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Last active March 24, 2016 05:27
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rename source
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long 2.24, qw( :config bundling no_ignore_case no_auto_abbrev );
my ( $N, $EXT, @EXT, @USE, $DECODE, $ENCODE );
sub compile { eval shift } # defined early to control the lexical environment
my $msglevel = 0;
sub ERROR (&) { print STDERR $_[0]->(), "\n" if $msglevel > -1 };
sub INFO (&) { print STDERR $_[0]->(), "\n" if $msglevel > 0 };
sub DEBUG (&) { print STDERR $_[0]->(), "\n" if $msglevel > 1 };
sub pod2usage { require Pod::Usage; goto &Pod::Usage::pod2usage }
sub mkpath { require File::Path; goto &File::Path::mkpath }
sub dirname { require File::Basename; goto &File::Basename::dirname }
use constant VERB_FOR => {
link => {
inf => 'link',
pastp => 'linked',
exec => sub { link shift, shift },
symlink => {
inf => 'symlink',
pastp => 'symlinked',
exec => sub { symlink shift, shift },
rename => {
inf => 'rename',
pastp => 'renamed',
exec => sub { rename shift, shift },
sub argv_to_subst_expr {
my $modifier = shift || '';
pod2usage( -verbose => 1 ) if @ARGV < 2;
my ($from, $to) = map quotemeta, splice @ARGV, 0, 2;
# the ugly \${\""} construct is necessary because unknown backslash escapes are
# not treated the same in pattern- vs doublequote-quoting context; only the
# latter lets us do the right thing with problematic input like
# ']{ool(haracter$' or maybe '>><//((/>'
sprintf 's/\Q${\"%s"}/%s/%s', $from, $to, $modifier;
sub pipe_through {
my ( $cmd ) = @_;
IPC::Open2::open2( my $in, my $out, $cmd ) or do {
warn "couldn't open pipe to $cmd: $!\n";
print $out $_;
close $out;
$_ = <$in>;
close $in;
my ( $VERB, @EXPR );
my %library = (
camelcase => 's/([[:alpha:]]+)/\u$1/g',
urlesc => 's/%([0-9A-F][0-9A-F])/chr hex $1/ieg',
nows => 's/[_[:blank:]]+/_/g',
rews => 'y/_/ /',
noctrl => 's/[_[:cntrl:]]+/_/g',
nometa => 'tr/_!"&()=?`*\':;<>|$/_/s',
trim => 's/\A[ _]+//, s/[ _]+\z//'
'h|help' => sub { pod2usage() },
'man' => sub { pod2usage( -verbose => 2 ) },
'0|null' => \my $opt_null,
'f|force' => \my $opt_force,
'g|glob' => \my $opt_glob,
'i|interactive' => \my $opt_interactive,
'k|backwards|reverse-order' => \my $opt_backwards,
'l|symlink' => sub { $VERB ? pod2usage( -verbose => 1 ) : ( $VERB = VERB_FOR->{ 'symlink' } ) },
'L|hardlink' => sub { $VERB ? pod2usage( -verbose => 1 ) : ( $VERB = VERB_FOR->{ 'link' } ) },
'M|use=s' => \@USE,
'n|just-print|dry-run' => \my $opt_dryrun,
'N|counter-format=s' => \my $opt_ntmpl,
'p|mkpath|make-dirs' => \my $opt_mkpath,
'stdin!' => \my $opt_stdin,
't|sort-time' => \my $opt_time_sort,
'T|transcode=s' => \my $opt_transcode,
'v|verbose+' => \$msglevel,
'a|append=s' => sub { push @EXPR, "\$_ .= qq[${\quotemeta $_[1]}]" },
'A|prepend=s' => sub { push @EXPR, "substr \$_, 0, 0, qq[${\quotemeta $_[1]}]" },
'c|lower-case' => sub { push @EXPR, 's/([[:upper:]]+)/\L$1/g' },
'C|upper-case' => sub { push @EXPR, 's/([[:lower:]]+)/\U$1/g' },
'd|delete=s' => sub { push @EXPR, "s/${\quotemeta $_[1]}//" },
'D|delete-all=s' => sub { push @EXPR, "s/${\quotemeta $_[1]}//g" },
'e|expr=s' => \@EXPR,
'P|pipe=s' => sub { require IPC::Open2; push @EXPR, "pipe_through '\Q$_[1]\E'" },
's|subst' => sub { push @EXPR, argv_to_subst_expr },
'S|subst-all' => sub { push @EXPR, argv_to_subst_expr('g') },
'x|remove-extension' => sub { push @EXPR, 's/\. [^.]+ \z//x' },
'X|keep-extension' => sub { push @EXPR, 's/\.([^.]+)\z//x and do { push @EXT, $1; $EXT = join ".", reverse @EXT }' },
'z|sanitize' => sub { push @EXPR, @library{ qw( nows noctrl nometa trim ) } },
map { my $recipe = $_; $recipe => sub { push @EXPR, $library{ $recipe } } } keys %library,
) or pod2usage();
$opt_stdin = @ARGV ? 0 : 1 unless defined $opt_stdin;
$VERB ||= VERB_FOR->{ 'rename' };
if ( not @EXPR ) {
pod2usage() if not @ARGV or -e $ARGV[0];
push @EXPR, shift;
pod2usage( -message => 'Error: --stdin and filename arguments are mutually exclusive' )
if $opt_stdin and @ARGV;
pod2usage( -message => 'Error: --null only permitted when reading filenames from STDIN' )
if $opt_null and not $opt_stdin;
pod2usage( -message => 'Error: --interactive and --force are mutually exclusive' )
if $opt_interactive and $opt_force;
my $n = 1;
my $nwidth = 0;
if ( defined $opt_ntmpl ) {
$opt_ntmpl =~ /\A(?:(\.\.\.0)|(0+))([0-9]+)\z/
or pod2usage( -message => "Error: unparseable counter format $opt_ntmpl" );
$nwidth = (
defined $1 ? -1 :
defined $2 ? length $opt_ntmpl :
$n = $3;
++$msglevel if $opt_dryrun;
my $code = do {
if ( $opt_transcode ) {
require Encode;
my ( $in_enc, $out_enc ) = split /:/, $opt_transcode, 2;
$DECODE = Encode::find_encoding( $in_enc );
die "No such encoding $in_enc\n" if not ref $DECODE;
$ENCODE = defined $out_enc ? Encode::find_encoding( $out_enc ) : $ENCODE;
die "No such encoding $out_enc\n" if not ref $ENCODE;
unshift @EXPR, '$_ = $DECODE->decode($_)';
push @EXPR, '$_ = $ENCODE->encode($_)';
my $i = $#USE;
for ( reverse @USE ) {
my $use = "use $1";
$use .= ' split /,/, $USE['.$i--.']' if length;
unshift @EXPR, $use;
if ( eval 'require feature' and $^V =~ /^v(5\.[1-9][0-9]+)/ ) {
unshift @EXPR, "use feature ':$1'";
my $cat = sprintf 'sub { %s }', join '; ', @EXPR;
DEBUG { "Using expression: $cat" };
my $evaled = compile $cat;
die $@ if $@;
die "Evaluation to subref failed. Check expression using -nv\n"
unless 'CODE' eq ref $evaled;
if ( $opt_stdin ) {
local $/ = $/;
INFO { "Reading filenames from STDIN" };
@ARGV = do {
if ( $opt_null ) {
INFO { "Splitting on NUL bytes" };
$/ = chr 0;
chomp @ARGV;
@ARGV = map glob, @ARGV if $opt_glob;
if ( $opt_time_sort ) {
my @mtime = map { (stat)[9] } @ARGV;
@ARGV = @ARGV[ sort { $mtime[$a] <=> $mtime[$b] } 0 .. $#ARGV ];
@ARGV = reverse @ARGV if $opt_backwards;
$nwidth = length $n+@ARGV if $nwidth < 0;
for ( @ARGV ) {
my $old = $_;
$N = sprintf '%0*d', $nwidth, $n++;
$_ = join '.', $_, reverse splice @EXT if @EXT;
if ( $old eq $_ ) {
DEBUG { "'$old' unchanged" };
if ( !$opt_force and -e ) {
ERROR { "'$old' not $VERB->{pastp}: '$_' already exists" };
if ( $opt_dryrun ) {
INFO { "'$old' would be $VERB->{pastp} to '$_'" };
if ( $opt_interactive ) {
print "\u$VERB->{inf} '$old' to '$_'? [n] ";
if ( <STDIN> !~ /^y(?:es)?$/i ) {
DEBUG { "Skipping '$old'." };
my ( $success, @made_dirs );
++$success if $VERB->{ 'exec' }->( $old, $_ );
if ( !$success and $opt_mkpath ) {
@made_dirs = mkpath( [ dirname( $_ ) ], $msglevel > 1, 0755 );
++$success if $VERB->{ 'exec' }->( $old, $_ );
if ( !$success ) {
ERROR { "Can't $VERB->{inf} '$old' to '$_': $!" };
rmdir $_ for reverse @made_dirs;
INFO { "'$old' $VERB->{pastp} to '$_'" };
=head1 AUTHORS
Aristotle Pagaltzis
Idea, inspiration and original code from Larry Wall and Robin Barker.
This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
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