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Last active November 8, 2023 08:21
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ONNX file to Pytorch model
import onnx
import struct
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torchvision as tv
import warnings
# enum DataType {
# // Basic types.
# FLOAT = 1; // float
# UINT8 = 2; // uint8_t
# INT8 = 3; // int8_t
# UINT16 = 4; // uint16_t
# INT16 = 5; // int16_t
# INT32 = 6; // int32_t
# INT64 = 7; // int64_t
# STRING = 8; // string
# BOOL = 9; // bool
# // IEEE754 half-precision floating-point format (16 bits wide).
# // This format has 1 sign bit, 5 exponent bits, and 10 mantissa bits.
# FLOAT16 = 10;
# DOUBLE = 11;
# UINT32 = 12;
# UINT64 = 13;
# COMPLEX64 = 14; // complex with float32 real and imaginary components
# COMPLEX128 = 15; // complex with float64 real and imaginary components
# // Non-IEEE floating-point format based on IEEE754 single-precision
# // floating-point number truncated to 16 bits.
# // This format has 1 sign bit, 8 exponent bits, and 7 mantissa bits.
# BFLOAT16 = 16;
# // Future extensions go here.
# }
# TODO more types maybe?
data_type_tab = {
1: ['f', 4],
2: ['B', 1],
3: ['b', 1],
4: ['H', 2],
5: ['h', 2],
6: ['i', 4],
7: ['q', 8],
10: ['e', 2],
11: ['d', 8],
12: ['I', 4],
13: ['Q', 8]
def empty(x):
return x
# TODO pytorch only accepts 2-value list for padding.
def _slim422(l4):
assert len(l4) == 4
p0, p1 = l4[::2]
if l4[0] == 0: # TODO bad code
p0 = l4[2] // 2
if l4[2] == 1:
p0 = 1
if l4[1] == 0: # TODO bad code
p1 = l4[3] // 2
if l4[3] == 1:
p1 = 1
return p0, p1
def _check_attr(attrs, map):
for attr in attrs:
if not in map:
warnings.warn("Missing {} in parser's attr_map.".format(
def unpack_weights(initializer):
ret = {}
for i in initializer:
name =
dtype = i.data_type
shape = list(i.dims)
if dtype not in data_type_tab:
warnings("This data type {} is not supported yet.".format(dtype))
fmt, size = data_type_tab[dtype]
if len(i.raw_data) == 0:
if dtype == 1:
data_list = i.float_data
elif dtype == 7:
data_list = i.int64_data
warnings.warn("No-raw-data type {} not supported yet.".format(dtype))
data_list = struct.unpack('<' + fmt * (len(i.raw_data) // size), i.raw_data)
t = torch.tensor(data_list)
if len(shape) != 0:
t = t.view(*shape)
ret[name] = t
return ret
def rebuild_lrn(node, weights):
# size, alpha = 1e-4, beta = 0.75, k = 1.
rebuild_lrn.lrn_attr_map = {
'size': 'size',
'alpha': 'alpha',
'beta': 'beta',
'bias': 'k'
kwargs = {}
for att in node.attribute:
kwargs[rebuild_lrn.lrn_attr_map[]] = att.f if != 'size' else att.i
return nn.LocalResponseNorm(**kwargs), node.input, node.output
def rebuild_conv(node, weights):
rebuild_conv.conv_attr_map = {
"pads": "padding",
"strides": "stride",
"kernel_shape": "kernel_size",
"group": "groups",
"dilations": "dilation"
assert len(node.output) == 1
with_bias = False
if len(node.input) == 3:
with_bias = True
bias_name = node.input[2]
bias = weights[bias_name]
weight_name = node.input[1]
weight = weights[weight_name]
in_channels = weight.shape[1]
out_channels = weight.shape[0]
kwargs = {}
for att in node.attribute:
kwargs[rebuild_conv.conv_attr_map[]] = list(att.ints) if != 'group' else att.i
if 'padding' in kwargs:
kwargs["padding"] = _slim422(kwargs["padding"])
groups = 1 if 'groups' not in kwargs else kwargs['groups']
in_channels *= groups
conv = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, **kwargs, bias=with_bias) = weight
if with_bias: = bias
return conv, node.input[:1], node.output
def rebuild_dropout(node, weights):
ratio = node.attribute[0].f
return nn.Dropout2d(p=ratio), node.input, node.output
def rebuild_batchnormalization(node, weights):
rebuild_batchnormalization.bn_attr_map = {
"epsilon": "eps",
"momentum": "momentum"
assert len(node.input) == 5
assert len(node.output) == 1
weight = weights[node.input[1]]
bias = weights[node.input[2]]
running_mean = weights[node.input[3]]
running_var = weights[node.input[4]]
dim = weight.shape[0]
kwargs = {}
_check_attr(node.attribute, rebuild_batchnormalization.bn_attr_map)
for att in node.attribute:
if in rebuild_batchnormalization.bn_attr_map:
kwargs[rebuild_batchnormalization.bn_attr_map[]] = att.f
bn = nn.BatchNorm2d(num_features=dim) = weight = bias = running_mean = running_var
return bn, node.input[:1], node.output
def rebuild_relu(node, weights):
return nn.ReLU(), node.input, node.output
def rebuild_maxpool(node, weights):
rebuild_maxpool.mp_attr_map = {
"pads": "padding",
"strides": "stride",
"kernel_shape": "kernel_size",
kwargs = {}
for att in node.attribute:
kwargs[rebuild_maxpool.mp_attr_map[]] = list(att.ints)
if 'padding' in kwargs:
kwargs["padding"] = _slim422(kwargs["padding"])
mp = nn.MaxPool2d(**kwargs)
return mp, node.input, node.output
def rebuild_add(node, weights):
def add(a, b):
return a + b
return add, node.input, node.output
def rebuild_globalaveragepool(node, weights):
avg_pool = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d((1, 1))
return avg_pool, node.input, node.output
def rebuild_transpose(node, weights):
perm = node.attribute[0].ints
def transpose(x):
x = x.permute(*perm)
return x
return transpose, node.input, node.output
def rebuild_flatten(node, weights):
if len(node.attribute) == 0:
d = 1
d = node.attribute[0].i
def flatten(x):
o_shape = []
for i in range(d):
return x.view(*o_shape)
return flatten, node.input, node.output
def rebuild_gemm(node, weights):
weight = weights[node.input[1]]
bias = weights[node.input[2]]
in_feats = weight.shape[1]
out_feats = weight.shape[0]
linear = nn.Linear(in_features=in_feats, out_features=out_feats) = weight = bias
return linear, node.input[:1], node.output
def rebuild_concat(node, weights):
dim = node.attribute[0].i
def concat(*inputs):
# for i in inputs:
# print(i.shape)
ret =, dim)
# print(ret.shape)
# exit()
return ret
return concat, node.input, node.output
def rebuild_pad(node, weights):
mode = node.attribute[0].s
pads = list(node.attribute[1].ints)
value = node.attribute[2].f
assert mode == b'constant' # TODO constant only
assert sum(pads[:4]) == 0 # TODO pad2d only
pad = nn.ConstantPad2d(pads[4:], value)
return pad, node.input, node.output
def rebuild_constant(node, weights):
raw_data = node.attribute[0].t.raw_data
data_type = node.attribute[0].t.data_type
fmt, size = data_type_tab[data_type]
data = struct.unpack('<' + fmt * (len(raw_data) // size), raw_data)
if len(data) == 1:
data = data[0]
def constant():
return torch.tensor(data)
return constant, [], node.output
def rebuild_sum(node, weights):
def sum(*inputs):
ret = inputs[0]
for i in inputs[1:]:
ret += i
return ret
return sum, node.input, node.output
def rebuild_shape(node, weights):
def shape(x):
return torch.tensor(list(x.shape))
return shape, node.input, node.output
def rebuild_gather(node, weights):
axis = node.attribute[0].i
def gather(x, idx):
return torch.gather(x, axis, idx)
return gather, node.input, node.output
def _nd_unsqueeze(x, dims):
dims = sorted(dims)
for d in dims:
x = torch.unsqueeze(x, dim=d)
return x
def rebuild_unsqueeze(node, weights):
axes = node.attribute[0].ints
def unsqueeze(x):
return _nd_unsqueeze(x, axes)
return unsqueeze, node.input, node.output
def rebuild_mul(node, weights):
def mul(a, b):
return a * b
return mul, node.input, node.output
def rebuild_softmax(node, weights):
def f_softmax(x):
return x.softmax(dim=1, dtype=torch.double).float()
return f_softmax, node.input, node.output
def rebuild_reshape(node, weights):
def reshape(x, s):
data_shape = x.shape
onnx_shape = s.tolist()
pt_shape = []
for idx, d in enumerate(onnx_shape):
if d == 0:
return torch.reshape(x, pt_shape)
return reshape, node.input, node.output
def rebuild_averagepool(node, weights):
rebuild_averagepool.avg_attr_map = {
"pads": "padding",
"strides": "stride",
"kernel_shape": "kernel_size",
kwargs = {}
for att in node.attribute:
kwargs[rebuild_averagepool.avg_attr_map[]] = list(att.ints)
if 'padding' in kwargs:
kwargs["padding"] = _slim422(kwargs["padding"])
ap = nn.AvgPool2d(**kwargs)
return ap, node.input, node.output
def rebuild_op(node, weights):
op_type = node.op_type
return globals()['rebuild_'+op_type.lower()](node, weights)
def construct_pytorch_nodes(graph, weights):
ret = []
for single_node in graph.node:
ret.append(rebuild_op(single_node, weights))
return ret
def resolve_deps(name, deps, inter_tensors):
if name in inter_tensors:
op, deps_names = deps[name]
args = []
for deps_name in deps_names:
resolve_deps(deps_name, deps, inter_tensors)
result = op(*args)
inter_tensors[name] = result
class DependencyModule(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, onnx_model, input_name=None):
super(DependencyModule, self).__init__()
self.deps = {}
self.inter_tensors = dict()
self.weights = unpack_weights(onnx_model.graph.initializer)
nodes = construct_pytorch_nodes(onnx_model.graph, self.weights)
for idx, (node, inputs, outputs) in enumerate(nodes):
if isinstance(node, nn.Module):
self.add_module(str(idx), node)
for output_name in outputs:
self.deps[output_name] = (node, inputs)
self.input_name = onnx_model.graph.input[0].name # TODO only you
self.output_name = onnx_model.graph.output[0].name # TODO only you
if input_name is not None:
self.input_name = input_name
def forward(self, input):
self.inter_tensors = self.weights.copy()
self.inter_tensors[self.input_name] = input
resolve_deps(self.output_name, self.deps, self.inter_tensors)
return self.inter_tensors[self.output_name]
def test_net(original_model, onnx_file):
import time
onnx_model = onnx.load(onnx_file)
reconstruct_model = DependencyModule(onnx_model)
input = torch.randn(3, 3, 224, 224)
s = time.time()
r1 = original_model(input)
print("Original:", time.time() - s)
s = time.time()
r = reconstruct_model(input)
print("DependencyModule:", time.time() - s)
print("Max error for", onnx_file, ":", (r - r1).abs().max().item())
def main():
test_net(tv.models.resnet18(True), "res18.onnx")
test_net(tv.models.resnet50(True), "res50.onnx")
test_net(tv.models.densenet121(True), "dense121.onnx")
if __name__ == '__main__':
import mxnet.contrib.onnx as onnx_mxnet
import mxnet as mx
import numpy as np
import torch
import onnx
import onnx2pytorch as oi
from collections import namedtuple
def construct_mxnext_model(onnx_file, test_input):
sym, arg, aux = onnx_mxnet.import_model(onnx_file)
data_names = [graph_input for graph_input in sym.list_inputs()
if graph_input not in arg and graph_input not in aux]
print("Input Blob Names:", data_names)
mod = mx.mod.Module(symbol=sym, data_names=data_names, context=mx.cpu(), label_names=None)
# exit(0)
mod.bind(for_training=False, data_shapes=[(data_names[0], test_input.shape)], label_shapes=None)
mod.set_params(arg_params=arg, aux_params=aux, allow_missing=True, allow_extra=True)
Batch = namedtuple('Batch', ['data'])
# forward on the provided data batch
output = mod.get_outputs()[0]
mo = output.asnumpy()
return mo
def construct_pytorch_model(onnx_file, test_input):
onnx_model = onnx.load(onnx_file)
if onnx_file == "densenet121.onnx":
reconstruct_model = oi.DependencyModule(onnx_model, input_name="data_0")
reconstruct_model = oi.DependencyModule(onnx_model)
i = torch.from_numpy(test_input).float()
o = reconstruct_model(i).detach().numpy()
return o
def test_onnx_model(onnx_file):
print("=" * 80)
print(onnx_file, ":")
test_input = np.random.randn(1, 3, 224, 224) / 10
o = construct_pytorch_model(onnx_file, test_input)
mo = construct_mxnext_model(onnx_file, test_input)
abs_error = np.absolute(mo - o)
print(abs_error.max(), abs_error.mean(), abs_error.min())
def main():
ok_onnx_model_files = [
"googlenet.onnx", # OK special padding setting case not supported by PyTorch MaxPool. with Softmax()
"resnet18v2.onnx", # OK
"resnet34v2.onnx", # OK
"squeezenet1.1.onnx", # OK
"mobilenetv2-1.0.onnx", # OK
"alex_net.onnx", # OK but max error is not small enough. with Softmax()
"densenet121.onnx", # OK but input_name is 'data_0', not '0' in onnx.graph.input
"vgg16.onnx", # OK
# "inception_v2.onnx", # TODO wrong output, with Softmax()
# "inception_v1.onnx", # TODO Gemm weight shape in runtime
# "shuffle_net.onnx", # TODO wrong output, maybe by transpose or Softmax()
for model_file in ok_onnx_model_files:
if __name__ == '__main__':
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@qinjian623 thanks a million

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