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Last active April 10, 2021 03:56
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Calculate your BMR & TDEE
// Total Daily Energy Expenditure
function TDEE (data) {
this.weight = data.weight || 60
this.height = data.height || 180
this.age = data.age || 20 = || 'male'
this.bodyType = data.bodyType || 'ectomorph'
this.numberOfWorkouts = data.numberOfWorkouts || 3
this.durationOfWorkout = data.durationOfWorkout || 45
this.ratios = data.ratios || {
protein: 35,
carb: 45,
fat: 20
// Basal Metabolic Rate
TDEE.prototype.calculateBMR = function () {
var weightFactor = 9.99
var heightFactor = 6.25
var ageFactor = 4.92
var result = ((weightFactor * this.weight) + (heightFactor * this.height) - (ageFactor * this.age))
return Math.floor( == 'male' ? result + 5 : result - 161)
// calories used during physical activity
TDEE.prototype.calculateTEA = function () {
// strength exercises consume 7 - 9 kcal/minute
var kcalpm = 9
// EPOC calories used after workout, ~ 4% - 7% total calories intake
var percentOfBMR = Math.floor((7 * this.calculateBMR()) / 100)
var EPOC = (this.numberOfWorkouts * percentOfBMR)
// console.log(EPOC)
// 3x60 mins x 9kcal + EPOC(3x(0.07 x calculateBMR))
// results are divided by number of weekdays
return Math.floor((this.numberOfWorkouts * this.durationOfWorkout * kcalpm + EPOC) / 7)
// NEAT - thermogenesis not including workouts
TDEE.prototype.calculateNEAT = function () {
var body = {
endomorph: 400, // endomorph 200-400 kcal
ectomorph: 900, // ectomorph 700-900 kcal
mesomorph: 500 // mesomorph 400-500 kcal
return body[this.bodyType]
TDEE.prototype.getMacronutrients = function () {
var calories = this.getTotal()
return {
protein: Math.floor(calories * this.ratios.protein / 100 / 4),
carb: Math.floor(calories * this.ratios.carb / 100 / 4),
fat: Math.floor(calories * this.ratios.fat / 100 / 9)
TDEE.prototype.getTotal = function () {
var BMR = this.calculateBMR()
var TEA = this.calculateTEA()
var NEAT = this.calculateNEAT()
var total = BMR + TEA + NEAT
// postmeal thermogenesis
var TEF = Math.floor(total / 10)
return total + TEF
var ratios = [
name: 'high-carb for bodybuilding',
carb: 50, // 40-60
protein: 30, // 25-35
fat: 20 // 15-25
name: 'moderate-carb for maitenance',
carb: 40, // 30-50
protein: 30, // 25-35
fat: 30 // 25-35
name: 'low-carb for reduction',
carb: 20, // 10-20
protein: 50, // 40-50
fat: 30 // 30-40
var qmmr = {
weight: 84.8,
height: 184,
age: 34,
sex: 'male',
bodyType: 'mesomorph',
numberOfWorkouts: 4,
durationOfWorkout: 120,
ratios: ratios[0]
var tdee = new TDEE(qmmr)
console.log('BMR: ', tdee.calculateBMR())
console.log('TEA: ', tdee.calculateTEA())
console.log('NEAT: ', tdee.calculateNEAT())
console.log('TOTAL: ' + tdee.getTotal() + ' kcal')
console.log('Chosen ratio -> ' + + ':')
console.log('carb: ' + qmmr.ratios.carb + '%')
console.log('protein: ' + qmmr.ratios.protein + '%')
console.log('fat: ' + qmmr.ratios.fat + '%')
console.log('Your daily macronutrients:')
console.log('Proteins: ' + tdee.getMacronutrients().protein + 'g')
console.log('Carbs: ' + tdee.getMacronutrients().carb + 'g')
console.log('Fats: ' + tdee.getMacronutrients().fat + 'g')
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Hey friend, this is pretty cool. Do you have the rest by any chance?

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