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Created February 21, 2013 09:00
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root@monitoring:~# cat /usr/local/shinken/etc/shinken-specific.cfg
define module {
modules Apache_passwd,ActiveDir_UI,Cfg_password,PNP_UI
manage_acl 1
play_sound 0
module_type webui
allow_html_output 0
max_output_length 100
module_name WebUI
auth_secret CHANGE_ME
port 7767
define module {
username user
basedn DC=google,DC=com
module_type ad_webui
mode ad
module_name ActiveDir_UI
password password
define module {
username user
basedn DC=google,DC=com
module_type ad_webui
mode openldap
module_name OpenLDAP_UI
password password
define module {
passwd /usr/local/shinken/etc/htpasswd.users
module_name Apache_passwd
module_type passwd_webui
define module {
module_name Graphite-Perfdata
host localhost
module_type graphite_perfdata
port 2003
define module {
module_name GRAPHITE_UI
module_type graphite_webui
templates_path /usr/local/shinken/share/templates/graphite/
define module {
module_name PNP_UI
module_type pnp_webui
define module {
synchronise_database_id 0
database ndo
prefix nagios_
character_set utf8
host localhost
module_type ndodb_mysql
user root
module_name ToNdodb_Mysql
password root
port 3306
define module {
database XE
oracle_home /usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/server
module_type ndodb_oracle
user system
module_name ToNdodb_Oracle
password password
define module {
database merlin
host localhost
module_type merlindb
user root
module_name ToMerlindb_Mysql
password root
character_set utf8
backend mysql
define module {
modules logsqlite
host *
module_type livestatus
module_name Livestatus
port 50000
define module {
max_logs_age 3m
module_name logsqlite
module_type logstore_sqlite
database_file /usr/local/shinken/var/livelogs.db
define module {
module_name mongologs
module_type logstore_mongodb
mongodb_uri mongodb://localhost/?safe=true
define module {
module_name nulllogs
module_type logstore_null
define module {
module_name NPCDMOD
config_file /usr/local/pnp4nagios/etc/npcd.cfg
module_type npcdmod
define module {
identifier shinken-1
maxqueuelength 50000
host localhost
module_type canopsis
user guest
virtual_host canopsis
module_name Canopsis
password guest
port 5672
queue_dump_frequency 300
define module {
module_name Trending
module_type trending_broker
uri mongodb://localhost/?safe=true
database shinken
define module {
module_name MongodbRetention
module_type mongodb_retention
uri mongodb://localhost/?safe=true
database shinken
define module {
module_name MemcacheRetention
module_type memcache_retention
port 11211
define module {
module_name RedisRetention
module_type redis_retention
define module {
uri http://localhost/glpi/plugins/webservices/xmlrpc.php
module_type glpi
login_password glpi
module_name GLPI
login_name glpi
define module {
database glpi
host localhost
module_type glpidb
user root
module_name glpidb
password root
define module {
module_type landscape_import
key PAAAB2CILT80I0ZA0999
default_template generic-host
module_name Landscape
define module {
module_name Mongodb
module_type mongodb
uri mongodb://localhost/?safe=true
database shinken
define module {
module_name SQLitedb
module_type sqlitedb
uri /usr/local/shinken/var/webui.db
define module {
host *
module_type nsca_server
module_name NSCA
encryption_method 1
password helloworld
port 5667
define module {
module_name TSCA
host *
module_type tsca_server
port 9090
define module {
username anonymous
module_type ws_arbiter
module_name WS_Arbiter
port 7760
define module {
mapping_file /tmp/vmware_mapping_file.json
module_type hot_dependencies
mapping_command_timeout 300
mapping_command_interval 60
module_name VMWare_auto_linking
mapping_command /usr/local/shinken/libexec/ -x '/usr/local/shinken/libexec/' -V '' -u 'admin' -p 'secret' -r 'lower|nofqdn' -o /tmp/vmware_mapping_file.json
define module {
mapping_file /tmp/external_mapping_file.json
module_type hot_dependencies
mapping_command_timeout 300
mapping_command_interval 60
module_name External_auto_linking
mapping_command /usr/local/shinken/libexec/ -i /tmp/shinken_flat_mapping -o /tmp/external_mapping_file.json
define module {
mapping_file /tmp/libvirt_mapping_file.json
module_type hot_dependencies
mapping_command_timeout 300
mapping_command_interval 60
module_name Libvirt_auto_linking
mapping_command /usr/local/shinken/libexec/ -u qemu+ssh://vmreport@domain0-01/system,qemu+ssh://vmreport@domain0-02/system,qemu+ssh://vmreport@domain0-03/system -o /tmp/libvirt_mapping_file.json
define module {
module_name HackCommandsPollerTag
module_type hack_commands_poller_tag
cmd_line_match (.*)check_esx3(.*)
poller_tag esx3
define module {
host_macro_name _poller_tag
module_name HackPollerTagByMacros
service_macro_name _poller_tag
module_type hack_poller_tag_by_macros
define module {
reqreactionners SELECT reactionner_name, address, port, spare, realm, manage_sub_realms, modules FROM reactionners
reqhosts SELECT host_name, alias, realm, address, template AS 'use' FROM hosts
reqservices SELECT host_name, service_description, normal_check_interval, check_command, template AS 'use' FROM services
reqservicedependencies SELECT host_name, service_description, dependent_host_name, dependent_service_description, execution_failure_criteria, notification_failure_criteria FROM servicedependencies
reqschedulers SELECT scheduler_name, address, port, spare, realm, modules FROM schedulers
database supervision
reqbrokers SELECT broker_name, address, port, spare, realm, manage_sub_realms, modules FROM brokers
reqhostdependencies SELECT host_name, dependent_host_name, notification_failure_criteria FROM hostdependencies
reqpollers SELECT poller_name, address, port, spare, realm, manage_sub_realms, poller_tags, modules FROM pollers
reqrealms SELECT realm_name, realm_members, `default` FROM realms
host localhost
module_type mysql_import
reqcontactgroups SELECT contactgroup_name, members FROM contactgroups
module_name MySQLImport
login root
password pass
reqcontacts SELECT contact_name, email, template AS 'use' FROM contacts
reqreceivers SELECT receiver_name, address, port, spare, realm, manage_sub_realms, modules FROM receivers
define module {
value LOCAL
module_type ip_tag
module_name IpTag
property poller_tag
method replace
define module {
archive_path archives/
module_name Simple-log
module_type simple_log
path nagios.log
define module {
status_update_interval 15
object_cache_file objects.cache
module_type status_dat
status_file status.dat
module_name Status-Dat
define module {
module_name Service-Perfdata
module_type service_perfdata
path service-perfdata
define module {
module_name Host-Perfdata
module_type host_perfdata
path host-perfdata
define module {
module_name PickleRetention
module_type pickle_retention_file_generic
path /tmp/retention.dat
define module {
module_name PickleRetentionBroker
module_type pickle_retention_file_generic
path /tmp/retention_broker.dat
define module {
module_name PickleRetentionArbiter
module_type pickle_retention_file_generic
path /tmp/retention_arbiter.dat
define module {
module_name NagiosRetention
module_type nagios_retention_file
path /tmp/retention-nagios.dat
define module {
command_file rw/nagios.cmd
module_name CommandFile
module_type named_pipe
define module {
module_name NrpeBooster
module_type nrpe_poller
define module {
module_name Syslog
module_type syslog
define module {
module_name Cfg_password
module_type cfg_password_webui
define module {
module_name AndroidSMS
module_type android_sms
define poller {
poller_name poller-1
data_timeout 120
check_interval 60
polling_interval 1
processes_by_worker 256
manage_sub_realms 0
max_workers 0
timeout 3
address localhost
realm All
max_check_attempts 3
min_workers 0
port 7771
define realm {
default 1
realm_name All
define reactionner {
data_timeout 120
check_interval 60
polling_interval 1
reactionner_name reactionner-1
manage_sub_realms 0
max_workers 15
spare 0
timeout 3
address localhost
realm All
max_check_attempts 3
min_workers 1
port 7769
define broker {
broker_name broker-1
data_timeout 120
check_interval 60
modules Livestatus, Simple-log, WebUI,NPCDMOD
port 7772
manage_sub_realms 1
spare 0
timeout 3
address localhost
realm All
max_check_attempts 3
manage_arbiters 1
define arbiter {
modules CommandFile,PickleRetentionArbiter
spare 0
address localhost
port 7770
arbiter_name Arbiter-Master
define scheduler {
data_timeout 120
check_interval 60
weight 1
skip_initial_broks 0
modules ,PickleRetention
spare 0
timeout 3
address localhost
scheduler_name scheduler-1
max_check_attempts 3
realm All
port 7768
define receiver {
data_timeout 120
check_interval 60
receiver_name receiver-1
direct_routing 0
spare 0
timeout 3
address localhost
realm All
max_check_attempts 3
port 7773
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