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Last active April 24, 2020 07:23
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Some Important Configurations in LaTex

Some Important Configurations in LaTex

Qin Yu, Apr 2020


  1. Label should always be after caption in figures
  2. With the setting of [!htb] you'll get the best results for figure placement
  3. Newline(s) between subfigure environment breaks side-by-side figures apart
  4. # has to be escaped, i.e. use \#, which is especially common in URLs
  5. The PDF bookmarks are a different thing than the table of contents. The bookmarks are not typeset by TeX: they simply are strings of characters, so no math or general formatting instructions are allowed. The easiest method to avoid the warnings is to use \texorpdfstring[*]:
    \subsubsection{Find an optimal \texorpdfstring{$\sigma$}{sigma}?}
  6. The standard tools to insert a LaTeX file into another are \input and \include, but these are prone to errors if nested file importing is needed. For this reason the recommended option is the package import. [*]


To add References section to TOC:

To add a link to the references section in the table of content, use:

\printbibliography  % This alone does not add a link to TOC

To solve more than 26 subfigure index:


To add bibliography:

Biblatex is an easier and more flexible interface and a better language localization than bibtex and natbib.



To keep figures within its section

After each section:


To get quote environment


Sé que tengo un ego del tamaño de un planeta pequeño, pero incluso yo a
veces me equivoco

Set space between paragraphs, indentation in first line


. in file names causes error

More than one . before file extension? e.g.


gives error Unknown graphics extension: .0.3.eps.


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