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Created August 21, 2020 12:08
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-- | Create new cache service.
:: (Show a, Hashable a, Ord a)
=> LoggerEnv
-> Config
-> IO (Handle a b)
new ctx' cfg@Config {..} = do
ref <- newIORef PSQ.empty
pure $ Handle
{ requestOrInternal = \tm k f -> do
queue <- readIORef ref
case PSQ.lookup k queue of
Nothing -> insertElement cfg ref tm k f
Just (p, (r, lock)) -> do
readIORef r >>= \case
-> updateLock cfg ref lock r tm k f
Just v
| p >= tm ^-^ configLongestAge -> pure v
| otherwise -> updateLock cfg ref lock r tm k f
, remove = \k -> do
logDebug ctx $ "remove value in cache for key" <> showLS k
void $ atomicModifyIORef ref $ swap . PSQ.alter (const ((), Nothing)) k
where ctx = addNamespace' "cache" ctx'
-- | There is no value in the queue, but someone may already trying to create a lock,
-- so we need to register a lock, verifying that it was registered concurrently.
insertElement :: (Hashable k, Ord k)
=> Config
-> IORef (HashPSQ k POSIXTime (IORef (Maybe z), MVar (Maybe (POSIXTime, z))))
-> POSIXTime
-> k
-> (k -> IO z)
-> IO z
insertElement cfg ref tm k f = newEmptyMVar >>= \x -> go x `onException` (tryPutMVar x Nothing) where
go our_lock = do
result_box <- newIORef Nothing
<- atomicModifyIORef ref $ swap .
Just x@(_, their_lock) -> (Just their_lock, Just x)
Nothing -> (Nothing, Just (tm, (result_box, our_lock)))
) k
case update_result of
Just (r, their_lock)
-> updateLock cfg ref their_lock r tm k f -- Someone else managed to insert the lock, first.
Nothing -> do
-- We are holding a lock, so we need to evaluate value and register it
value <- f k
putMVar our_lock (Just (tm, value))
writeIORef result_box (Just value)
pure value
updateLock :: (Hashable k, Ord k)
=> Config
-> IORef (HashPSQ k POSIXTime (IORef (Maybe z), MVar (Maybe (POSIXTime, z))))
-> MVar (Maybe (POSIXTime, z))
-> IORef (Maybe z)
-> POSIXTime
-> k
-> (k -> IO z)
-> IO z
updateLock Config{..} ref lock inner tm k f = modifyMVar lock $ \case
Just x@(p, v) -- Result exists and is valid, we can just return it
| p >= tm ^-^ configLongestAge -> pure (Just x, v)
_ -> do -- There is no result or it's outdated, we can update it.
value <- f k
writeIORef inner (Just value)
atomicModifyIORef ref (\queue -> (PSQ.insert k tm (inner,lock) queue, ()))
pure (Just (tm, value), value)
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