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Last active January 6, 2020 14:41
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OOQP的官方示例代码,程序运行和具体分析具体请参考[Ubuntu下OOQP库的安装](, [Ubuntu环境下OOQP优化库的基本使用]( [//]: # (Uploading ma27-1.0.0.tar.gz)
/* OOQP *
* Authors: E. Michael Gertz, Stephen J. Wright *
* (C) 2001 University of Chicago. See Copyright Notification in OOQP */
#include "GondzioSolver.h"
#include "QpGenData.h"
#include "QpGenResiduals.h"
#include "QpGenSparseMa27.h"
#include "QpGenVars.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
const int nx = 2;
double c[] = {1.5, -2}; // 目标函数中的线性项,长度为nx的向量
double xupp[] = {20, 0};
char ixupp[] = {1, 0};
double xlow[] = {0, 0};
char ixlow[] = {1, 1};
const int nnzQ = 3; // 数目与矩阵的下三角矩阵的个数相对应
int irowQ[] = {0, 1, 1}; // 对称矩阵Q,仅在irowQ,jcolQ和dQ中指定
int jcolQ[] = {0, 0, 1}; // 矩阵的下三角元素
double dQ[] = {8, 2, 10};
int my = 0; // 线性等式约束的个数
double *b = 0; // 线性等式约束的右侧向量b
int nnzA = 0; // nonze-ros总数
int *irowA = 0; // 等式约束中的A
int *jcolA = 0;
double *dA = 0;
const int mz = 2; // 不等式约束的个数
double clow[] = {2, 0};
char iclow[] = {1, 0};
double cupp[] = {0, 6};
char icupp[] = {0, 1};
const int nnzC = 4; // 多项式不等式约束的个数
int irowC[] = {0, 0, 1, 1};
int jcolC[] = {0, 1, 0, 1};
double dC[] = {2, 1, -1, 2};
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int usage_ok = 1, quiet = 0;
if (argc > 2)
usage_ok = 0;
if (argc == 2) {
if (0 == strcmp("--quiet", argv[1])) {
quiet = 1;
} else {
usage_ok = 0;
if (!usage_ok) {
cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [ --quiet ]\n";
return 1;
QpGenSparseMa27 *qp = new QpGenSparseMa27(nx, my, mz, nnzQ, nnzA, nnzC);
QpGenData *prob = (QpGenData *)qp->copyDataFromSparseTriple(
c, irowQ, nnzQ, jcolQ, dQ, xlow, ixlow, xupp, ixupp, irowA, nnzA, jcolA,
dA, b, irowC, nnzC, jcolC, dC, clow, iclow, cupp, icupp);
QpGenVars *vars = (QpGenVars *)qp->makeVariables(prob);
QpGenResiduals *resid = (QpGenResiduals *)qp->makeResiduals(prob);
GondzioSolver *s = new GondzioSolver(qp, prob);
if (!quiet)
int ierr = s->solve(prob, vars, resid);
if (ierr == 0) {
cout << "Solution: \n";
vars->x->writefToStream(cout, "x[%{index}] = %{value}");
} else {
cout << "Could not solve the problem.\n";
return ierr;
SHELL = /bin/sh
CXX = c++
BLAS = -lblas
MA27LIB = $(OOQP)/extras/MA27/libMA27.a
FLIBS = -lgfortran
LIBS = -looqpgensparse -looqpsparse -looqpgondzio -looqpbase \
cxx_example.exe : example.o
$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS)
rm -f *.o
veryclean: clean
rm -f *.exe
distclean: veryclean
$(CXX) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ $<
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