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Mod 0 Session 4 Readings and Responses

Session 4 Readings and Responses

The readings and responses listed here should take you approximately 50 minutes total.

To start this assignment:

  1. Click the button in the upper right-hand corner that says Fork. This is now your copy of this document.
  2. Click the Edit button when you're ready to start adding your answers.
  3. To save your work, click the green button in the bottom right-hand corner. You can always come back and re-edit your gist.

Assignment 1 (30 min)

Read Turing Instructor David Whitaker's article on Git and GitHub

  • Use the article and outside resources (Google!) to describe the general process of a collaborative git workflow in the space below.

  • Collaborative git workflow is based around branching. "Branching makes it easier for us to update the same project simultaneously with limited headaches." Each person working on a project can create branches and work on whatever feature they would like without affecting the main project held on the master branch. When someone would like feedback, has a question, or wants their code reveiwed to then merge their branch back into the master branch, they create a pull request. Other members of the project will see and respond to this request accordingly. As different memebers of the team finalize their work and merge their branches back into the master branch by pushing the code to GitHub, the rest of the team can then pull the new code down from Github and merge it with their local files so everyone is working with the most updated code.

Assignment 2 (10 min)

  • Watch Tim's video on classes and objects.

  • In the space below, come up with your own example of a class (like "bottle") and several objects (like "spray bottle", "nalgene", etc.):

  • class is "shoe" and several objects/instances of "shoe" would be boot, high_heel, and sneaker.

Assignment 3 (60 min)

Skim this intro to Markdown. It's not necessary to memorize because you can always come back to it as a reference.

Next, a new gist of your own by clicking the New Gist button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Create a "Beginners Guide to Git" documenting your git knowledge so far using Markdown. Incorporate each of the following features into your Gist:

  • at least two headings of different sizes

  • at least one numbered list

  • at least one bullet point list

  • at least one bold word/phrase

  • at least one italic word/phrase

  • at least one code block

  • at least one inline code block (greyed text)

  • at least one image

  • Paste the link to your gist here:

Copy link

Nice work, @qfarenwald! Good examples of objects

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