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Created April 19, 2012 07:06
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Save ql-owo-lp/2419280 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Layout+ Script
// ==UserScript==
// @name Layout+
// @version 0.1
// @id layout_plus_pokerface
// @description Google Plus Forger. Make your own Google Plus.
// @namespace
// @license GPL v3 or later version
// @exclude *://*
// @exclude *://*/_/*
// @exclude *://*
// @include *://*
// @author Pokerface - Kevin
// ==/UserScript==
Layout Plus
Kevin Wang (kevixw'At'
Copyright (c) 2012 . All rights reserved.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
build 5/13/2012 by Kevin Wang
var $K = KissogramToolkit = (function ($$d) {
// some configuration
var DEBUG_ON = false;
// Basic function ==============================================
// for each
function each($arr, $func) {
var item;
if (!$arr)
//_debug('each function is called. arr length is '+ $arr.length);
if ($func)
for (item in $arr)
// the $arr is collection of function itself
for (item in $arr)
if (typeof $arr[item]==='function')
var utils = {
"isStrictArray" : function ($obj) {
return Object.prototype.toString.apply($obj) === '[object Array]';
"isRegExp" : function ($obj) {
return Object.prototype.toString.apply($obj) === '[object RegExp]';
"toArray" : function ($obj) {
if (!this.isArray($obj))
return [$obj];
else if (!this.isStrictArray($obj))
return Array.prototype.slice.apply($obj);
return $obj;
"isArray" : function ($obj) {
var type = Object.prototype.toString.apply($obj);
return type === '[object Array]' // array
|| type === '[object NodeList]' // document.querySelectorAll
|| type === '[object Arguments]' // function arguments
"trim" : function ($str) {
return $str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
"trimS" : function ($str) {
return this.trim($str).replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ');
// shallow copy
function extend($target, $options) {
var name;
for (name in $options) {
if ($target === $options[name])
if ($options[name])
$target[name] = $options[name];
return $target;
// Basic function ends =============================================
// limit the interval/delay of running a specific function, return the changed function
function setFunctionTiming($func, $opt) {
$opt = $opt || {};
var opt = {
interval : $opt.interval || 0,
delay : $opt.delay || 0,
check : $opt.check || 0
return (function () {
var lastRunTime = 0, instances = [], isRunning = false, checkInterval = null;
var res = function () {
if (opt.check > 0 && checkInterval==null)
checkInterval = setInterval(res, opt.check);
var timeRemain = (new Date().getTime()) - lastRunTime;
var _this = this, args = utils.toArray(arguments);
// the real function
function runFunc() {
lastRunTime = new Date().getTime();
isRunning = true;
$func.apply(_this, args);
isRunning = false;
if (instances.length < 1 || isRunning) {
// not time yet
if (timeRemain < opt.interval)
instances.push(setTimeout(runFunc, Math.max(100, opt.delay + opt.interval - (isRunning ? 0 : timeRemain))));
instances.push(setTimeout(runFunc, Math.max(100, opt.delay)));
return res;
var $$browser = (function getNavigator($n) {
var navigatorString = $n.userAgent.toLowerCase(),
// browser agent
rBrowsers = [
/.*(msie) ([\w.]+).*/,
// result
ret = {
name : 'unknown',
version : 'unknown',
language: $n.language || $n.userLanguage || '',
toString : function () {
for (var i = 0, match=null; i < rBrowsers.length; ++i)
if ( match = rBrowsers[i].exec(navigatorString) ) {
// match safari = (i==0 ? match[2] : match[1]) || 'unknown';
ret.version = (i==0 ? match[1] : match[2]) || 'unknown';
ret[] = true;
return ret;
// get unsafeWindow
var $$w = (function () {
var w = null, // window object
resizeTasks = [],
scrollTasks = [];
function getSize() {
return {
windowHeight : window.innerHeight,
windowWidth : window.innerWidth,
height : $$d.documentElement.clientHeight,
width : $$d.documentElement.clientWidth
function _isScroll(el) {
// test targets
var elems = el ? [el] : [document.documentElement, document.body];
var scrollX = false, scrollY = false;
for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
var o = elems[i];
// test horizontal
var sl = o.scrollLeft;
o.scrollLeft += (sl > 0) ? -1 : 1;
o.scrollLeft !== sl && (scrollX = scrollX || true);
o.scrollLeft = sl;
// test vertical
var st = o.scrollTop;
o.scrollTop += (st > 0) ? -1 : 1;
o.scrollTop !== st && (scrollY = scrollY || true);
o.scrollTop = st;
// ret
return {
scrollX: scrollX,
scrollY: scrollY
window.addEventListener('resize', function () {
}, false);
window.addEventListener('scroll', function () {
}, false);
// return true when unsafeWindow is loaded successfully
function _init($var) {
if (!w) {
// load unsafeWindow
if (typeof(unsafeWindow) !== "undefined" && typeof(unsafeWindow[$var]) !== "undefined")
w = unsafeWindow;
else if (typeof(window[$var]) !== "undefined")
w = window;
try {
// for Chrome
var a = document.createElement("a");
a.setAttribute("onclick", "return window;");
var win = a.onclick();
if (typeof(win[$var]) !== "undefined")
w = win;
catch (e) {
_debug('Kissogram Toolkit : Unable to load unsafeWindow Object!');
w = null;
return w;
function _onUnsafeWindowReady($var, $func, $options) {
$options = $options || {};
$options.retry = (typeof $options.retry != "number") ? 30 : $options.retry;
$options.interval = $options.interval || 300;
if (_init($var) && (!$options.test || $options.test(w))) {
_debug("Kissogram Toolkit : unsafeWindow injection succeed!");
return $func(w, w[$var]);
if ($options.retry-- > 0)
setTimeout(function () { _onUnsafeWindowReady($var, $func, $options); }, $options.interval);
var $c = {
// get unsafeWindow if possible
get : function ($var) {
return (this.getUnsafeWindow($var) || window)[$var]; // return safe window
// get unsafeWindow
getUnsafeWindow : function ($var) {
return _init($var);
when specific function is ready
options : {
test : a function that test if specific variable is loaded properly
retry : retry times before test() returns a failure, default is 40
interval : the interval between every check, default is 300 ms
onReady : _onUnsafeWindowReady ,
size : getSize,
onResize : function ($func, $init) {
if ($init)
return resizeTasks.length-1;
_onResize : function ($id) {
if ($id || $id==0)
delete resizeTasks[$id];
isScroll : _isScroll,
onScroll : function ($func, $init) {
if ($init)
return scrollTasks.length-1;
_onScroll : function ($id) {
if ($id || $id==0)
delete scrollTasks[$id];
return $c;
var i18n = (function () {
var $c = function ($args) {
var methods = {
lang : "en-US",
getMessage : function ($item) {
// css Class
var $$css = (function () {
var css_enabled = [],
root = $$d.documentElement,
FEATURE_LIST_ATTR = "feature-list",
CSS_ELEM_REGEXP = /^\s*[.\w][.\w\d-]+[\w\d-]\s*$/;
var instance = function ($arg) {
extend(this, $c);
if ($arg)
this.dictionary = this.dictionary.concat($arg.reverse()); //define the css dictionary
// effective only for Chrome
function _getMediaQueriesWidth() {
if ($$browser == "firefox")
return window.innerWidth;
// for Chrome, the width in Media Queries is quite close to window.outerWidth
for (var i=1, width = window.outerWidth, match=false; !match; i++) {
if (width > 0)
match = window.matchMedia('(min-width :' + width + 'px) and (max-width:'+ width + 'px)').matches;
if (match)
return width;
width += (i%2 == 0 ? 1 : -1) * i;
var $c = {
dictionary : [],
ns : 'gpp-', // name space
// append a class to an element
add : function ($elem, $className) {
if (!$elem || !CSS_ELEM_REGEXP.test($className = this.get($className)))
$className = $className.replace(/\./g, ' ');
var arr = $className.split(' '), appendList = "";
for (var i=0, clazz = " "+$elem.className+" "; i<arr.length; i++)
if (arr[i] && clazz.indexOf(' '+arr[i]+' ') < 0)
appendList+= ' '+ arr[i];
$elem.className = utils.trimS($elem.className + appendList);
remove : function ($elem, $className) {
if (!$elem || !CSS_ELEM_REGEXP.test($className = this.get($className)))
$className = utils.trimS($className.replace(/\./g, ' '));
var arr = $className.split(' '), clazz = " "+$elem.className+" ";
for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++)
clazz = clazz.replace(' '+ arr[i] +' ', ' ');
$elem.className = utils.trimS(clazz);
// append css
set : function ($str) {
get : function ($str) {
$str = ($str || '').replace(/\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\//g, ''); // clear the comment
// backforwards
for (var i=0; i<this.dictionary.length; i++)
$str = $str.replace(this.dictionary[i][0], this.dictionary[i][1]);
return $str;
push : function ($arg, $str, $opt) {
$opt = $opt || {};
var condition = this.getCondition($arg);
if ($opt.enable)
this.enable($arg, $opt.value);
$str = $str.replace(/((?:[^,{]+,?)*)\s*{([^}]+)}/g, condition+"$1 {$2}");
$str = $str.replace(/,/g, ","+condition);
pull : function ($feature) {
return css_enabled[$feature] || null;
enable : function ($arg) {
if (!$arg) return;
var feaAttr = this.getFeatureListAttr(),
ns = this.ns,
data = " "+(root.getAttribute(feaAttr)||"")+" ",
appendList = "";
function ($item) {
var obj = (typeof $item=="string") ? { name: $item } : $item;
// when $value is null, assert the it is a boolean
if (!obj.value && obj.value != 0) {
var name = " "+ +" ";
if (data.indexOf(name) < 0) {
appendList += name;
root.setAttribute(ns +, obj.value);
css_enabled[] = obj.value || true;
if (appendList)
root.setAttribute(feaAttr, $K.utils.trimS(data + appendList));
disable : function ($arg) {
if (!$arg) return '';
var feaAttr = this.getFeatureListAttr(),
ns = this.ns,
hasFeature = root.hasAttribute(feaAttr),
data = " "+(root.getAttribute(feaAttr)||"")+" ";
function ($item) {
var obj = (typeof $item=="string") ? { name: $item } : $item;
if (hasFeature)
data = data.replace(" "" "," ");
root.removeAttribute(ns +;
delete css_enabled[];
if (hasFeature)
root.setAttribute(feaAttr, $K.utils.trimS(data));
getFeatureListAttr : function () {
return this.ns + FEATURE_LIST_ATTR;
// has specific class
is : function ($elem, $className) {
if (!$elem)
return false;
$className = utils.trimS(this.get($className).replace(/\./g, ' '));
var arr = $className.split(' '), clazz = " "+$elem.className+" ";
for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++)
if (clazz.indexOf(' '+ arr[i] +' ', ' ') < 0)
return false;
return true;
select : function ($str) {
return $$d.querySelector(this.get($str));
selectAll : function ($str) {
return utils.toArray($$d.querySelectorAll(this.get($str)));
getMediaQueriesWidth : _getMediaQueriesWidth,
extendDictionary : function ($dic) {
this.dictionary = this.dictionary.concat($dic.reverse());
getCondition : function ($arg) {
if (!$arg) return '';
var condition = "html",
feaAttr = this.getFeatureListAttr(),
ns = this.ns;
function ($item) {
var obj = (typeof $item=="string") ? { name: $item } : $item;
condition += "["+ (obj.value ?
ns + +'="'+ obj.value +'"' :
feaAttr +'~="'+ +'"')+"]";
return condition+' ';
// return a number of piexl from '##px'
getPiexls : function ($str) {
if (!/^\d+(px)?$/i.test($str))
return null; // may be 'auto' or anything else
return parseInt($str.replace(/px$/i, ""));
// get the absolute x / y of an element
getAbsPos : function ($e) {
var t = l = 0;
do {
t += $e.offsetTop;
l += $e.offsetLeft;
} while ($e = $e.offsetParent);
return {
left: l,
top: t
return extend(instance, $c);
// manipulate cookies
var cookies = (function () {
return {};
// dataTransfer
var dataTransfer = (function () {
var data = {};
return {
setData : function ($type, $data) {
data[$type] = $data;
getData : function ($type) {
return data[$type];
clearData : function ($type) {
delete data[$type];
// the Class that process url change
var $$url = (function () {
var _url = formatUrl(),
urlChangeTasks = [],
hashChangeTasks = [],
urlMonitor = null;
function isUrlChanged($url) {
var url = formatUrl($url);
if (url != _url) {
_url = url;
return true;
return false;
// turn into
function formatUrl($url) {
var url = $url || $$d.location.href;
if (/^https?:\/\/[\w.]+\w+$/.test(url))
url += '/';
return url;
function execTask($e) {
if (!$e) {
_debug('Kissogram Toolkit: URL changed!');
else if ($e.type == "popstate") {
_debug('Kissogram Toolkit: URL [popstate] changed!');
else if ($e.type == "hashchange") { // hashchange
_debug('Kissogram Toolkit: URL [hash] changed!');
// bind onpopstate
window.addEventListener('popstate', function (e) {
if (isUrlChanged())
}, false);
// hashchange
window.addEventListener('hashchange', function (e) {
}, false);
var $c = {
onUrlChange : function ($func, $init) {
if ($init)
// mointor
if (urlMonitor == null) {
_debug('Kissogram Toolkit: URL onChange inited!');
urlMonitor = setInterval(function () {
if (isUrlChanged())
}, 500);
onHashChange : function ($func, $init) {
if ($init)
onUrlMatch : function ($match, $func, $init) {
if (!$match)
toString : function () {
return _url = formatUrl();
return $c;
listen to specific event
$options {
init : boolean / function
runOnce : boolean
var listen = (function () {
var interval_count=[]; // collection of interval count
return function ($selector, $event, $func, $options) {
$options = $options || {};
// $event & $init cannot be false at the same time
if (!$event && !$options.init)
var evt_listener = (function ($s, $e, $f, $o) {
var id = interval_count.length,
funcWithTiming = setFunctionTiming($f, {
interval : $o.interval || 0,
delay : $o.delay || 0
// bind event to dom object
var _bind = function ($d, $evt) {
(function () {
var runOnceFunc = setFunctionTiming(function () {
$f.apply($d, utils.toArray(arguments), false);
$d.removeEventListener($evt, runOnceFunc);
}, { delay: $o.delay }),
newFunc = function () {
funcWithTiming.apply($d, utils.toArray(arguments));
return $o.runOnce ? runOnceFunc : newFunc ;
return function () {
// if $s is a element itself
var dom = utils.toArray(
(typeof $s == 'string') ? $$css.selectAll($s) : $s
if (dom.length > 0) {
// dom is captured
delete interval_count[id];
for (var i=0; i<dom.length; i++) {
// if the function need initiation (when the listen function capture the dom objects the first time)
if ($o.init) {
if (typeof $o.init == "function")
if (utils.isStrictArray($e))
each($e, function () { _bind(dom[i], this); });
else if ($e) // when $e != null
_bind(dom[i], $e);
else // do nothing
})($selector, $event, $func, $options);
// check it later
interval_count.push(setInterval(evt_listener, 500));
var cache = function () {
var _cache = {};
extend(this, {
// get a cache
get : function ($id) {
return _cache[$id];
// set a cache
set : function ($id, $val) {
_cache[$id] = $val;
// delete a cache
"delete" : function ($id) {
delete _cache[$id];
// clear all cache
reset : function () {
_cache = {};
// if a cache exists
exists : function ($id) {
return _cache[$id] || _cache[$id]==0;
var mouse = (function () {
// simluate a click event
function click($elem, $options) {
if (!$elem)
$options = $options || {};
var opt = {
button : $options.button || 0
// dispatch click event following the W3C order
var e = $$d.createEvent("MouseEvents");
e.initMouseEvent("mousedown", true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, opt.button, null);
e = $$d.createEvent("MouseEvents");
e.initMouseEvent("mouseup", true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, opt.button, null);
e = $$d.createEvent("MouseEvents");
e.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, opt.button, null);
// gesture part
var gesture = (function () {
var _zigzag = (function () {
var zigzag_finished = 0,
event_inited = false,
lastX = lastY = X = Y = 0,
boundary = 20, // how many pixels should be past when defining a 'zigzag'
$c = {};
var _detect = (function () {
var directionX = directionY = 0; // record which direction does the mouse move
return function (e) {
var offsetX = e.clientX - X, offsetY = e.clientY - Y; // direction
X = e.clientX;
Y = e.clientY;
if (!directionX || !directionY) { // init
directionX = offsetX;
directionY = offsetY;
_debug(offsetX * directionX > 0,offsetY * directionY > 0 ,Math.abs(X-lastX) < boundary ,Math.abs(Y-lastY) < boundary);
// test if a 'z' is drawed
if (offsetX * directionX > 0 || offsetY * directionY > 0 || Math.abs(X-lastX) < boundary || Math.abs(Y-lastY) < boundary)
lastX = X;
lastY = Y;
// when three zigzags are achieved
if (++zigzag_finished >= 3)
$c.success = true;
function _init(e) {
zigzag_finished = 0;
X = lastX = e.clientX;
Y = lastY = e.clientY;
$c.success = false;
$c = {
init : _init,
detect : _detect,
success : false
return $c;
return {
"zigzag" : _zigzag
return {
"click" : click,
"gesture" : gesture
function _debug($msg) {
// Main function begin ========================================
// constructor
var $$c = function () {
return extend($$c, {
"each" : each,
"extend" : extend,
"css" : $$css,
"listen" : listen,
"url" : $$url,
"dataTransfer" : dataTransfer,
"mouse" : mouse,
"browser" : $$browser,
"window" : $$w,
"cookies" : cookies,
"select" : function (e) { return $$ },
"selectAll" : function (e) { return $$css.selectAll(e) },
"tickTork" : setFunctionTiming,
"utils" : utils,
"cache" : cache,
"i18n" : i18n,
"debug" : _debug
var GooglePlusPlus = (function ($$d) {
$K.debug('Google Plus Plus is now loaded!');
[/<postLocked>/g, '.postLocked'],
[/<postFolded>/g, '.postFolded'],
[/<postShorten>/g, '.postShorten'],
[/<postDragging>/g, '.postOnDragging'],
[/<pinColAttr>/g, 'pinter-col'],
[/<newCommentArrived>/g, '.newCommentArrived'],
[/<mainContent>/g, ''],
[/<streamMainContent>/g, '<mainContent>.a-f-e'],
[/<streamContent>/g, 'div[guidedhelpid="streamcontent"]'],
[/<streamContainer>/g, '<streamContent> .ow'],
[/<anyPost>/g, '.Tg.Sb'], // match the post in the single post page
[/<post>/g, '<streamContainer> <anyPost>'], // match the post in the stream
[/<invisibleMark>/g, '[style*="display: none;"]'], // not deleted posts
[/<postSelected>/g, '.sb'], // post selected mark
[/<leftSideNavigation>/g, '.LPb.Zaa'],
[/<chatBox>/g, '.Hoa.n0b'], // maxmized chatbox
[/<maxmizedChatBox>/g, '<chatBox>.RWa'], // chatbox
[/<trendingBox>/g, '.hxa.a-f-e'],
[/<postMainContent>/g, '.ii'],
[/<shareBoxContainer>/g, '.Cla'],
[/<shareBox>/g, '<shareBoxContainer> div[guidedhelpid="sharebox"]'],
[/<shareBoxLeftArrow>/g, '<shareBoxContainer> .ze.Dla'],
[/<postCommentPanel>/g, '.Lj.FE'],
[/<postBody>/g, '<postMainContent> > .ci.gv'],
[/<nothingSharedYet>/g, '<streamContainer> > .Ki'], // xxx hasn't share anything with you or no any post
[/<filterByCircleOptions>/g, '.kI'],
[/<contentPane>/g, '#contentPane'],
[/<blockLeftArrow>/g, '.ie'],
[/<greyContentBorderAreaLeft>/g, '.vna.KTa'], // the first child of #content
[/<greyContentBorderAreaRight>/g, '.vna.K9'], // this appears when the chatbox is maxmized
[/<contentBorderArea>/g, '.wna.M5a'],
[/<postHeadArea>/g, '.MI'], // the header of a post
[/<postTimeAndCircle>/g, '<postHeadArea>'],
[/<postTime>/g, '<postTimeAndCircle>'],
[/<streamMoreButtonContainer>/g, '.ZI.rK.Sca'],
[/<streamMoreButton>/g, '<streamMoreButtonContainer> span[role="button"]'],
[/<postInnerMedia>/g, '.dv.Mm'], // media including vidoes, photo etc.
[/<postInnerMediaContent>/g, '.Yj.Fg'], // media content
[/<postInnerVideo>/g,'<postInnerMedia> > iframe'],
[/<postMediaBackground>/g, '<postInnerMedia> .Fg'],
[/<postInnerImageThumbnail>/g, '.yqrXXd.cPNrJ'],
[/<postInnerImageWebPageScreenshot>/g, '.ZF'], // the class of web page screenshot thumbnails
[/<postInnerImage>/g, '<postInnerMedia>.Zf > <postInnerMediaContent>:not(<postInnerImageWebPageScreenshot>) img.ev.aG'],
[/<postHotonGooglePlusBanner>/g, '.hE.ZX'],
[/<postInnerImageContainer>/g, '<postInnerMedia> > <postInnerMediaContent>:not(<postInnerImageWebPageScreenshot>)'],
[/<videoThumbnail>/g, '<postInnerMedia>:not(.Zf) > <postInnerMediaContent> img.ev.aG'],
[/<videoIntroduction>/g, '<postInnerMedia>:not(.Zf) .ru'],
[/<singlePostProfileBlock>/g, '.kM5Oeb-OKUawf.hsHREd'],
[/<GoogleLogo>/g, '#gbq1'],
[/<GoogleBarTopGeryArea>/g, '.Dob'],
[/<postComment>/g, '.Gq'],
[/<shareThisPostButton>/g, ''],
[/<nullPost>/g, '<post>.null-post'],
[/<userPhoto>/g, '.g-s-n-aa.Wk'],
[/<settingHelpFeedbackLinks>/g, '.LCa'],
[/<searchFilter>/g, '.Rgc .w0b'],
[/<matchedPerson>/g, '.Noa.G0b'],
[/<profileIntroduction>/g, '.J7.zaSESc'],
[/<fromTheWebText>/g, '<post> <postBody> .HL'],
[/<profilePage>/g, '.vcard'],
[/<profileAction>/g, '.l-ul.IT.Uf'],
[/<myGames>/g, '.CLb'],
[/<fromTheWebMarkPic>/g, '.l7.aM'],
[/<gameStream>/g, '.DLb'],
[/<navigationBarBottomLine>/g, '.Dob'], // this control the height of grey area in the top
[/<leftNavigationGreyBackground>/g, '.t9a.mdb'],
[/<blackNavigationBar>/g, '#gbx3'],
[/<postUserName>/g, '.cK'],
[/<notEnoughPostsInYourStream>/g, '.ZNa.aS'],
[/<postActionButtons>/g, '<postMainContent> > .LI'],
[/<webPageIntroduction>/g, '.pg.XF'],
[/<evenPost>/g, '<post>:not(<invisibleMark>):nth-last-child(even)'],
[/<oddPost>/g, '<post>:not(<invisibleMark>):nth-last-child(odd)'],
[/<editProfileBar>/g, '.gDa.rX.mU.Eg.nU'],
[/<optionMenu>/g, '.a-q'], // operation menu of a post
[/<saveTheSearchButton>/g, '.Tbc.x0b'],
[/<postEventImageThumbnail>/g, '.CI5GWc'],
[/<filterByCircleOptionsMainBar>/g, '<filterByCircleOptions> .mp.pu']
var HIDE_CHATBOX = "hide-chatbox",
HIDE_LEFT_SIDE_NAVIGATION = "hide-left-side-navigation",
DISPLAY_CIRCLE_INFO = 'display-circle-info',
BLACK_NAVIGATION_EXIST = 'black-navigation-exist';
var css = new $K.css(CSS_DICTIONARY);
// hide the left side menu
"<leftSideNavigation>, <navigationBarBottomLine> { \
transition: left .8s ease; \
-moz-transition: left .8s ease; \
-webkit-transition: left .8s ease; \
} \
/* for search page */ \
<leftSideNavigation> <leftNavigationGreyBackground> { \
display: block !important; \
top: 0px; \
} \
/* hide the triangle pointer on search page */ \
<leftSideNavigation> <leftNavigationGreyBackground><invisibleMark> .fEb { \
border-bottom: 0; \
} \
<leftSideNavigation> <leftNavigationGreyBackground><invisibleMark> .eEb { \
border-right: 1px solid #CCC; \
} \
/* triangle pointer */ \
<leftSideNavigation> <leftNavigationGreyBackground><invisibleMark> .NDb { \
border-top: 0; \
} \
/* search page end */ \
<leftSideNavigation>:not(:hover) { left: -90px; } \
<greyContentBorderAreaLeft>, <contentBorderArea> { margin-left: 10px; } \
/* bottom line of the white navigation bar */ \
<leftSideNavigation>.gEb:not(:hover) ~ <contentBorderArea> <navigationBarBottomLine> { \
left : 11px; \
} \
<leftSideNavigation>:not(:hover) .NWShHf.pQV9re { \
margin-left: 90px; \
} \
<leftSideNavigation> ~ <contentBorderArea> .uBkbrd.D0jntb:not(.EvUqIc) { left : 0px } \
<leftSideNavigation>:hover ~ <contentBorderArea> .uBkbrd.D0jntb:not(.EvUqIc) { display: none; } \
/* fix left side navigation' border */ \
<leftSideNavigation> .r7omcb { \
top:-29px; \
border-left: 100px solid #F1F1F1; \
border-right: 1px solid #D1D1D1; \
height: 100% !important; \
} \
", { enable : true }
// hide the chatbox
'<maxmizedChatBox> { \
transition: right .8s ease; \
-moz-transition: right .8s ease; \
-webkit-transition: right .8s ease; \
z-index: 986; \
} \
<maxmizedChatBox>:not(:hover) { right : -160px; } \
<greyContentBorderAreaRight>, <contentBorderArea> { margin-right: 65px; } \
<navigationBarBottomLine> { right : 66px }\
', { enable : true }
// hide the white navigation bar
" \
/* move up the user photo */ \
#gb #gbw #gbu { z-index: 998; top: -19px; } \
#gb #gbb { top: -49px; } \
#gb.gbes #gbb { top: -35px; } \
/* user name */ \
.gbgt#gbg6 #gbi4t { color:white; } \
/* user profile photo */ \
#gb:not(.gbes) #gbw #gbu { top: -19px; } \
#gb:not(.gbes) #gbg4 { margin-top: -1px; } \
#gb:not(.gbes) #gbg4 #gbgs4, #gb:not(.gbes) #gbg4 #gbgs4 > img { \
height: 30px; \
width: 30px; \
} \
#gb.gbes #gbu .gbtc { margin-top: 10px; } \
#gb.gbes #gbu .gbmai { display: none; } \
#gb:not(.gbes) #gbu { margin-right: 0; } \
/* */ \
#content { margin-top: 16px; } \
#gb { width: 100%; position: fixed; } \
/* animation for white bar height change */ \
#gb, #gbx1 { \
transition: height .8s ease .4s; \
-moz-transition: height .8s ease .4s; \
-webkit-transition: height .8s ease .4s; \
} \
/* transparent black */ \
<blackNavigationBar> { opacity: 0.8 } \
/* hide the white navigation bar */ \
#gb:not(:hover) #gbw #gbq { \
top: -80px; \
} \
/* white bar part */ \
#gb:not(:hover) #gbx1 { height: 0px; } \
/* the grey area of the top bar */ \
<GoogleBarTopGeryArea> { max-height: 12px; } \
#gb #gbx1 { border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; } \
/* navigation height */ \
#gb:not(:hover) { height: 30px; } \
div.gbes#gb:not(:hover) { height: 25px; } \
/* fix the height of white bar */ \
div.gbes#gb { height: 62px; } \
/* bottom shadow line of the grey area */ \
.wl.cVa.V9 { display: none; } \
#gbq { \
transition: top .8s ease .4s; \
-moz-transition: top .8s ease .4s; \
-webkit-transition: top .8s ease .4s; \
} \
<maxmizedChatBox> { margin-top: -50px; } \
<contentPane> { margin-top: 0px; } \
<editProfileBar> { top: 61px; } \
<navigationBarBottomLine> ~ <contentPane> <editProfileBar> { top: 66px; } \
// new style that enable auto hiding the left side menu
' \
<filterByCircleOptionsMainBar> { \
border-bottom : 0px; \
position: fixed; \
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75) ; \
} \
/* fix the indent */ \
<filterByCircleOptions> > div.Lg { \
position: relative; \
} \
/* save this search */ \
<saveTheSearchButton> { float: right; } \
// basic css for all style
'<streamContainer> { padding: 20px; }'+
'<contentPane> { height: 100%; } '+ // main content
'<postCommentPanel> { z-index: 1; }'+ // make the comment panel cover the pictures
'<postMediaBackground> { background: transparent; }' +
'<shareThisPostButton> + a[class="Tj"][style]:not([role]) ~ div:not([class])[style~="z-index:"][style^="box-shadow:"] { margin-top: -120px }'+ // hack for the plughin 'reply and more'
'<profileIntroduction>:not(:hover) { \
max-height: 85px; \
overflow-y: hidden; \
}'+ // live where - profile page
'<profilePage> <profileAction> { margin-left:-250px; position: absolute; top: 220px; }'+ // 'block someone' button on profile page
'<profilePage> <settingHelpFeedbackLinks> { display: none; }'+ // settings, help, feedback etc.
'<profilePage> div[role="tabpanel"][id$="-about-page"] { margin-left: -30px; }'+ // about section
'<profilePage> div[role="tabpanel"][id$="-about-page"], \
<profilePage> div[role="tabpanel"][id$="-plusones-page"], \
<profilePage> div[role="tabpanel"][id$="-posts-page"] { \
margin-top: 100px; \
} \
<profilePage> div[role="tabpanel"][id$="-photos-page"], \
<profilePage> div[role="tabpanel"][id$="-videos-page"] { \
margin-top: 80px; \
} \
/* hide the left arrow of share box */ \
<shareBoxLeftArrow> { display: none; } \
<postMainContent> <webPageIntroduction> { max-height : 150px }'+ // max-height of the text introduction of a web page
'<streamMoreButtonContainer> { margin-top: 400px; }' // initial top of more botton
// deal with the trending box
css.set('<trendingBox> { display:none }');
' \
/* "xxx" have you in circle / trending box */ \
<mainContent> <profilePage> <trendingBox> { \
display: inline-block; \
z-index: 10; \
background-color: white; \
position: relative; \
float: right; \
width: 290px; \
} \
<mainContent> <profilePage> <trendingBox> { \
border: 1px solid #ccc; \
/* original width is 260px */ \
width: 260px; \
} \
var isNewPostArrived = (function () {
var firstPostId = null;
return function () {
var firstPost ='<post>:first-child');
if (!firstPost)
return false;
var curFirstPostId = firstPost.getAttribute('id');
if (firstPostId != curFirstPostId)
return !!(firstPostId = curFirstPostId);
return false;
Timeline Style
var GTimeline = (function () {
function _init_CSS() {
'<post> { \
display: inline-block; \
padding: 5px; \
margin: -10px 0 20px 0; \
} \
<evenPost> <postMainContent> > <userPhoto>, \
<evenPost> <postMainContent> > .nINTy {\
position: absolute; \
display: block; \
margin-left: 573px; \
} \
<evenPost> <blockLeftArrow> { \
background: no-repeat url(// 0px -21px; \
margin-left: 495px; \
} \
<evenPost> <postHeadArea> { \
text-align: right; \
margin-right: 25px; \
} \
<evenPost> <postUserName> { \
margin-left: 10px; \
float: right; \
} \
<oddPost> { \
clear: both; \
float: right; \
} \
<streamContainer> { \
margin: 0 auto; \
padding:20px; \
margin-bottom:10px; \
width:1150px; \
background: url("data:image/png;base64,'+
'") top center repeat-y; \
} \
var checkLayout = (function () {
css.set('<nullPost> { display: none; }');
var lastPostId = null;
return function () {
var stream ='<streamContainer>'),
lastPost ='<post>:not(<invisibleMark>)[id]:last-of-type'),
currentLastPostId = null;
if (lastPost)
currentLastPostId = lastPost.getAttribute('id');
if (!lastPostId || !lastPost) { // first-time run
lastPostId = currentLastPostId;
else if (currentLastPostId == lastPostId)
if (css.selectAll('#'+ lastPostId +' ~ <post>:not(<invisibleMark>)[id]').length % 2 != 0) {
var nullPost ='<nullPost>');
if (nullPost)
else {
var div = $$d.createElement('div');
lastPostId = currentLastPostId;
function _init() {
$K.debug("Layout+ Timeline is now loaded.");
function () {
$K.listen(css.get('<streamContainer>'), ['DOMNodeInserted', 'DOMNodeRemoved'], checkLayout);
}, true
return {
"init" : _init
Pinterest Style
var GPinterest = (function () {
var COLUMN_ATTR = css.get('<pinColAttr>'), // attribute name set to each post
paddingV = paddingH = 10, // the padding between each block
leftNavigationWidth = 100, // left navigation's width is 100px
hiddenNavigationWidth = 10, // the width after hiding
hiddenChatBoxWidth = 50, // the pixels on the sceen when the chat box is hidden
mainContentLeftMargin = 40 + hiddenNavigationWidth, // the margin-left of main content
chatBoxWidth = 211, // chat box's width is 211px
chatBoxGreyBoard = 20, // grey board (half)
chatBoxBorderLine = 1, // the border line of grey board
postBlockWidth = 496, // default bricks' width
perferColumn = 2, // at least how many columns should be put into the container
shortestPostHeight = 199,
deletedPostHeight = 38,
reCalculateLayoutEachXPixels = 5,
currentColumn = 0,
maxContainerWidth = getMaxContainerWidth(window.innerWidth),
brickParameters = [],
$$data = _init_posts_data(),
// init posts' data
function _init_posts_data() {
return {
"posts" : {},
"index" : {
"locked" : {},
"folded" : {}
"other" : {},
"cache" : {
"elem" : new $K.cache("elem")
function _init_CSS() {
// animation of the post when a new comment is arrived
"<post><newCommentArrived> <postMainContent> > <userPhoto> img { \
animation: rotateUserPhoto 5.5s ease-in-out 1s infinite normal; \
-moz-animation: rotateUserPhoto 5.5s ease-in-out 1s infinite normal; \
-webkit-animation: rotateUserPhoto 5.5s ease-in-out 1s infinite normal; \
} \
@keyframes rotateUserPhoto { \
0% { transform: rotate(360deg); } \
20% { transform: rotate(0deg); } \
} \
@-moz-keyframes rotateUserPhoto { \
0% { -moz-transform: rotate(360deg); } \
20% { -moz-transform: rotate(0deg); } \
} \
@-webkit-keyframes rotateUserPhoto { \
0% { -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); } \
20% { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); } \
} \
<post><newCommentArrived> { \
transition:border linear .2s,box-shadow linear .5s; \
-moz-transition:border linear .2s,-moz-box-shadow linear .5s; \
-webkit-transition:border linear .2s,-webkit-box-shadow linear .5s; \
outline:none; \
border-color: rgba(0, 97, 255, 0.75); \
box-shadow: 0 0 30px rgba(0, 97, 255, 0.95); \
-moz-box-shadow: 0 0 30px rgba(0, 97, 255, 0.95); \
-webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 30px rgba(0, 97, 255,0.95); \
} \
"/* center the main stream, except on the page 'photo from your phone' */ \
<mainContent>:not(.hca) { margin-left : "+ mainContentLeftMargin +"px; } \
/* fix the 'hot on google's border */ \
<postHotonGooglePlusBanner> { \
margin-top: -3px; \
margin-left: 0px; \
} \
/* fix the comment's border */ \
<post> <postCommentPanel> { border-top: 0px; top: 0px; margin: 0; } \
/* put the user photo into post start */ \
<post> <postHeadArea>, <post> <fromTheWebMarkPic> { \
margin-left: 50px; \
margin-top: 10px; \
min-height: 40px; \
} \
/* on search page, 'from the web' */ \
<post> <postMainContent> > <fromTheWebMarkPic> { margin-left: 15px; } \
/* from the web text */ \
<fromTheWebText> { \
margin-top: -55px; \
margin-left: 60px; \
position: absolute; \
} \
/* end */ \
<post> <postMainContent> > <userPhoto> { \
display: inline; \
float: left; \
margin-left: 80px; \
margin-top: 10px; \
} \
/* fix the event image */ \
<postEventImageThumbnail> { \
max-width: 498px; \
} \
/* put the user photo into post end */ \
<post> <videoThumbnail> { margin: auto; } \
/* fix the position of user's photo on profile page */ \
<mainContent> <singlePostProfileBlock> { margin-top: 0px } \
<blockLeftArrow> { display: none !important; } \
// hide the post not ready yet
'<post> { left: -999px; } \
<post>[<pinColAttr>] { left: 0px; } \
// post animation
'<post> { \
position: absolute; \
transition: all 1.2s ease-in-out; \
-moz-transition: all 1.2s ease-in-out; \
-webkit-transition: all 1.2s ease-in-out; \
} \
// animation for selected post
'<post><postSelected> { \
z-index: 2; \
transition:border .2s linear 1.8s, box-shadow .5s linear 2s; \
-moz-transition:border .2s linear 1.8s, -moz-box-shadow .5s linear 2s; \
-webkit-transition:border .2s linear 1.8s, -webkit-box-shadow .5s linear 2s; \
outline:none; \
border-color: rgba(255, 49, 0, 0.75); \
-webkit-box-shadow: 3px 2px 8px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.45); \
-moz-box-shadow: 3px 2px 8px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.45); \
box-shadow: 3px 2px 8px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.45); \
// make the share box act like a post
'/* hide the photo beside the sharebox */ \
<streamMainContent> <streamContent> { \
margin-top: -20px; \
} \
<streamContent> { \
margin-left:-120px; \
} \
/* fix the indent of sharebox on profile page */ \
<profilePage> <shareBoxContainer> { \
position: absolute; \
margin-top: 20px; \
z-index: 4; \
} \
<streamMainContent> <shareBoxContainer>, <searchFilter>, <matchedPerson>, \
<notEnoughPostsInYourStream>, <myGames>, <gameStream> { \
margin-left: -52px; \
position: absolute; \
margin-top: 20px; \
z-index: 4; \
transition: all 1.2s ease-in-out; \
-moz-transition: all 1.2s ease-in-out; \
-webkit-transition: all 1.2s ease-in-out; \
} \
<notEnoughPostsInYourStream> { \
background-color: white; \
} \
/* the post content */ \
<shareBox> .g-Ac[role="button"] { \
width: 100%; \
} \
/* user photo */ \
<shareBoxContainer> <userPhoto> { \
display: none; \
} \
<nothingSharedYet> { \
margin-top: 100px; \
margin-left: '+ (mainContentLeftMargin+50) +'px; \
} \
// drag & drop
"<postHeadArea> { cursor: url(//,move; } \
<post><postSelected><postLocked> { \
z-index: 6; \
} \
<post><postLocked> { \
position: fixed; \
z-index: 5; \
} \
/* transparent when draging */ \
<post><postDragging> { \
opacity: 0.5; \
} \
/* when it's locked and folded */ \
<post><postFolded><postLocked>, \
<post><postFolded><postLocked> > div, \
<post><postShorten>, <post><postShorten> > div { \
max-width: 280px; \
} \
/* user name */ \
<post><postFolded><postLocked> <postUserName>, \
<post><postShorten> <postUserName> { \
display: block; \
font-family: Georgia; \
} \
<post><postFolded><postLocked> <postHeadArea> header, \
<post><postShorten> <postHeadArea> header { \
margin-top: -10px; \
} \
/* indent of time */ \
<post><postFolded><postLocked> <postTimeAndCircle>, \
<post><postShorten> <postTimeAndCircle> { \
margin-left: 0px; \
} \
/* min-height of a post when it is folded */ \
<post><postFolded> <postMainContent> { \
min-height: 70px; \
} \
<post><postFolded> <postBody>, \
<post><postFolded> <postActionButtons>, \
<post><postFolded> <postHotonGooglePlusBanner>, \
<post><postFolded> <postCommentPanel> { \
display: none; \
} \
<post><postFolded>:hover <postBody> { \
animation: peakAtPostContent .8s ease-in-out; \
-moz-animation: peakAtPostContent .8s ease-in-out; \
-webkit-animation: peakAtPostContent .8s ease-in-out; \
position: absolute; \
margin-top: 20px; \
opacity: 1; \
display:block; \
top: 55px; \
z-index: 8; \
background: white; \
border: 1px solid #ccc; \
border-radius: 2px; \
border-color: rgba(0, 97, 255, 0.75); \
box-shadow: 0 0 30px rgba(0, 97, 255, 0.95); \
-moz-box-shadow: 0 0 30px rgba(0, 97, 255, 0.95); \
-webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 30px rgba(0, 97, 255, 0.95); \
} \
@keyframes peakAtPostContent { \
0% { opacity: 0; } \
80% { opacity: 0; } \
} \
@-moz-keyframes peakAtPostContent { \
0% { opacity: 0; } \
80% { opacity: 0; } \
} \
@-webkit-keyframes peakAtPostContent { \
0% { opacity: 0; } \
80% { opacity: 0; } \
} \
function loadBrickCSS($windowWidth) {
var mediaQueriesEnable = false; // enable media queries can accelerate the rending
// more flexible when the media queries is off
if ($K.browser == "chrome")
mediaQueriesEnable = true;
var index = Math.floor((mediaQueriesEnable ? $K.css.getMediaQueriesWidth() : window.innerWidth) / reCalculateLayoutEachXPixels),
BRICK_PARA_ATTR = 'brick-para-index';
if (!mediaQueriesEnable)
css.enable(BRICK_PARA_ATTR, index);
if (brickParameters[index])
return brickParameters[index];
var maxContainerWidth = getMaxContainerWidth($windowWidth),
para = brickParameters[index] = getBrickParameters(maxContainerWidth), css_string ='';
// squeeze user name
var uname_style = '<post> <postUserName> { display: block; } \
<post> <postHeadArea> header { margin-top: -10px; } \
<post> <postTime> { margin-left: 0px; }';
// for Chrome
if (mediaQueriesEnable) {
css_string += '@media (min-width:'+
(index * reCalculateLayoutEachXPixels) +
'px) and (max-width:'+
((index+1) * reCalculateLayoutEachXPixels -1) +'px) {';
//$K.debug('Current window width is '+ $windowWidth +'. Apply css Media Queries : '+ css_string);
if ($windowWidth < 1750)
css_string += '<filterByCircleOptionsMainBar> { width:'+ (maxContainerWidth - hiddenNavigationWidth - chatBoxBorderLine)+'px; }';
// when screen is too small, compress the user name block. here window's width is only an approximate value
if ($windowWidth < 1280)
css_string += uname_style;
var _offsetLeft = Math.floor((para.brickWidth - postBlockWidth)/2);
// set brick width
css_string +=
'<shareBoxContainer>, <shareBox>, <notEnoughPostsInYourStream>, \
<searchFilter>, <matchedPerson>, \
<post>, <post> > div:not(<optionMenu>) { \
width:' + para.brickWidth +'px; \
} \
<postInnerVideo>, <postInnerImageContainer>, \
<videoThumbnail>, <myGames>, <myGames> .KNb, \
<gameStream> { \
width:' + para.brickWidth +'px !important; \
} \
<postInnerImageContainer>, <postInnerImage>, <postInnerImageThumbnail> { \
max-width:' + para.brickWidth +'px !important; \
for (var i=0; i< para.brickColumn; i++)
css_string += '<post>[<pinColAttr>="'+i+'"] { left: '+ i * (paddingH + para.brickWidth) +'px; }';
if (mediaQueriesEnable) {
css_string += '}'; // end of Media Queries
css.push({ name: BRICK_PARA_ATTR, value : index }, css_string, { enable : true });
return para;
// get current max container width
function getMaxContainerWidth($windowWidth) {
var _chatBoxWidth = css.pull(HIDE_CHATBOX) ? hiddenChatBoxWidth : chatBoxWidth,
_chatBoxGreyBoard = chatBoxGreyBoard,
_chatBoxBorderLine = chatBoxBorderLine;
if (!'<greyContentBorderAreaRight>'))
_chatBoxWidth = _chatBoxGreyBoard = _chatBoxBorderLine = 0;
return $windowWidth - _chatBoxWidth - _chatBoxGreyBoard - _chatBoxBorderLine - mainContentLeftMargin;
// re-calculate parameters based on container width
function getBrickParameters($containerWidth) {
var containerWidth = $containerWidth + paddingH,
column = localStorage['GPinterest_peferColumn'] || 0;
if (!column) {
column = Math.round(containerWidth / (postBlockWidth + paddingH));
// at least three columns should be ensured to display
column = column > perferColumn ? column : perferColumn;
var postBrickWidth = Math.floor($containerWidth / column - paddingH);
return {
"brickColumn" : column,
"brickWidth" : postBrickWidth
// drag and drop =======
// alert when there is new message
function monitorNewMessage($post) {
var comment = $post.querySelector(css.get('<postCommentPanel> <postComment>'));
comment.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', newCommentListener, false);
$post.addEventListener('click', cancleNewCommentAlert, false);
function _monitorNewMessage($post) {
var comment = $post.querySelector(css.get('<postCommentPanel> <postComment>'));
comment.removeEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', newCommentListener, false);
$post.removeEventListener('click', cancleNewCommentAlert, false);
function newCommentListener() {
var post = this.parentElement.parentElement;
css.add(post, '<newCommentArrived>');
function cancleNewCommentAlert() {
css.remove(this, '<newCommentArrived>');
var foldAndLockMouseDispatcher = (function () {
var dragX = dragY = 0, lastDraggedPostId = null, droppable = false;
// listen to some basic section
$K.listen('#content', 'dragover',
function (e) {
if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
return false;
$K.listen('#content', 'dragenter',
function (e) {
e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move';
return false;
$K.listen('#content', 'drop',
function (e) {
if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
$K.debug('drop content');
var elem =;
droppable = droppable && !, "uohZhe");
if (!droppable)
var offsetX = e.clientX - dragX,
offsetY = e.clientY - dragY,
p = $$data.posts[lastDraggedPostId],
style = getComputedStyle(,
X = offsetX + css.getPiexls(style.getPropertyValue('left')),
Y = offsetY + css.getPiexls(style.getPropertyValue('top'));
lockPostPosition(p, { "X": X, "Y": Y });
return false;
$K.listen(css.get('<leftSideNavigation>'), 'drop',
function (e) {
if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
droppable = false;
return false;
return function (e) {
var elem =, post;
if (elem.tagName == "HEADER")
elem = elem.parentElement;
if (, "<postHeadArea>"))
post = elem.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement;
if (!, '<anyPost>'))
var pid = post.getAttribute('id'), pdata = $$data.posts[pid];
// fold post
if (!elem.hasAttribute('draggable')) {
elem.setAttribute('draggable', 'true');
// when drag start
(function ($pid) {
return function (e) {
var p = $$data.posts[$pid];
dragX = e.clientX;
dragY = e.clientY;
css.add(, '<postDragging><postShorten>');
lastDraggedPostId = $pid;
e.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'move';
$K.dataTransfer.setData('movePost', $pid);
// record zigzag
return true;
(function ($pid) {
return function (e) {
var p = $$data.posts[$pid];
css.remove(, '<postDragging><postShorten>');
// if this is a zigzag gesture
if ($K.mouse.gesture.zigzag.success) {
if (p.lock() ||
droppable = false;
droppable = true;
// reset post's position by double click
(function ($p) {
return function () {
, false);*/
// drag and drop ===========
// lock a post's position
function lockPostPosition($p, $pos) {
$p.pos.left = $pos.X;
$ = $pos.Y;
$ = $p.pos.left +'px';
$ = $ +'px';
// reset posts' position
function resetPostPosition($var) {
var p;
if (!$var)
else if (typeof $var==='string')
p = $$data.posts[$var];
p = $$data.posts[$var.getAttribute('id')];;
css.remove(, '<postSelected>');
// unlock the post
p.lock(false); = "";
if (p.fold()) {
setTimeout(function () {
// expand post
}, 1800);
// float locked posts on the screen
function () {
function () {
var maxOffsetX = window.innerWidth - * 1.5;
if (maxOffsetX - css.getPiexls( < 0) = maxOffsetX +"px";
// re-layout the bricks
function replaceBricks($brickPara, $opt) {
var bricks = css.selectAll('<post>'),
brickAmount = bricks.length,
NO_BOXSHADOW = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)',
$opt = $opt || {},
ignoreColumn = ($brickPara.brickColumn != currentColumn),
needUpdateColumn = $opt.operation == LAYOUT_OPERATION_UPDATE_COLUMN,
tops = [], needUpdate = [];
currentColumn = $brickPara.brickColumn;
// inset a element into a column
function insertBrickInto($id, $elem, $column) {
if (!$elem)
if (!$$data.other[$id])
$$data.other[$id] = {
top : null,
column : -1
var dat = $$data.other[$id], height = $elem.offsetHeight;
if ($column != dat.column) {
if (dat.column > -1)
needUpdate[dat.column] = true;
dat.column = $column;
needUpdate[$column] = true;
if ( != tops[$column]) {
needUpdate[$column] = true; = tops[$column];
if (needUpdate[$column] || $"")
$ = tops[$column]+'px';
tops[$column] += height + paddingV;
for (var i=0; i<currentColumn; i++) {
tops.push(0); // default top
needUpdate.push((needUpdateColumn && i== $opt.value) || ignoreColumn); // if current column need to be updated
// take the sharebox as the first brick
insertBrickInto('shareBoxContainer','<shareBoxContainer>'), 0);
insertBrickInto('notEnoughPostsInYourStream','<notEnoughPostsInYourStream>'), 0);
insertBrickInto('matchedPerson','<matchedPerson>'), 0);
insertBrickInto('searchFilter','<searchFilter>'), 0);
insertBrickInto('myGames','<myGames>'), 0);
insertBrickInto('gameStream','<gameStream>'), 0);
for (var i=0, curCol; i<brickAmount;i++) {
// deliver post balancely
curCol = (Math.max(brickAmount-1, 0)+i) % currentColumn; // current brick's column
//curCol = $K.utils.getMinIndex(tops, exceptionColumns);
var postId = bricks[i].getAttribute("id"),
postHeight = bricks[i].offsetHeight,
needReloadPost = !bricks[i].hasAttribute(COLUMN_ATTR);
if (postHeight < deletedPostHeight) // post not ready yet
if (!$$data.posts[postId] || bricks[i]"") { // init
needUpdate[curCol] = true;
$$data.posts[postId] = {
id : postId,
column : curCol,
pos : {
top : 0, // relative
left : 0
lock : function ($act) {
if (typeof $act !="boolean")
return !!$$data.index.locked[];
if ($act) {
css.add(, '<postLocked>');
$$data.index.locked[] = this;
else {
css.remove(, '<postLocked>');
delete $$data.index.locked[];
select : (function () {
var _selected = false;
return function ($act) {
if (typeof $act !="boolean")
return _selected;
_selected = $act;
fold : function ($act) {
if (typeof $act !="boolean")
return !!$$data.index.folded[];
if ($act) {
css.add(, '<postFolded>');
$$data.index.folded[] = this;
else {
css.remove(, '<postFolded>');
delete $$data.index.folded[];
post : bricks[i],
toString : function () {
else if (!ignoreColumn && !needReloadPost)
curCol = $$data.posts[postId].column;
$$data.posts[postId].column = curCol;
var p = $$data.posts[postId]; // reference
if ([i], '<postSelected>')) {
var shadowValue = getComputedStyle(bricks[i]).getPropertyValue('box-shadow') || NO_BOXSHADOW; < 0);
if (!p.lock() && ! && != tops[curCol]) {
needUpdate[curCol] = true; = tops[curCol];
// do not move the selected / locked post
if (!p.lock() && ! {
if (ignoreColumn || needReloadPost)
bricks[i].setAttribute(COLUMN_ATTR, curCol); // update column information
if (needUpdate[curCol]) // when the post is selected before, but not selected any more
bricks[i] = tops[curCol]+'px';
if (!p.lock())
tops[curCol] += postHeight + paddingV;
return Math.max.apply(Math, tops); // return total height
function appendBricks($brickPara) {
var layout = (function () {
var maxHeight = 0;
return function ($opt) {
//$K.debug('G++ Pinterest: Re-layout at '+ new Date().getTime());
var brickPara = loadBrickCSS(window.innerWidth),
height = replaceBricks(brickPara, $opt),
moreButtonContainer = css.selectAll('<streamMoreButtonContainer>'),
contentPane ='<contentPane>'),
mainContent ='<mainContent>');
// 'more' button
if (moreButtonContainer && maxHeight != height) {
maxHeight = height;
function () { = height+'px';
); = = (height + 200)+'px';
var timingLayout = $K.tickTork(layout, { interval : 2300, check: 5000 });
var delayedLayout = $K.tickTork(layout, { delay: 2000 });
function _init() {
$K.debug("Layout+ Pinterest is now loaded.");
function () {
// reload all posts
$K.listen(css.get('<streamContainer>, <shareBox>'), 'DOMSubtreeModified', timingLayout, { init: true });
$K.listen(css.get('<streamContainer>'), 'click', foldAndLockMouseDispatcher);
}, true
return {
"init" : _init
$K.debug("Layout+ is now loaded. Current URL "+ $K.url);
// cancel a bunch of action
$K.url.onUrlChange(function () {
if ('<blackNavigationBar>')) {
$K.listen(css.get('<blackNavigationBar>'), 'mouseover', function () {
}, true );
$K.listen('#content', 'click', function () {
var Theme = GPinterest;
//var Theme = GTimeline;
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