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Created July 30, 2008 21:22
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module CronParser
COLUMNS = [:mins, :hours, :days, :months, :wdays]
RANGES = { :mins => 0..59, :hours => 0..23, :days => 1..31, :months => 1..12, :wdays => 0..6 }
class << self
# parses given cron tab string and returns next time corresponding to given
def find_next_time(time, str)
h = parse(str)
next_time(time, h)
# parses given cron tab string and returns cron hash
def parse(str)
column_strings = str.split(" ")
size = column_strings.size
raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of columns (#{size} for #{COLUMNS.size})" if size != COLUMNS.size
result = { }
COLUMNS.each_with_index { |c, i| result[c] = column_parse(column_strings[i], RANGES[c]) }
# parses single column of cron tab string and returns array of numbers
def column_parse(str, range)
result = []
str.split(",").each do |part|
case part
when /\A(\d+)(?:\/(\d+))?\z/
# number or number with step
[$1, $2].each { |s| check_range(s, range) }
result += $2 ? with_step($1.to_i, range.last), $2.to_i) : [$1.to_i]
when /\A(\d+)-(\d+)(?:\/(\d+))?\z/
# range or range with step
[$1, $2, $3].each { |s| check_range(s, range) }
r =$1.to_i, $2.to_i)
result += $3 ? with_step(r, $3.to_i) : r.to_a
when /\A\*(?:\/(\d+))?\z/
# asterisk or asterisk with step
check_range($1, range)
result += $1 ? with_step(range, $1.to_i) : range.to_a
raise ArgumentError, "unable to parse #{part}"
# returns array of numbers from given range with step
def with_step(range, step)
result = []
range.to_a.each_with_index { |x, i| result << x if (i % step) == 0 }
# checks range of given number (or string) and raises error if doesn't fit
def check_range(str, range)
raise RangeError, "#{str} is out of range" unless str.nil? or range.include? str.to_i
# returns next time calculated from given time and cron hash
def next_time(time, h)
min, hour = nil
if date_match?(time, h)
# find a minute in this hour (greater than current)
min = h[:mins].detect { |i| i > time.min }
# if minute has been found keep an hour, otherwise find an hour in this day (greater than current)
hour = min ? time.hour : h[:hours].detect { |i| i > time.hour }
# switch to next day if no minutes and hours
time = time.advance(:days => 1) unless hour or min
# find next matching day
time = time.advance(:days => 1) until date_match?(time, h)
# return advanced date (if no hour and minute given use first from array)
return time.change(:hour => hour ? hour : h[:hours].first, :min => min ? min : h[:mins].first)
# returns true if given date (day, month and week day) is included in given cron hash
def date_match?(date, h)
h[:months].include?(date.month) and h[:days].include?( and h[:wdays].include?(date.wday)
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