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Last active December 12, 2015 08:29
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  • Save qnikst/4744520 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save qnikst/4744520 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. nub можно убрать использовав Data.Set, но на малых размерах N^2 не проблема. solN можно тоже переписать так, чтобы не проводилить двойные вычисления, но мне лень :)
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import Control.Monad
import Debug.Trace
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
type History = [Int]
type Mouse = Int
type Size = Int
type State = ([Mouse],History)
initial :: Size -> State
initial n = ([1..n],[])
game :: Size -> Set [Mouse] -> [State] -> [State]
game _ _ [] = []
game n vis is = let ns = filter (flip S.notMember vis . fst) $ concatMap step is
in is ++ ns ++ game n (vis `S.union` (S.fromList $ map fst ns)) ns
step :: State -> [State]
step ([],_) = [] -- no more steps ^_^
step (ms,h) = flip map [1..n] $ \i -> -- cat`s move
let h' = i:h -- next step
ms' = filter (/=i) ms -- mices that are alive
ms'' = sort . nub $ filter inBounds $ liftM2 (+) [1,-1] ms' -- next mice step
in (ms'',h')
inBounds x | x >= 1 && x <= n = True
| otherwise = False
sol1 n = reverse . snd . head . (filter isSolution) $ game n S.empty [initial n]
solN n = map (reverse . snd) sls
where s1 = head $ filter isSolution $ game n S.empty [initial n]
sls = filter isSolution $ takeWhile f
$ dropWhile (not . f)
$ game n S.empty [initial n]
f = on (==) (length . snd) s1
isSolution = null . fst
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