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Created February 27, 2020 06:10
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  • Save qiuwei/a0c7eee89e5e8d75edb477858213c30b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save qiuwei/a0c7eee89e5e8d75edb477858213c30b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
name = "test_poe"
version = "0.1.0"
description = ""
python = "^3.7"
allennlp = "^0.9.0"
pytest = "^5.2"
requires = ["poetry>=0.12"]
build-backend = "poetry.masonry.api"
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#Крестики-нолики. Играют два человека, можно играть клавиатурой или клавишами qweasdzxc
from tkinter import *
import tkinter.messagebox
#выход из приложения
def exit_(event):
def pomosh(event):
tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("Справка по игре.",
"F1 - Инфа.\n"+
"F12 - Новая игра.\n"+
"Ecs - выход из игры.\n"+
"Автор Сечак.Е.Н\n"
"группа №1652\n")
#начать занаво
def begin(event):
global butn
global field
global numButton
for b in butn:
b.config(bg="green",text = '')
field = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
numButton = []
#логика приложения
def logik():
global field
global numButton
if len(numButton) == 9:
tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("Конец игры", " Ничья!!! ")
end = False
if field[0] == field[1] == field[2] > 0:
winner = field[0]
end = True
elif field[3] == field[4] == field[5] > 0:
winner = field[3]
end = True
elif field[6] == field[7] == field[8] > 0:
winner = field[6]
end = True
elif field[0] == field[3] == field[6] > 0:
winner = field[0]
end = True
elif field[1] == field[4] == field[7] > 0:
winner = field[1]
end = True
elif field[2] == field[5] == field[8] > 0:
winner = field[2]
end = True
elif field[0] == field[4] == field[8] > 0:
winner = field[0]
end = True
elif field[2] == field[4] == field[6] > 0:
winner = field[2]
end = True
if end:
if "winner" == 1:
user = "Нолик"
elif "winner" == 2:
user = "Крестик"
tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("Конец игры", "Выиграл " + "user")
#нажатие на кнопки
def click(button, num):
global numButton
if num not in numButton:
global XO
if XO == 1:
button.config(text = 'Нолик')
button.config(bg = 'gold')
field[num] = XO
XO = 2
button.config(text = 'Крестик')
button.config(bg = 'grey')
field[num] = XO
XO = 1
field = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] #список значений 1 или 2
XO = 1#крестик - 1, нолик - 2
numButton = [] #список нажатых кнопок

root = Tk()
root.resizable(False, False)

ris0 = Button(root, width=10, height=5, bg="green",
text="q", command=lambda:click(ris0, 0)), y=0)
ris1 = Button(root, width=10, height=5, bg="green",
text="w", command=lambda:click(ris1, 1)), y=0)
ris2 = Button(root, width=10, height=5, bg="green",
text="e", command=lambda:click(ris2, 2)), y=0)

ris3 = Button(root, width=10, height=5, bg="green",
text="a", command=lambda:click(ris3, 3)), y=81)
ris4 = Button(root, width=10, height=5, bg="green",
text="s", command=lambda:click(ris4, 4)), y=81)
ris5 = Button(root, width=10, height=5, bg="green",
text="d", command=lambda:click(ris5, 5)), y=81)

ris6 = Button(root, width=10, height=5, bg="green",
text="z", command=lambda:click(ris6, 6)), y=162)
ris7 = Button(root, width=10, height=5, bg="green",
text="x", command=lambda:click(ris7, 7)), y=162)
ris8 = Button(root, width=10, height=5, bg="green",
text="c", command=lambda:click(ris8, 8)), y=162)

butn = [ris0, ris1, ris2, ris3, ris4, ris5, ris6, ris7, ris8]

#функциональные клавиши
root.bind('', exit_)
root.bind('', pomosh)
root.bind('', begin)

#игра нажатием буков
root.bind('', lambda *ignore:click(ris0,0))
root.bind('', lambda *ignore:click(ris1,1))
root.bind('', lambda *ignore:click(ris2,2))
root.bind('', lambda *ignore:click(ris3,3))
root.bind('', lambda *ignore:click(ris4,4))
root.bind('', lambda *ignore:click(ris5,5))
root.bind('', lambda *ignore:click(ris6,6))
root.bind('', lambda *ignore:click(ris7,7))
root.bind('', lambda *ignore:click(ris8,8))


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