetchTools()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot get our tools: %w", err)
return CutAndFry(cutter, fryer, potatoes)
package potato
import (
//go:generate mockery --name Cutter --case underscore --inpackage --testonly
//go:generate mockery --name Fryer --case underscore --inpackage --testonly
func Test_CutAndFry(t *testing.T) {
errTest := errors.New("test sentinel error")
type cutCall struct {
potato Potato
uncookedFries []Frie
err error
type fryCall struct {
uncookedFries []Frie
cookedFries []Frie
err error
testCases := map[string]struct {
cutCalls []cutCall
fryCalls []fryCall
potatoes []Potato
expectedFries []Frie
expectedErr error
expectedErrMessage string
"cut error": {
cutCalls: []cutCall{
{potato: APotato, err: errTest},
potatoes: []Potato{APotato},
expectedErr: errTest,
expectedErrMessage: "cannot cut potato: test sentinel error",
"success for 2 potatoes": {
cutCalls: []cutCall{
potato: APotato,
uncookedFries: []Frie{{Cooked: false}, {Cooked: false}},
potato: APotato,
uncookedFries: []Frie{{Cooked: false}, {Cooked: false}, {Cooked: false}},
fryCalls: []fryCall{
uncookedFries: []Frie{{Cooked: false}, {Cooked: false}},
cookedFries: []Frie{{Cooked: true}, {Cooked: true}},
uncookedFries: []Frie{{Cooked: false}, {Cooked: false}, {Cooked: false}},
cookedFries: []Frie{{Cooked: true}, {Cooked: true}, {Cooked: true}},
potatoes: []Potato{APotato, APotato},
expectedFries: []Frie{{Cooked: true}, {Cooked: true}, {Cooked: true}, {Cooked: true}, {Cooked: true}},
for name, testCase := range testCases {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
// Using Mockery: START ======================
cutter := new(MockCutter)
for _, call := range testCase.cutCalls {
cutter.On("Cut", call.potato).Return(call.uncookedFries, call.err).Once()
// - Method call is a string so it's untyped - hard for type changes in codebase
// - You need to call .Once() for it to expect it once, imo bad default
fryer := new(MockFryer)
for _, call := range testCase.fryCalls {
fryer.On("Fry", call.uncookedFries).Return(call.cookedFries, call.err).Once()
// Using Mockery: END ======================
fries, err := CutAndFry(cutter, fryer, testCase.potatoes)
assert.Equal(t, testCase.expectedFries, fries)
assert.ErrorIs(t, err, testCase.expectedErr)
if err != nil {
assert.EqualError(t, err, testCase.expectedErrMessage)
// Mockery additional step required (EASY TO FORGET)
package potato
import (
//go:generate mockgen -destination=mock_cutter_test.go -package $GOPACKAGE . Cutter
//go:generate mockgen -destination=mock_fryer_test.go -package $GOPACKAGE . Fryer
func Test_CutAndFry(t *testing.T) {
errTest := errors.New("test sentinel error")
type cutCall struct {
potato Potato
uncookedFries []Frie
err error
type fryCall struct {
uncookedFries []Frie
cookedFries []Frie
err error
testCases := map[string]struct {
cutCalls []cutCall
fryCalls []fryCall
potatoes []Potato
expectedFries []Frie
expectedErr error
expectedErrMessage string
"cut error": {
cutCalls: []cutCall{
{potato: APotato, err: errTest},
potatoes: []Potato{APotato},
expectedErr: errTest,
expectedErrMessage: "cannot cut potato: test sentinel error",
"success for 2 potatoes": {
cutCalls: []cutCall{
potato: APotato,
uncookedFries: []Frie{{Cooked: false}, {Cooked: false}},
potato: APotato,
uncookedFries: []Frie{{Cooked: false}, {Cooked: false}, {Cooked: false}},
fryCalls: []fryCall{
uncookedFries: []Frie{{Cooked: false}, {Cooked: false}},
cookedFries: []Frie{{Cooked: true}, {Cooked: true}},
uncookedFries: []Frie{{Cooked: false}, {Cooked: false}, {Cooked: false}},
cookedFries: []Frie{{Cooked: true}, {Cooked: true}, {Cooked: true}},
potatoes: []Potato{APotato, APotato},
expectedFries: []Frie{{Cooked: true}, {Cooked: true}, {Cooked: true}, {Cooked: true}, {Cooked: true}},
for name, testCase := range testCases {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
cutter := NewMockCutter(ctrl)
var previousCall *gomock.Call
for _, call := range testCase.cutCalls {
newCall := cutter.EXPECT().Cut(call.potato).
Return(call.uncookedFries, call.err)
if previousCall != nil {
previousCall = newCall
fryer := NewMockFryer(ctrl)
for _, call := range testCase.fryCalls {
Return(call.cookedFries, call.err)
fries, err := CutAndFry(cutter, fryer, testCase.potatoes)
assert.Equal(t, testCase.expectedFries, fries)
assert.ErrorIs(t, err, testCase.expectedErr)
if err != nil {
assert.EqualError(t, err, testCase.expectedErrMessage)
//go:generate mockgen -destination=mock_fetcher_test.go -package $GOPACKAGE . Fetcher
// ==================================
// ==================================
// ==================================
// Part 2 mocks returning other mocks
// ==================================
// ==================================
// ==================================
func Test_MakeFries_Table(t *testing.T) {
errTest := errors.New("test sentinel error")
type cutCall struct {
potato Potato
uncookedFries []Frie
err error
type fryCall struct {
uncookedFries []Frie
cookedFries []Frie
err error
testCases := map[string]struct {
cutCalls []cutCall
fryCalls []fryCall
fetchErr error // NEW
potatoes []Potato
expectedFries []Frie
expectedErr error
expectedErrMessage string
"fetch error": {
fetchErr: errTest,
expectedErr: errTest,
expectedErrMessage: "cannot get our tools: test sentinel error",
"success for one potato": {
cutCalls: []cutCall{
potato: APotato,
uncookedFries: []Frie{{Cooked: false}, {Cooked: false}},
fryCalls: []fryCall{
uncookedFries: []Frie{{Cooked: false}, {Cooked: false}},
cookedFries: []Frie{{Cooked: true}, {Cooked: true}},
potatoes: []Potato{APotato},
expectedFries: []Frie{{Cooked: true}, {Cooked: true}}},
for name, testCase := range testCases {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
cutter := NewMockCutter(ctrl)
for _, call := range testCase.cutCalls {
cutter.EXPECT().Cut(call.potato).Return(call.uncookedFries, call.err)
fryer := NewMockFryer(ctrl)
for _, call := range testCase.fryCalls {
fryer.EXPECT().Fry(call.uncookedFries).Return(call.cookedFries, call.err)
fetcher := NewMockFetcher(ctrl)
Return(cutter, fryer, testCase.fetchErr)
fries, err := MakeFries(fetcher, testCase.potatoes)
assert.Equal(t, testCase.expectedFries, fries)
assert.ErrorIs(t, err, testCase.expectedErr)
if err != nil {
assert.EqualError(t, err, testCase.expectedErrMessage)
func Test_MakeFries_SimpleSubtests(t *testing.T) {
errTest := errors.New("test sentinel error")
t.Run("fetch error", func(t *testing.T) {
ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
fetcher := NewMockFetcher(ctrl)
Return(nil, nil, errTest)
fries, err := MakeFries(fetcher, nil)
assert.Nil(t, fries)
assert.ErrorIs(t, err, errTest)
if err != nil {
assert.EqualError(t, err, "cannot get our tools: test sentinel error")
t.Run("success for one potato", func(t *testing.T) {
ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
cutter := NewMockCutter(ctrl)
Return([]Frie{{Cooked: false}, {Cooked: false}}, nil)
fryer := NewMockFryer(ctrl)
fryer.EXPECT().Fry([]Frie{{Cooked: false}, {Cooked: false}}).
Return([]Frie{{Cooked: true}, {Cooked: true}}, nil)
fetcher := NewMockFetcher(ctrl)
Return(cutter, fryer, nil)
fries, err := MakeFries(fetcher, []Potato{APotato})
expectedFries := []Frie{{Cooked: true}, {Cooked: true}}
assert.Equal(t, expectedFries, fries)
assert.NoError(t, err)
func Test_MakeFries_Table_Functions(t *testing.T) {
errTest := errors.New("test sentinel error")
testCases := map[string]struct {
cutterBuilder func(ctrl *gomock.Controller) Cutter
fryerBuilder func(ctrl *gomock.Controller) Fryer
fetcherBuilder func(ctrl *gomock.Controller, cutter Cutter, fryer Fryer) Fetcher
potatoes []Potato
expectedFries []Frie
expectedErr error
expectedErrMessage string
"fetch error": {
cutterBuilder: func(ctrl *gomock.Controller) Cutter { return nil },
fryerBuilder: func(ctrl *gomock.Controller) Fryer { return nil },
fetcherBuilder: func(ctrl *gomock.Controller, cutter Cutter, fryer Fryer) Fetcher {
fetcher := NewMockFetcher(ctrl)
fetcher.EXPECT().FetchTools().Return(nil, nil, errTest)
return fetcher
expectedErr: errTest,
expectedErrMessage: "cannot get our tools: test sentinel error",
"success for 1 potato": {
cutterBuilder: func(ctrl *gomock.Controller) Cutter {
cutter := NewMockCutter(ctrl)
Return([]Frie{{Cooked: false}, {Cooked: false}}, nil)
return cutter
fryerBuilder: func(ctrl *gomock.Controller) Fryer {
fryer := NewMockFryer(ctrl)
fryer.EXPECT().Fry([]Frie{{Cooked: false}, {Cooked: false}}).
Return([]Frie{{Cooked: true}, {Cooked: true}}, nil)
return fryer
fetcherBuilder: func(ctrl *gomock.Controller, cutter Cutter, fryer Fryer) Fetcher {
fetcher := NewMockFetcher(ctrl)
fetcher.EXPECT().FetchTools().Return(cutter, fryer, nil)
return fetcher
potatoes: []Potato{APotato},
expectedFries: []Frie{{Cooked: true}, {Cooked: true}}},
for name, testCase := range testCases {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
cutter := testCase.cutterBuilder(ctrl)
fryer := testCase.fryerBuilder(ctrl)
fetcher := testCase.fetcherBuilder(ctrl, cutter, fryer)
fries, err := MakeFries(fetcher, testCase.potatoes)
assert.Equal(t, testCase.expectedFries, fries)
assert.ErrorIs(t, err, testCase.expectedErr)
if err != nil {
assert.EqualError(t, err, testCase.expectedErrMessage)
func bigFunc(n int, f func(n int) int) int {
x := f(n)
return x * 2
func Test_bigFunc(t *testing.T) {
timesCalled := 0
f := func(n int) int {
return 1
x := bigFunc(2, f)
assert.Equal(t, 4, x)
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