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Last active May 11, 2020 04:50
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#version 120
#extension GL_EXT_texture_array : require
#extension GL_EXT_texture_array : enable
// Configuration: For the adventurous!
// This is blending. Shadows are rendered to separate layers based on distance.
// This may cause shadows to suddenly change appearance. Use this to change
// how long a distance they will "fade" between the two versions over.
float blendAlpha = 0.75f; // bl default is 0.9f
float blendBeta = 1.0f - blendAlpha;
// These values are very important. If they're too low, you will see weird
// patterns and waves everywhere. If they're too high, shadows will be
// disconnected from their objects. They need to be adjusted carefully.
// These are set specifically for Max quality with max drawing distance.
// You'll need to change them based on your shader quality (and if you changed
// the Poisson disk below.. probably).
const float fudgeFactor1 = 0.1f;
const float fudgeFactor2 = 0.25f;
const float fudgeFactor3 = 0.7f;
const float fudgeFactor4 = 2.66f;
// How soft should the shadows be? (how far out does the edge go)
// Change this or the magic numbers below to improve your "softness" quality
float sampleDistance = 1.0f / 700.0f;
// Magic numbers below
int poissonDiskCount = 24;
vec2 poissonDisk[24] = vec2[](
vec2(0.01020043f, 0.3103616f),
vec2(-0.4121873f, -0.1701329f),
vec2(0.4333374f, 0.6148015f),
vec2(0.1092096f, -0.2437763f),
vec2(0.6641068f, -0.1210794f),
vec2(-0.1726627f, 0.8724736f),
vec2(-0.8549297f, 0.2836411f),
vec2(0.5146544f, -0.6802685f),
vec2(0.04769185f, -0.879628f),
vec2(-0.9373617f, -0.2187589f),
vec2(-0.69226f, -0.6652822f),
vec2(0.9230682f, 0.3181772f),
// these points might be bad:
vec2(-0.1565961f, 0.8773971f),
vec2(-0.5258075f, 0.3916658f),
vec2(0.515902f, 0.3077986f),
vec2(-0.006838934f, 0.2577735f),
vec2(-0.9315282f, -0.04518054f),
vec2(-0.3417063f, -0.1195169f),
vec2(-0.3221133f, -0.8118886f),
vec2(0.425082f, -0.3786222f),
vec2(0.3917231f, 0.9194779f),
vec2(0.8819267f, -0.1306234f),
vec2(-0.7906089f, -0.5639677f),
vec2(0.2073919f, -0.9611396f)
// This has way too much acne
// int poissonDiskCount = 35;
// vec2 poissonDisk[35] = vec2[](
// vec2(-0.05151585f, 0.3436534f),
// vec2(0.3648908f, 0.2827295f),
// vec2(-0.2478754f, 0.186921f),
// vec2(0.1171809f, 0.1482293f),
// vec2(-0.1496224f, 0.6990415f),
// vec2(-0.456594f, 0.378567f),
// vec2(-0.4242465f, -0.001935145f),
// vec2(-0.1889321f, -0.2015685f),
// vec2(0.1480272f, 0.6432338f),
// vec2(-0.5046303f, 0.8245607f),
// vec2(0.001617888f, 0.9789896f),
// vec2(-0.6228038f, 0.5963655f),
// vec2(0.4185582f, 0.7959766f),
// vec2(0.06965782f, -0.1184023f),
// vec2(-0.8310863f, 0.2197417f),
// vec2(-0.869589f, 0.4893173f),
// vec2(-0.6366982f, -0.357598f),
// vec2(-0.2509329f, -0.5531961f),
// vec2(-0.03994134f, -0.4170877f),
// vec2(-0.675245f, -0.0009701257f),
// vec2(0.3373009f, -0.4531572f),
// vec2(0.3022793f, -0.02336982f),
// vec2(0.6078352f, 0.5235748f),
// vec2(-0.9277961f, -0.05385896f),
// vec2(0.3847639f, -0.7718652f),
// vec2(0.5278201f, -0.168486f),
// vec2(0.1269102f, -0.8461399f),
// vec2(0.7260014f, -0.4588331f),
// vec2(-0.8775687f, -0.450681f),
// vec2(-0.574103f, -0.7766181f),
// vec2(0.6930821f, 0.2592674f),
// vec2(-0.3360346f, -0.8594083f),
// vec2(-0.2591985f, 0.9300818f),
// vec2(0.939391f, -0.2374034f),
// vec2(0.8332635f, 0.01952092f)
// );
// Varying.
varying vec4 vPos;
varying vec3 worldNormal;
varying vec3 worldPos;
// Global directional light uniforms.
uniform vec4 dirLightDir;
uniform vec4 dirLightColor;
uniform vec4 dirLightAmbient;
uniform vec4 dirShadowColor;
// Misc uniforms.
uniform vec3 camPos;
uniform mat4 obj2World;
uniform mat4 world2Cam;
uniform int isParticle;
uniform int doColorMultiply;
uniform int glow;
uniform sampler2DArray stex;
uniform sampler2D tex;
// Surface calculations, including specular power.
varying vec2 texCoord;
vec4 viewDelta;
float specular;
float NdotL;
vec3 reflectVec;
void calculateSurface(vec4 color, inout vec4 albedo)
{ = worldPos - camPos;
viewDelta.w = length(; = -normalize(;
vec4 texAlbedo = texture2D(tex, texCoord);
albedo.rgb = mix(color.rgb, texAlbedo.rgb, texAlbedo.a);
if(doColorMultiply == 1)
albedo *= gl_Color;
albedo.a = color.a;
NdotL = max(dot(worldNormal,, 0.0f);
reflectVec = normalize(reflect(, worldNormal));
specular = pow(max(dot(reflectVec,, 0.0f), 12.0f) * length(texAlbedo.rgb);
//albedo.rgb = normalize(;
// Fogging.
uniform vec4 fogBaseColor;
uniform vec4 fogConsts;
uniform sampler2D fogTex;
varying vec2 fogCoords;
void applyFog(inout vec4 albedo)
// Calculate fog.
vec4 fogColor = texture2D(fogTex, fogCoords) * fogBaseColor;
// Blend it.
albedo = mix(albedo, fogColor, fogColor.a);
// Shadowing
uniform vec4 far_d;
uniform vec2 texSize; // x - size, y - 1/size
uniform vec4 zScale;
uniform int shadowSplitCount;
void calculateShadowCoords(inout vec4 shadow_coordA, inout vec4 shadow_coordB, out float blend)
int index = 3;
float fudgeFactorA = 0.0f;
float fudgeFactorB = 0.0f;
fudgeFactorA = fudgeFactor4 / zScale.w;
fudgeFactorB = fudgeFactor4 / zScale.w;
blend = 0.0f;
// find the appropriate depth map to look up in based on the depth of this fragment
if(vPos.y < far_d.x)
index = 0;
if(shadowSplitCount > 1)
blend = clamp( (vPos.y - (far_d.x * blendAlpha)) / (far_d.x * blendBeta), 0.0f, 1.0f);
fudgeFactorA = fudgeFactor1 / zScale.x;
fudgeFactorB = fudgeFactor2 / zScale.y;
else if(vPos.y < far_d.y)
index = 1;
if(shadowSplitCount > 2)
blend = clamp( (vPos.y - (far_d.y * blendAlpha)) / (far_d.x * blendBeta), 0.0f, 1.0f);
fudgeFactorA = fudgeFactor2 / zScale.y;
fudgeFactorB = fudgeFactor3 / zScale.z;
else if(vPos.y < far_d.z)
index = 2;
if(shadowSplitCount > 3)
blend = clamp( (vPos.y - (far_d.z * blendAlpha)) / (far_d.x * blendBeta), 0.0f, 1.0f);
fudgeFactorA = fudgeFactor3 / zScale.z;
fudgeFactorB = fudgeFactor4 / zScale.w;
// transform this fragment's position from view space to scaled light clip space
// such that the xy coordinates are in [0;1]
// note there is no need to divide by w for orthogonal light sources
shadow_coordA = gl_TextureMatrix[index]*vPos;
shadow_coordA.w = shadow_coordA.z - fudgeFactorA; // Figure the input coordinate for PCF sampling if appropriate.
shadow_coordA.z = float(index); // Encode the layer to sample.
//don't have to set second shadow coord if we're not blending
if(blend > 0.0f)
shadow_coordB = gl_TextureMatrix[index + 1]*vPos;
shadow_coordB.w = shadow_coordB.z - fudgeFactorB;
shadow_coordB.z = float(index + 1);
// Point lighting
uniform vec4 pointLightPos0;
uniform vec4 pointLightColor0;
uniform float pointLightRadius0;
uniform vec4 pointLightPos1;
uniform vec4 pointLightColor1;
uniform float pointLightRadius1;
uniform vec4 pointLightPos2;
uniform vec4 pointLightColor2;
uniform float pointLightRadius2;
uniform vec4 pointLightPos3;
uniform vec4 pointLightColor3;
uniform float pointLightRadius3;
uniform vec4 pointLightPos4;
uniform vec4 pointLightColor4;
uniform float pointLightRadius4;
uniform vec4 pointLightPos5;
uniform vec4 pointLightColor5;
uniform float pointLightRadius5;
uniform vec4 pointLightPos6;
uniform vec4 pointLightColor6;
uniform float pointLightRadius6;
uniform vec4 pointLightPos7;
uniform vec4 pointLightColor7;
uniform float pointLightRadius7;
vec4 accumulatePointLights()
vec4 pointLightTotal = vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
vec3 lightDelta = vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
float lightDot = 0.0f;
float ratio = 0.0f;
// Calculate effects of the 8 point lights.
lightDelta = -;
lightDot = max(dot(-normalize(lightDelta), worldNormal), 0.0f);
ratio = 1.0f - (length(lightDelta) / pointLightRadius0);
ratio = ratio * ratio * ratio * 0.4f;
ratio = max(ratio, 0.0f); += ratio * lightDot *;
lightDelta = -;
lightDot = max(dot(-normalize(lightDelta), worldNormal), 0.0f);
ratio = 1.0f - (length(lightDelta) / pointLightRadius1);
ratio = ratio * ratio * ratio * 0.4f;
ratio = max(ratio, 0.0f); += ratio * lightDot *;
lightDelta = -;
lightDot = max(dot(-normalize(lightDelta), worldNormal), 0.0f);
ratio = 1.0f - (length(lightDelta) / pointLightRadius2);
ratio = ratio * ratio * ratio * 0.4f;
ratio = max(ratio, 0.0f); += ratio * lightDot *;
lightDelta = -;
lightDot = max(dot(-normalize(lightDelta), worldNormal), 0.0f);
ratio = 1.0f - (length(lightDelta) / pointLightRadius3);
ratio = ratio * ratio * ratio * 0.4f;
ratio = max(ratio, 0.0f); += ratio * lightDot *;
lightDelta = -;
lightDot = max(dot(-normalize(lightDelta), worldNormal), 0.0f);
ratio = 1.0f - (length(lightDelta) / pointLightRadius4);
ratio = ratio * ratio * ratio * 0.4f;
ratio = max(ratio, 0.0f); += ratio * lightDot *;
lightDelta = -;
lightDot = max(dot(-normalize(lightDelta), worldNormal), 0.0f);
ratio = 1.0f - (length(lightDelta) / pointLightRadius5);
ratio = ratio * ratio * ratio * 0.4f;
ratio = max(ratio, 0.0f); += ratio * lightDot *;
lightDelta = -;
lightDot = max(dot(-normalize(lightDelta), worldNormal), 0.0f);
ratio = 1.0f - (length(lightDelta) / pointLightRadius6);
ratio = ratio * ratio * ratio * 0.4f;
ratio = max(ratio, 0.0f); += ratio * lightDot *;
lightDelta = -;
lightDot = max(dot(-normalize(lightDelta), worldNormal), 0.0f);
ratio = 1.0f - (length(lightDelta) / pointLightRadius7);
ratio = ratio * ratio * ratio * 0.4f;
ratio = max(ratio, 0.0f); += ratio * lightDot *;
return pointLightTotal;
vec4 accumulateParticlePointLights()
vec4 pointLightTotal = vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
vec3 lightDelta = vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
float ratio = 0.0f;
// Calculate effects of the 8 point lights.
lightDelta = -;
ratio = 1.0f - (length(lightDelta) / pointLightRadius0);
ratio = ratio * ratio * ratio * 0.4f;
ratio = max(ratio, 0.0f); += ratio *;
lightDelta = -;
ratio = 1.0f - (length(lightDelta) / pointLightRadius1);
ratio = ratio * ratio * ratio * 0.4f;
ratio = max(ratio, 0.0f); += ratio *;
return pointLightTotal;
// Combine specular and direct lighting terms.
// note: if we make combinedColor "out" only, it throws a potentially uninitialized value warning, so we've made it inout
void applyLighting(inout vec4 combinedColor, vec4 albedo, float occlusionFactor)
//large normal means glowing object
if(glow == 1 || (worldNormal.x + worldNormal.y + worldNormal.z) > 2.0f)
combinedColor = albedo;
vec4 dirLightSpecular = occlusionFactor * specular * dirLightColor;
dirLightSpecular *= 0.5f; //arbitrary adjustment
vec4 dirLightDirect = ((NdotL * dirLightColor) * occlusionFactor) + (dirLightAmbient * occlusionFactor) + (dirShadowColor * (1.0f - occlusionFactor));
if(NdotL <= 0.04f)
dirLightDirect = dirShadowColor;
dirLightSpecular = vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
else if(NdotL <= 0.1)
float val = (NdotL - 0.04f) / (0.1f - 0.04f);
dirLightDirect = (dirLightDirect * val) + (dirShadowColor * (1.0f - val));
dirLightSpecular = dirLightSpecular * val;
dirLightDirect += accumulatePointLights();
dirLightSpecular.a = length(dirLightSpecular.rgb);
dirLightDirect.a *= min(occlusionFactor + 0.75f, 1.0f);
combinedColor.rgb = dirLightDirect.rgb * albedo.rgb;
combinedColor.a = albedo.a;
combinedColor += dirLightSpecular;
float poissonSample(vec4 shadow_coord, float spread)
int hit = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < poissonDiskCount; i++) {
float dist = texture2DArray(stex, vec3(shadow_coord.xy + poissonDisk[i] * spread, shadow_coord.z)).x;
if (dist - shadow_coord.w > 0.0f)
return float(hit) / poissonDiskCount;
float shadowCoef()
vec4 shadow_coordA = vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
vec4 shadow_coordB = vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
float blend = 0.0f;
calculateShadowCoords(shadow_coordA, shadow_coordB, blend);
float sampleA = poissonSample(shadow_coordA, sampleDistance);
if (blend > 0.0f)
float sampleB = poissonSample(shadow_coordB, sampleDistance);
return clamp((sampleB * blend) + (sampleA * (1.0f - blend)), 0.0f, 1.0f);
return sampleA;
void main()
vec4 albedo = vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
calculateSurface(gl_Color, albedo);
float occlusionFactor = 0.0f;
if(NdotL > -0.01f)
if(shadowSplitCount <= 0)
occlusionFactor = 1.0f;
occlusionFactor = shadowCoef();
// Apply lighting and fog.
vec4 fragColor = vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
if(isParticle == 1)
vec4 texAlbedo = texture2D(tex, texCoord);
vec4 dirLightDirect = (dirLightColor * occlusionFactor) + (dirLightAmbient * occlusionFactor) + (dirShadowColor * (1.0f - occlusionFactor));
vec4 plt = accumulateParticlePointLights();
vec4 lightTotal = dirLightDirect + plt;
lightTotal.x = clamp(lightTotal.x, 0.0f, 1.2f);
lightTotal.y = clamp(lightTotal.y, 0.0f, 1.2f);
lightTotal.z = clamp(lightTotal.z, 0.0f, 1.2f);
fragColor = texAlbedo * gl_Color * lightTotal;
fragColor.a = texAlbedo.a * gl_Color.a;
applyLighting(fragColor, albedo, occlusionFactor);
// Uncomment to viz depth in B.
//fragColor.z = vPos.y * 0.01f;
gl_FragColor = fragColor;
// gl_FragColor = vec4(occlusionFactor, occlusionFactor, occlusionFactor, 1);
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