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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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ちょまど問題 を形式化したけど間違ってるかも
Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype.
Require Import tuple finfun finset.
Definition answer := 10.-tuple 'I_ 4.
Definition compare(a0 a1 : answer) : nat :=
count (fun x => fst x == snd x) (zip_tuple a0 a1).
CoInductive chomado :=
| decided : answer -> chomado
| ask : answer -> (nat -> chomado) -> chomado.
Definition run(a0:answer) :=
fix run(c:chomado) (depth:nat) :=
match c with
| decided a1 => a0 == a1
| ask a1 next =>
if depth is depth'.+1 then
run (next (compare a0 a1)) depth'
else false
Definition success(c:chomado) (depth:nat) :=
[forall a0, run a0 c depth].
(* 何らかの方法で実行可能 *)
Lemma solvable : exists c depth, success c depth.
(* 回数Nで実行可能 (例. N=20) *)
Lemma solvable20 : exists c, success c 20.
(* 最低回数はN (例. N=10) *)
Lemma min10 : forall n, (exists c, success c n) -> n <= 10.
(* 以下、4^{10}回でできることの証明 *)
Lemma same_compare10 : forall a, compare a a = 10.
rewrite /compare.
move=> [a /=/eqP<-].
elim: a; first done.
move=> /= h l ->.
by rewrite eq_refl.
Lemma compare10_same : forall a0 a1, compare a0 a1 = 10 -> a0 = a1.
rewrite /compare.
move=> [a0 H0] [a1 H1] /= H.
suff: a0 = a1;
first by
move=> Heq; move: Heq H0 H1 => <- H0 H1;
congr 1 Tuple;
exact: bool_irrelevance.
move: H0 H1 H => /eqP<- /eqP.
elim: a0 a1; first by move=> a1 /size0nil-> _.
move=> h0 t0 IH [|h1 t1] /=; first done.
move=> [Hsz].
case: (h0 =P h1).
- move=> <- [Hih].
by rewrite (IH _ Hsz Hih).
- move=> _ /= H.
change (count (fun x => x.1 == x.2) (zip t0 t1) = (size t0).+1) in H.
have: count (fun x => x.1 == x.2) (zip t0 t1) <= size t0.
- rewrite -(size1_zip(t:=t1)); last by rewrite Hsz.
exact: count_size.
- rewrite H.
move=> /ltP Hlt.
by case: (Lt.lt_irrefl _ Hlt).
Definition something_to_say : answer := [tuple ord0 | _ < 10].
CoFixpoint chomado_simple' remaining :=
if remaining is a0 :: remaining' then
ask a0 (fun n =>
if n == 10 then
decided a0
chomado_simple' remaining'
decided something_to_say.
Definition chomado_simple := chomado_simple' (enum [finType of answer]).
Definition chomado_simple_cost : nat := size (enum [finType of answer]).
Lemma chomado_simple_OK : success chomado_simple chomado_simple_cost.
rewrite /chomado_simple_cost /chomado_simple /success.
apply/forallP => x.
have: x \in enum [finType of answer].
- by rewrite mem_enum.
- elim: (enum [finType of answer]) => [|a0 remaining] /=; first done.
rewrite in_cons => IH /orP[/eqP<- | H].
- rewrite same_compare10 => /=.
by case: (size remaining) => [|_] /=.
- case: (compare x a0 =P 10).
- move=> Heq; rewrite (compare10_same _ _ Heq).
by case: (size remaining) => [|_] /=.
- by move=> _; apply IH.
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