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Last active February 22, 2022 16:57
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dump() example
// DumpExample
// This SwiftUI View explores use of the dump() function for manipulating the debugging display
// of large, structured data.
// Created by Quinn McHenry on 2/17/22.
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var maxDepth = 0
@State private var maxItems = 0
private let maxMaxDepth = 6 // when maxDepth == this, use .max instead
private let maxMaxItems = 11 // when maxItems == this, use .max instead
private let sample = Alpha.sample()
var body: some View {
VStack {
Stepper("maxDepth: \(maxDepth == maxMaxDepth ? ".max" : "\(maxDepth)")",
value: $maxDepth, in: 0...maxMaxDepth, onEditingChanged: showDump)
Stepper("maxItems: \(maxItems == maxMaxItems ? ".max" : "\(maxItems)")",
value: $maxItems, in: 0...maxMaxItems, onEditingChanged: showDump)
func showDump(_ changed: Bool) {
print("maxDepth = \(maxDepth) maxItems = \(maxItems)")
print("print() ---")
print("dump() ---")
dump(sample, //name: "Name here!", indent: 10,
maxDepth: maxDepth == maxMaxDepth ? .max : maxDepth,
maxItems: maxItems == maxMaxItems ? .max : maxItems)
/// Simple usage `dump(sample)` defaults to `dump(sample, maxDepth: .max, maxItems: .max)`
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
/// Fake data for testing
struct Alpha {
let s: String
let betas: [Beta]
static func sample() -> Self {
Alpha(s: "the alpha", betas: [
Beta(s: "beta one", deltas: [.sample(1), .sample(10), .sample(100)]),
Beta(s: "beta two", deltas: [.sample(2), .sample(20), .sample(200)]),
Beta(s: "beta three", deltas: [.sample(3), .sample(30), .sample(300)]),
Beta(s: "beta four", deltas: [.sample(4), .sample(20), .sample(400)]),
struct Beta {
let s: String
let deltas: [Delta]
struct Delta {
let i: Int
let s: String
static func sample(_ i: Int) -> Self {
Delta(i: i, s: "delta \(i)")
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