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Created August 19, 2012 19:33
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how to make a function that is based on it's return type
-- | how to make a function that is based on its return type?
class (Storable a) => P a where
data Ps a
pStorageType :: [a] -> StorageType
wP :: [a] -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
wP xs f = V.unsafeWith (V.fromList xs) f
export:: (MonadIO m, Pixel a) => PMagickWand -> Int -> m [a]
exportImagePixels len = exportArray len ffiFunction undefined
exportArray :: (Pixel a) => Int -> (StorageType -> Ptr () -> IO b) -> [a] -> IO [a]
exportArray s f hack = allocaArray s (\q -> f storage (castPtr q) >> peekArray s q)
where storage = pStorageType hack
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