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Last active March 22, 2017 01:08
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# Pam Qian Project Blackjack
# Use of class in Python
# Played by two players
import random
class Card: # Create the class
def __init__(self, card_num):
self.card_num = card_num
self.face_value = self.card_num % 13 + 1 # Calculate the face value
self.suit = self.card_num // 13 # Calculate the suit
if self.suit == 0:
self.suit = "♣"
elif self.suit == 1:
self.suit = "♦"
elif self.suit == 2:
self.suit = "♥"
self.suit = "♠"
self.bj_value = self.face_value # Calculate the Blackjack value
if self.face_value > 10:
self.bj_value = 10
elif self.face_value == 1:
value_of_ace = ask_ace()
self.bj_value = value_of_ace
self.bj_value = self.face_value
def __str__(self): # Print out the card
return("You draw a " + str(self.face_value) + self.suit)
class Player: # Player class
def __init__(self, name): = name
self.score = 0
def main():
instruction() # Function gives instruction
players = get_players() # Ask for players for their name
deck = make_a_deck() # Function creates a deck of card
for i in range (2): # Use a for loop to make players take turns
player_num = i % 2
print ("\n")
print ("===[Currenet player: " + players[player_num].name + "]===")
cards,deck = deal_a_hand(deck)
total = 0
keepGoing = "hit"
while (keepGoing == "hit" and total < 21):
total = hand_value(cards) # Calculate the hand
players[player_num].score = total
bust = adjust_for_bust(total, keepGoing) # if busts
if bust != "stay":
keepGoing = input("hit or stay? ") # If wnats more cards
if keepGoing == "hit":
cards, deck = turn(cards, deck)
winner = is_winner(players)
def instruction():
print("Hello guys! Welcome to Blackjack!")
print("Blackjack, also known as twenty-one, is a card game"
"played between a player and a dealer.") # From Wikipedia
print("The objective of the game is to get 21 points or to get a number"
"that is as close to 21 as you can.")
print("After drawing the first card, you can choose to hit or stay to see"
"if you want more cards. ")
input("Press enter when you are ready. ")
def get_players():
name = input ("Player 1, name: ")
player1 = Player(name) # Send player's name to the Player class
name = input("Player 2, name: ")
player2 = Player(name)
players = [player1, player2] # Create a list of the players
return (players)
def make_a_deck(): # Code from Professor Nanette
deck = [] # Create the list of deck
while (len(deck)<NUM_OF_CARDS_IN_DECK):
num = random.randrange(NUM_OF_CARDS_IN_DECK)
if(num not in deck):
return (deck)
def deal_a_hand(deck):
cards = [] # Create a list of hand
cards.append(Card(deck.pop())) # Add the drawn to the hand list,
cards.append(Card(deck.pop())) # and reomove it from the deck list
return (cards, deck)
def display_hand(cards):
i = 0
while (i < len(cards)):
print(cards[i]) # Print the cards in hand
i += 1
def ask_ace(): # Ask for low or hight for Ace
value_of_ace = int(input("Do you want the Ace to be 1 or 11? "))
def turn(cards, deck):
cards.append(Card(deck.pop())) # If hits, add the new card in hand list,
return(cards, deck) # and reomove it from the deck list.
def hand_value(cards): # Calculate the value of all cards in hand
total = 0
for card in cards:
total += card.bj_value
print("Value of all your cards: " + str(total))
return (total)
def adjust_for_bust(total, keepGoing): # See if hand is more than 21
if total > 21:
print ("Bust!")
keepGoing = "stay"
return (keepGoing)
def is_winner(players): # Determine the winner
if (players[0].score <= 21 and players[1].score <= 21):
if (players[0].score < players[1].score):
print(players[1].name + ", you won.")
elif (players[0].score > players[1].score):
print(players[0].name + ", you won.")
print("You tie!")
elif (players[0].score >= 21 and players[1].score >= 21):
print("You both lost!")
elif(players[0].score >= 21 and players[1].score <= 21):
print(players[1].name + ", you won!")
elif(players[0].score <= 21 and players[1].score >= 21):
print(players[0].name + ", you won!")
# Call Main
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