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Created February 25, 2012 18:18
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Save qihnus/1909923 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Dectects text change in an EditText. Concept prototype for Android functional testing.
# Requirements:
# * pexpect (
# * Java SDK is on the PATH
# Steps:
# 1. Start target activity on a device or emulator
# 2. Start DDMS, click on the package name of the started activity from the
# devices & processes window on the left, the rightmost column should now
# say "86XX / 8700" in a default setup
# 3. Run this script
# 4. When it says ready, enter text in any EditTexts in the target activity
# 5. The script should print out relevent info
import re
import pexpect
_JDB_PROMPT = '\n> '
def _get_expr_val(child, expr):
child.sendline('print %s' % expr)
pat = re.compile('%s = (.+)' % re.escape(expr))
val = pat.findall(child.before.strip())
assert val and len(val) > 0
return val[0]
def main():
cmd = 'jdb -attach localhost:8700'
child = pexpect.spawn(cmd)
child.sendline('stop in android.widget.TextView.onTextChanged'),
print 'ready'
while True:
ret = child.expect([_JDB_PROMPT, _JDB_BREAKPOINT_PROMPT], timeout=None)
if ret != 1:
cls = _get_expr_val(child, 'this.getClass().getName()')
if cls == '"android.widget.EditText"':
vid = int(_get_expr_val(child, 'this.getId()'))
text = _get_expr_val(child, 'text')
print 'text in EditText', vid, 'changed to', text
if __name__ == '__main__':
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