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Last active June 27, 2019 09:08
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test("hello-rdd") {
// sample input
val df = Seq(
("a", 0, 200),
("a", 1000, 2000),
("a", 150, 160),
("b", 0, 2),
("b", 2, 8),
("b", 5, 15),
("c", 5, 15),
("c", 5, 15),
("d", 0, 0)
).toDF("listen_group_id", "range_legit_from", "range_legit_to")
// results$"listen_group_id", $"range_legit_from", $"range_legit_to")
.map(r => (r.getString(0), r.getInt(1), r.getInt(2)))
.keyBy(x => x._1)
.mapValues(x => BitSet(x._2 until x._3: _*))
.reduceByKey(_ ++ _)
.toDF("listen_group_id", "listen_group_bytes_sum_unique")
* Sample Input:
* +---------------+----------------+--------------+
* |listen_group_id|range_legit_from|range_legit_to|
* +---------------+----------------+--------------+
* | a| 0| 200|
* | a| 1000| 2000|
* | a| 150| 160|
* | b| 0| 2|
* | b| 2| 8|
* | b| 5| 15|
* | c| 5| 15|
* | c| 5| 15|
* | d| 0| 0|
* +---------------+----------------+--------------+
* Results:
* +-----+-----------------------------+
* |group|listen_group_bytes_sum_unique|
* +-----+-----------------------------+
* | a| 1200|
* | b| 15|
* | c| 10|
* | d| 0|
* +-----+-----------------------------+
* */
//There are other ways like using `udaf over window` (a bit more efficient but not clean) => the below one to use `udf + collect_list + struct` is cleaner
test("hello-udf") {
// these import can be moved to top => demo purpose to put here
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{struct, collect_list, udf}
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
import scala.collection.BitSet
// sample input
val df = Seq(
(0, "a", 0, 200),
(1, "a", 1000, 2000),
(2, "a", 150, 160),
(3, "b", 0, 10),
(4, "b", 2, 8),
(5, "b", 5, 15)
).toDF("id", "group", "from", "to")
val window = Window.partitionBy($"group").orderBy($"id")
// === udf: Algorithm ===
// alternative using curly braces: { case Row(from: Int, to: Int) => BitSet(from until to: _*) }
val findUniqueBytesUDF = udf { data: Seq[Row] =>
.map(x => BitSet(x.getAs[Int]("from") until x.getAs[Int]("to"): _*))
.reduce(_ ++ _)
val ranges = collect_list(struct($"from", $"to"))
val uniqueBytesCumSum = findUniqueBytesUDF(ranges.over(window.rowsBetween(Window.unboundedPreceding, Window.currentRow)))
val uniqueBytesTotalSum = findUniqueBytesUDF(ranges.over(window.rowsBetween(Window.unboundedPreceding, Window.unboundedFollowing)))
df.withColumn("unique_bytes_cum_sum", uniqueBytesCumSum)
.withColumn("unique_bytes_total_sum", uniqueBytesTotalSum)
* Results:
* +---+-----+----+----+--------------------+----------------------+
* | id|group|from| to|unique_bytes_cum_sum|unique_bytes_total_sum|
* +---+-----+----+----+--------------------+----------------------+
* | 3| b| 0| 10| 10| 15|
* | 4| b| 2| 8| 10| 15|
* | 5| b| 5| 15| 15| 15|
* | 0| a| 0| 200| 200| 1200|
* | 1| a|1000|2000| 1200| 1200|
* | 2| a| 150| 160| 1200| 1200|
* +---+-----+----+----+--------------------+----------------------+
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