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Last active October 17, 2017 15:57
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Pi-calculus defs in Coq
Require Import List.
(* A name defines a pair of channels.
* We need countably many names, so we use nat.
* Denoted as "a", "b", "c", ...
Definition Name := nat.
(* A pair of channels looks like FIFO.
* However, in π-calculus, they merely function as a synchronization point.
* Moreover unlike FIFOs, they're symmetric.
* Denoted as "α", "β", "γ", ...
Variant Channel :=
| ChanPos : Name -> Channel
| ChanNeg : Name -> Channel.
Definition cneg(c: Channel) :=
match c with
| ChanPos a => ChanNeg a
| ChanNeg a => ChanPos a
Lemma cneg_invol: forall c, cneg (cneg c) = c.
Proof. intros [a|a]; reflexivity. Qed.
(* A step is send/recv or a neutral computation.
* A computation comes from a matching pair of send and recv.
* Denoted as "α", "β", "γ", ...
* Computation is specifically denoted as "τ".
Variant Step :=
| StepChan : Channel -> Step
| StepComp : Step.
(* A name of recursively-defined procedure.
* The definition is given by the corresponding environment.
* Denoted as "A", "B", "C", ...
* With arguments, it is denoted like "A(a, b, c)".
Definition ProcName := nat.
(* A term. It comes with LTS (labeled transition system) semantics.
* Denoted as "t", "s", and alike.
Inductive Term :=
| T0 : Term
| Tstep : Step -> Term -> Term
| Tpar : Term -> Term -> Term
| Tor : Term -> Term -> Term
| Tbind : Name -> Term -> Term
| Tcall : ProcName -> list Name -> Term.
(* Here an environment only contains definitions of procedures.
* An environment doesn't change time-to-time.
Record Env := {
env_defs: list (ProcName * (list Name * Term))
Definition lookup_def(e: Env) (p: ProcName) : list Name * Term :=
match find (fun entry => Nat.eqb (fst entry) p) e.(env_defs) with
| Some entry => snd entry
| None => (nil, T0)
(* Simultaneous substitution of names.
This is used in procedure call. *)
Definition substitute_name(a: Name) :=
fix substitute_name(dict: list (Name * Name)) :=
match dict with
| nil => a
| cons (from, to) dict' =>
if Nat.eqb from a then to else substitute_name dict'
Definition bind_name_in_dict(a: Name) :=
fix bind_name_in_dict(dict: list (Name * Name)) :=
match dict with
| nil => nil
| cons (from, to) dict' =>
if Nat.eqb from a then bind_name_in_dict dict'
else cons (from, to) (bind_name_in_dict dict')
Fixpoint substitute(t: Term) (dict: list (Name * Name)) :=
match t with
| T0 => T0
| Tstep α t' => Tstep
match α with
| StepChan α' => StepChan
match α' with
| ChanPos a => ChanPos (substitute_name a dict)
| ChanNeg a => ChanNeg (substitute_name a dict)
| StepComp => StepComp
end (substitute t' dict)
| Tpar t' t'' => Tpar (substitute t' dict) (substitute t'' dict)
| Tor t' t'' => Tor (substitute t' dict) (substitute t'' dict)
| Tbind a t' => Tbind a (substitute t' (bind_name_in_dict a dict))
| Tcall p args => Tcall p (map (fun a => substitute_name a dict) args)
(* Semantics of terms is given by LTS (labeled transition system).
* That is, (→) ∈ Term × Step × Term.
Inductive Transition(e: Env) : Step -> Term -> Term -> Prop :=
| TrStep α t : Transition e α (Tstep α t) t
| TrParL α tl tl' tr :
Transition e α tl tl' -> Transition e α (Tpar tl tr) (Tpar tl' tr)
| TrParR α tl tr tr' :
Transition e α tr tr' -> Transition e α (Tpar tl tr) (Tpar tl tr')
| TrParC α tl tl' tr tr' :
Transition e (StepChan α) tl tl' ->
Transition e (StepChan (cneg α)) tr tr' ->
Transition e StepComp (Tpar tl tr) (Tpar tl' tr')
| TrOrL α tl tr t' :
Transition e α tl t' -> Transition e α (Tor tl tr) t'
| TrOrR α tl tr t' :
Transition e α tr t' -> Transition e α (Tor tl tr) t'
| TrBind α a t t' :
match α with
| StepChan (ChanPos b) => a <> b
| StepChan (ChanNeg b) => a <> b
| StepComp => True
end ->
Transition e α t t' ->
Transition e α (Tbind a t) (Tbind a t')
| TrCall α p args t':
let entry := lookup_def e p in
Transition e α (substitute (snd entry) (combine (fst entry) args)) t' ->
Transition e α (Tcall p args) t'.
(* Bisimilarity is one of the well-behaving definitions of process equivalence.
* They fully exploit functionality of coinduction.
CoInductive Bisimilar(e: Env) (t0 t1: Term) : Prop := {
bisimilarity_l: forall α t0', Transition e α t0 t0' ->
exists t1', Transition e α t1 t1' /\ Bisimilar e t0' t1';
bisimilarity_r: forall α t1', Transition e α t1 t1' ->
exists t0', Transition e α t0 t0' /\ Bisimilar e t0' t1'
(* Inversion lemmas *)
Lemma transition_Tstep_inv: forall e α β t t',
Transition e α (Tstep β t) t' -> α = β /\ t = t'.
intros e α β t t' H; inversion H; auto.
Lemma transition_Tpar_inv: forall e α tl tr t',
Transition e α (Tpar tl tr) t' ->
(exists tl', Transition e α tl tl' /\ t' = Tpar tl' tr) \/
(exists tr', Transition e α tr tr' /\ t' = Tpar tl tr') \/
(exists β tl' tr',
(Transition e (StepChan β) tl tl' /\
Transition e (StepChan (cneg β)) tr tr') /\
t' = Tpar tl' tr' /\ α = StepComp).
intros e α tl tr t' H; inversion H.
- left; exists tl'; auto.
- right; left; exists tr'; auto.
- right; right; exists α0; exists tl'; exists tr'; auto.
Lemma transition_Tor_inv: forall e α tl tr t',
Transition e α (Tor tl tr) t' ->
Transition e α tl t' \/ Transition e α tr t'.
intros e α tl tr t' H; inversion H.
- left; auto.
- right; auto.
Lemma transition_Tbind_inv: forall e α a t t',
Transition e α (Tbind a t) t' ->
exists t'', Transition e α t t'' /\ t' = Tbind a t'' /\
match α with
| StepChan (ChanPos b) => a <> b
| StepChan (ChanNeg b) => a <> b
| StepComp => True
intros e α a t t' H; inversion H.
exists t'0; auto.
Lemma transition_Tcall_inv: forall e α p args t',
Transition e α (Tcall p args) t' ->
let entry := lookup_def e p in
Transition e α (substitute (snd entry) (combine (fst entry) args)) t'.
intros e α p args t' H; inversion H.
Theorem par_comm: forall e t0 t1, Bisimilar e (Tpar t0 t1) (Tpar t1 t0).
intros e.
cofix CIH.
intros t0 t1.
- intros α t' H.
apply transition_Tpar_inv in H.
destruct H as [H|[H|H]].
+ destruct H as [t0' [H ->]].
exists (Tpar t1 t0').
split; [apply TrParR, H|].
apply CIH.
+ destruct H as [t1' [H ->]].
exists (Tpar t1' t0).
split; [apply TrParL, H|].
apply CIH.
+ destruct H as [β [t0' [t1' H]]].
destruct H as [[Hl Hr] [-> ->]].
exists (Tpar t1' t0').
* apply (TrParC e (cneg β)); [apply Hr|].
rewrite cneg_invol; apply Hl.
* apply CIH.
- intros α t' H.
apply transition_Tpar_inv in H.
destruct H as [H|[H|H]].
+ destruct H as [t1' [H ->]].
exists (Tpar t0 t1').
split; [apply TrParR, H|].
apply CIH.
+ destruct H as [t0' [H ->]].
exists (Tpar t0' t1).
split; [apply TrParL, H|].
apply CIH.
+ destruct H as [β [t1' [t0' H]]].
destruct H as [[Hl Hr] [-> ->]].
exists (Tpar t0' t1').
* apply (TrParC e (cneg β)); [apply Hr|].
rewrite cneg_invol; apply Hl.
* apply CIH.
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