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Created November 14, 2017 19:50
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const ReflectionFlag = {
Private: 1,
Protected: 2,
Public: 4,
Static: 8,
Exported: 16,
ExportAssignment: 32,
External: 64,
Optional: 128,
DefaultValue: 256,
Rest: 512,
ConstructorProperty: 1024,
Abstract: 2048,
Const: 4096,
Let: 8192
const ReflectionKind = {
Global: 0,
ExternalModule: 1,
Module: 2,
Enum: 4,
EnumMember: 16,
Variable: 32,
Function: 64,
Class: 128,
Interface: 256,
Constructor: 512,
Property: 1024,
Method: 2048,
CallSignature: 4096,
IndexSignature: 8192,
ConstructorSignature: 16384,
Parameter: 32768,
TypeLiteral: 65536,
TypeParameter: 131072,
Accessor: 262144,
GetSignature: 524288,
SetSignature: 1048576,
ObjectLiteral: 2097152,
TypeAlias: 4194304,
Event: 8388608,
const K = ReflectionKind;
K.ClassOrInterface = K.Class | K.Interface;
K.VariableOrProperty = K.Variable | K.Property;
K.FunctionOrMethod = K.Function | K.Method;
K.SomeSignature = K.CallSignature | K.IndexSignature | K.ConstructorSignature | K.GetSignature | K.SetSignature;
K.SomeModule = K.Module | K.ExternalModule
const TraverseProperty = {
Children: 1,
Parameters: 2,
TypeLiteral: 3,
TypeParameter: 4,
Signatures: 5,
IndexSignature: 6,
GetSignature: 7,
SetSignature: 8
class Reflection {
* Unique id of this reflection.
// id: number;
* The symbol name of this reflection.
// name = '';
* The original name of the TypeScript declaration.
// originalName: string;
* The kind of this reflection.
// kind: ReflectionKind;
* The human readable string representation of the kind of this reflection.
// kindString: string;
// flags: ReflectionFlags = [];
* The reflection this reflection is a child of.
// parent: Reflection;
* The parsed documentation comment attached to this reflection.
// comment: Comment;
* A list of all source files that contributed to this reflection.
// sources: SourceReference[];
* A list of all decorators attached to this reflection.
// decorators: Decorator[];
* A list of all types that are decorated by this reflection.
// decorates: Type[];
* The url of this reflection in the generated documentation.
// url: string;
* The name of the anchor of this child.
// anchor: string;
* Is the url pointing to an individual document?
* When FALSE, the url points to an anchor tag on a page of a different reflection.
// hasOwnDocument: boolean;
* A list of generated css classes that should be applied to representations of this
* reflection in the generated markup.
// cssClasses: string;
* Url safe alias for this reflection.
* @see [[BaseReflection.getAlias]]
// private _alias: string;
// private _aliases: string[];
* Create a new BaseReflection instance.
constructor(parent/*?: Reflection*/, name/*?: string*/, kind/*?: ReflectionKind*/) { = REFLECTION_ID++;
this.parent = parent; = name;
this.originalName = name;
this.kind = kind;
* @param kind The kind to test for.
// kindOf(kind: ReflectionKind): boolean;
* @param kind An array of kinds to test for.
// kindOf(kind: ReflectionKind[]): boolean;
* Test whether this reflection is of the given kind.
kindOf(kind/*: any*/)/*: boolean*/ {
if (Array.isArray(kind)) {
for (let i = 0, c = kind.length; i < c; i++) {
if ((this.kind & kind[i]) !== 0) {
return true;
return false;
} else {
return (this.kind & kind) !== 0;
* Return the full name of this reflection.
* The full name contains the name of this reflection and the names of all parent reflections.
* @param separator Separator used to join the names of the reflections.
* @returns The full name of this reflection.
getFullName(separator/*: string*/ = '.')/*: string*/ {
if (this.parent && !this.parent.isProject()) {
return this.parent.getFullName(separator) + separator +;
} else {
* Set a flag on this reflection.
setFlag(flag/*: ReflectionFlag*/, value/*: boolean */= true) {
let name/*: string*/, index/*: number*/;
if (relevantFlags.indexOf(flag) !== -1) {
name = ReflectionFlag[flag];
name = name.replace(/(.)([A-Z])/g, (m, a, b) => a + ' ' + b.toLowerCase());
index = this.flags.indexOf(name);
if (value) {
this.flags.flags |= flag;
if (name && index === -1) {
} else {
this.flags.flags &= ~flag;
if (name && index !== -1) {
this.flags.splice(index, 1);
switch (flag) {
case ReflectionFlag.Private:
this.flags.isPrivate = value;
if (value) {
this.setFlag(ReflectionFlag.Protected, false);
this.setFlag(ReflectionFlag.Public, false);
case ReflectionFlag.Protected:
this.flags.isProtected = value;
if (value) {
this.setFlag(ReflectionFlag.Private, false);
this.setFlag(ReflectionFlag.Public, false);
case ReflectionFlag.Public:
this.flags.isPublic = value;
if (value) {
this.setFlag(ReflectionFlag.Private, false);
this.setFlag(ReflectionFlag.Protected, false);
case ReflectionFlag.Static:
this.flags.isStatic = value;
case ReflectionFlag.Exported:
this.flags.isExported = value;
case ReflectionFlag.External:
this.flags.isExternal = value;
case ReflectionFlag.Optional:
this.flags.isOptional = value;
case ReflectionFlag.Rest:
this.flags.isRest = value;
case ReflectionFlag.ExportAssignment:
this.flags.hasExportAssignment = value;
case ReflectionFlag.ConstructorProperty:
this.flags.isConstructorProperty = value;
case ReflectionFlag.Abstract:
this.flags.isAbstract = value;
case ReflectionFlag.Let:
this.flags.isLet = value;
case ReflectionFlag.Const:
this.flags.isConst = value;
* Return an url safe alias for this reflection.
getAlias()/*: string*/ {
if (!this._alias) {
let alias =[^a-z0-9]/gi, '_').toLowerCase();
if (alias === '') {
alias = 'reflection-' +;
let target = /*<Reflection>*/ this;
while (target.parent && !target.parent.isProject() && !target.hasOwnDocument) {
target = target.parent;
if (!target._aliases) {
target._aliases = [];
let suffix = '', index = 0;
while (target._aliases.indexOf(alias + suffix) !== -1) {
suffix = '-' + (++index).toString();
alias += suffix;
this._alias = alias;
return this._alias;
* Has this reflection a visible comment?
* @returns TRUE when this reflection has a visible comment.
hasComment()/*: boolean*/ {
return Boolean(this.comment && this.comment.hasVisibleComponent());
hasGetterOrSetter()/*: boolean*/ {
return false;
* @param name The name of the child to look for. Might contain a hierarchy.
// getChildByName(name: string): Reflection;
* @param names The name hierarchy of the child to look for.
// getChildByName(names: string[]): Reflection;
* Return a child by its name.
* @returns The found child or NULL.
getChildByName(arg/*: any*/)/*: Reflection*/ {
const names/*: string[]*/ = Array.isArray(arg) ? arg : arg.split('.');
const name = names[0];
let result/*: Reflection*/ = null;
this.traverse((child) => {
if ( === name) {
if (names.length <= 1) {
result = child;
} else if (child) {
result = child.getChildByName(names.slice(1));
return result;
* Return whether this reflection is the root / project reflection.
isProject()/*: boolean*/ { // this is ProjectReflection
return false;
* @param name The name to look for. Might contain a hierarchy.
// findReflectionByName(name: string): Reflection;
* @param names The name hierarchy to look for.
// findReflectionByName(names: string[]): Reflection;
* Try to find a reflection by its name.
* @return The found reflection or null.
findReflectionByName(arg/*: any*/)/*: Reflection*/ {
const names/*: string[]*/ = Array.isArray(arg) ? arg : arg.split('.');
const reflection = this.getChildByName(names);
if (reflection) {
return reflection;
} else {
return this.parent.findReflectionByName(names);
* Traverse all potential child reflections of this reflection.
* The given callback will be invoked for all children, signatures and type parameters
* attached to this reflection.
* @param callback The callback function that should be applied for each child reflection.
traverse(callback/*: TraverseCallback*/) { }
* Return a raw object representation of this reflection.
* @deprecated Use serializers instead
toObject(): any {
const result: any = {
kind: this.kind,
kindString: this.kindString,
flags: {}
if (this.originalName !== {
result.originalName = this.originalName;
if (this.comment) {
result.comment = this.comment.toObject();
for (let key in this.flags) {
// tslint:disable-next-line:triple-equals
if (parseInt(key, 10) == <any> key || key === 'flags') {
if (this.flags[key]) {
result.flags[key] = true;
if (this.decorates) {
result.decorates = => type.toObject());
if (this.decorators) {
result.decorators = => {
const result: any = { name: };
if (decorator.type) {
result.type = decorator.type.toObject();
if (decorator.arguments) {
result.arguments = decorator.arguments;
return result;
this.traverse((child, property) => {
if (property === TraverseProperty.TypeLiteral) {
let name = TraverseProperty[property];
name = name.substr(0, 1).toLowerCase() + name.substr(1);
if (!result[name]) {
result[name] = [];
return result;
* Return a string representation of this reflection.
toString(): string {
return ReflectionKind[this.kind] + ' ' +;
* Return a string representation of this reflection and all of its children.
* @param indent Used internally to indent child reflections.
toStringHierarchy(indent: string = '') {
const lines = [indent + this.toString()];
indent += ' ';
this.traverse((child, property) => {
return lines.join('\n');
module.exports = {
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