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thinking about bingus

Quentin Young qlyoung

thinking about bingus
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qlyoung /
Last active December 10, 2021 19:13
Using RR debugger with FRR

Useful to help debug intermittent FRR issues, or problems which only reproduce under certain network conditions that are difficult to recreate.

  1. Install daemonize
  2. Edit /etc/frr/daemons and set the following as a wrap command for the daemons you want:
qlyoung / scapy-pim.txt
Created April 6, 2021 21:54
pim routers hate this one simple trick
# establish neighbor
# join group
sendp(Ether()/IP(dst="")/PIMv2Hdr()/PIMv2JoinPrune(num_group=1, jp_ips=[PIMv2GroupAddrs(gaddr='', num_joins=1, join_ips=[PIMv2JoinAddrs(src_ip='', wildcard=1, rpt=1)])]), iface="veth1")
qlyoung / debug.txt
Created March 25, 2021 03:56
Vagrant debug gist
INFO global: Vagrant version:
INFO global: Ruby version: 2.7.2
INFO global: RubyGems version: 3.2.13
INFO global: VAGRANT_LOG="debug"
WARN global: resolv replacement has not been enabled!
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /home/qlyoung/projects/vagrant/plugins/commands/autocomplete/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: autocomplete command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /home/qlyoung/projects/vagrant/plugins/commands/box/plugin.rb
qlyoung / openbmp-quick-setup.txt
Last active February 12, 2021 23:42
OpenBMP no bs setup
docker pull openbmp/aio
docker run -d -e API_FQDN=localhost.lan \
--name=openbmp_aio -e MEM=15 \
-p 3306:3306 -p 2181:2181 \
-p 9092:9092 -p 5000:5000 \
-p 8001:8001 openbmp/aio
# wait a few minutes for mysql to initialize itself
# Monitor logs:
# docker exec openbmp_aio tail -f /var/log/openbmpd.log
qlyoung /
Created December 7, 2020 06:39
generate flamegraph for bgpd, from startup to first eor rx
# Perf flamegraph for bgpd
# Run as root
# Don't run this on an untrusted system lol
if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]
then echo "Please run as root"
qlyoung / chasepdf2csv
Last active November 13, 2020 00:45 — forked from ivy/chasepdf2csv
Convert Chase credit card statements from PDF to CSV. Works with Chase CC statements as of 11/2020
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# chasepdf2csv -- Convert Chase credit card statements from PDF to CSV. Written
# to easily import older statements into QuickBooks Online/Self-Employed. Chase
# unfortunately only offers statements up to 6 months in the past, making it a
# huge chore to synchronize past transactions.
# How to Use
# ----------
# This script requires Ruby >2.0.0 and pdftotext. Copy this script somewhere and
# make it executable. Run it like any other command.
qlyoung / gist:2e2da474a346678c68ae85adf8d7825c
Created November 9, 2020 21:40
linux sysfs topology info
qlyoung /
Last active September 9, 2020 00:50
Starter script for accessing Echo VR API
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Starter script for programmatic access of Echo VR API
# Copyright (C) 2020 Quentin Young
# Public domain, all rights released
# To run:
# python
qlyoung / gist:a8ad8417f38c8d3df526d22e54faec5a
Created August 30, 2020 07:23
Procedure for importing data from Shearwater Teric to Subsurface on Windows 10
- In Windows, open Settings -> Bluetooth & other devices
- If Teric has been paired before, click it and click "Remove device"
- Open Subsurface, go to Import -> From Dive Computer
- In Windows Settings, click Add Bluetooth or other device -> Bluetooth
- On Teric, initiate Bluetooth mode (it seems it only sends one beacon at
startup, so Windows must be listening on the adapter first)
- Pair the Teric when it appears in the Windows panel
- Go to Subsurface, select the Teric as the model, and click "Download"
- If it fails, repeat all steps; sometimes it only works on the second try
qlyoung / sample-bsm-crash-logs.txt
Created April 6, 2020 15:29
PIM bsm crash logs
2020/03/29 18:25:08 warnings: PIM: pim_parse_addr_group: unknown group address encoding family=0 mask_len=0 from
2020/03/29 18:25:08 warnings: PIM: pim_tlv_parse_holdtime: PIM hello holdtime TLV with incorrect value size=173 correct=2 from on interface fuzziface
2020/03/29 18:25:08 warnings: PIM: pim_tlv_parse_holdtime: PIM hello holdtime TLV with incorrect value size=173 correct=2 from on interface fuzziface
2020/03/29 18:25:08 warnings: PIM: pim_tlv_parse_holdtime: PIM hello holdtime TLV with incorrect value size=173 correct=2 from on interface fuzziface
2020/03/29 18:25:08 warnings: PIM: pim_tlv_parse_holdtime: PIM hello holdtime TLV with incorrect value size=173 correct=2 from on interface fuzziface
2020/03/29 18:25:08 warnings: PIM: pim_tlv_parse_holdtime: PIM hello holdtime TLV with incorrect value size=173 correct=2 from on interface fuzziface
2020/03/29 18:25:08 warnings: PIM: pim_tlv_parse_holdtime: PIM hello holdtime TLV with incorrect value size=173