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Last active November 27, 2022 18:42
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FreeBSD Polybar Module - Curwin (xwindow improved, requires xdotool)
* Curwin
* Improved xwindow polybar module with support for custom class names
$wm_desktop = shell_exec('xdotool getwindowfocus 2>/dev/null');
$wm_desktop = preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $wm_desktop);
$window_class = shell_exec('xprop -id $(xdotool getactivewindow 2>/dev/null) WM_CLASS 2>/dev/null | awk \'NF {print $NF}\' | sed \'s/"/ /g\'');
$window_class = preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $window_class);
$desktop_class = 'Desktop';
if ($wm_desktop == '10486050' || $wm_desktop == '12583202'): echo $desktop_class;
elseif ($window_class == 'Gnome-terminal'): echo "%{F#ffffff}Terminal%{u-}";
elseif ($window_class == 'Xfwm4-tweaks-settings'): echo "%{F#ffffff}Window Manager Tweaks%{u-}";
elseif ($window_class == 'Xfwm4-settings'): echo "%{F#ffffff}Window Manager Settings%{u-}";
else: echo "%{F#ffffff}$window_class%{u-}";
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