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Last active November 16, 2017 23:52
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{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
-- Linear IO, in `IO a` - `a` have to have 1 weight.
import SIO
import Data.IORef
import Linear.Common
import Linear.Std
import Linear.Unsafe
import Control.Exception as Exception
import Prelude (fromInteger, (++), show, Int, IO)
import qualified Prelude as P
import GHC.Exts
import qualified System.IO as IO
import qualified Unsafe.Coerce as Unsafe
-- Special wrapper.
data W1 a s = W1 a
-- Key that is used for resource unregistering
data Key a s = Key Int deriving (P.Eq)
-- Key value pair that introduces `s` that guarantees
-- that value can be used only with it's key.
data KV a = forall s . KV (W1 a s) (Key a s)
-- Information to be kept in state:
-- function to clear resource, and corresponding key
data KeyDisp = forall a s . KeyDisp (IO' ()) (Key a s)
-- These helper types may be complex, there another approach
-- that may allow to hide key in the wrapper for resource,
-- but that approach would require to wrap all methods working
-- with resource. However it's possible that it should be done
-- anyway as methods would have to return linear resource alongside
-- the result
-- Storage, can be part of the monad where action is running.
data S = S (IORef [KeyDisp])
-- Helper to use "ordinary" method on wrapper resource.
useW1 :: W1 a s ->. (a ->. IO' (a, r)) ->. IO' (W1 a s, r)
useW1 (W1 x) f = do
(v, r) <- f x
return (W1 v, r)
-- Function to free resource allocated in with a gived storage
freeRes :: S -> W1 a s ->. Key a s ->. IO' ()
freeRes (S s) w k = unsafeIOtoLIO (unsafeFree (unsafeUnrestricted w) (unsafeUnrestricted k)) where
unsafeFree :: (Unrestricted (W1 a s)) ->. (Unrestricted (Key a s)) ->. IO ()
unsafeFree (Unrestricted w') (Unrestricted k') =
readIORef s P.>>= \keyvals -> go keyvals P.>>= writeIORef s P.>> P.return ()
go :: [KeyDisp] -> IO [KeyDisp]
go ((KeyDisp f z):rest) = case (unsafeCoerce z P.== k') of
P.True -> unsafeLIOtoIO f P.>> P.return rest
P.False -> go rest P.>>= \rest' -> P.return ((KeyDisp f z):rest')
-- Function to allocate resouce in a gived storage
alloc :: S -> (IO a) -> (a ->. IO' ()) -> IO' (KV a)
alloc (S r) create dis = unsafeIOtoLIO go
go = readIORef r P.>>= \ls ->
let c = case ls of
[] -> 0
(KeyDisp _ (Key x):_) -> (x P.+ 1)
key = Key c
in create P.>>= \value -> modifyIORef r (KeyDisp (dis value) key:) P.>> P.return (KV (W1 value) key)
-- Runner
runLIO1 :: (S -> IO' (Unrestricted r)) -> IO r
runLIO1 f =
bracket (P.fmap S (newIORef []))
(\s -> unsafeLIOtoIO (f s) P.>>= \(Unrestricted r) -> P.return r)
finalize (S s) = readIORef s P.>>= \vals -> go vals
go [] = P.return ()
go (KeyDisp x _:xs) = (unsafeLIOtoIO x P.>> P.return ()) `Exception.finally` go xs
-- Test case
test = runLIO1 $ \s -> do
(KV value key) <- alloc s (IO.openFile "foo" IO.ReadWriteMode) (hClose)
(value', Unrestricted _) <- useW1 value hGetLine
() <- freeRes s value' key
return (Unrestricted ())
-- Helpers.
hOpen :: P.String -> IO' IO.Handle
hOpen str = unsafeIOtoLIO (IO.openFile str IO.ReadWriteMode)
hClose :: IO.Handle ->. IO' ()
hClose h = unsafeIOtoLIO (unsafeClose (unsafeUnrestricted h)) where
unsafeClose :: Unrestricted IO.Handle ->. IO ()
unsafeClose (Unrestricted p) = IO.hClose p P.>> P.return ()
hGetLine :: IO.Handle ->. IO' (IO.Handle, Unrestricted P.String)
hGetLine h = unsafeIOtoLIO (unsafeGetLine (unsafeUnrestricted h)) where
unsafeGetLine :: Unrestricted IO.Handle ->. IO (IO.Handle, Unrestricted P.String)
unsafeGetLine (Unrestricted p) = IO.hGetLine p P.>>= \s -> P.return (p, Unrestricted s)
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