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Created December 10, 2023 14:35
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(use-modules (ice-9 textual-ports) (srfi srfi-1) (srfi srfi-26) (ice-9 match)
(ice-9 format) (ice-9 pretty-print) (srfi srfi-8))
(define (read-input)
(let ([line (get-line (current-input-port))])
(if (eof-object? line)
(cons (string->list line)
(define (find-starting-point map)
(let ([width (length (first map))]
[height (length map)])
(λ (done)
(let next ([x 0]
[y 0])
(if (char=? #\S (list-ref (list-ref map y) x))
(done (cons x y))
(if (eqv? (1+ x) width)
(next 0 (1+ y))
(next (1+ x) y))))))))
(define (pipe-at-starting-point map start-point)
(let* ([x (car start-point)]
[y (cdr start-point)]
[neigh-n (list-ref (list-ref map (1- y)) x)]
[neigh-e (list-ref (list-ref map y) (1+ x))]
[neigh-s (list-ref (list-ref map (1+ y)) x)]
[neigh-w (list-ref (list-ref map y) (1- x))])
(match (list
(char-set-contains? (char-set #\| #\F #\7) neigh-n)
(char-set-contains? (char-set #\- #\J #\7) neigh-e)
(char-set-contains? (char-set #\| #\L #\J) neigh-s)
(char-set-contains? (char-set #\- #\L #\F) neigh-w))
[(#t #f #t #f) #\|]
[(#f #t #f #t) #\-]
[(#t #t #f #f) #\L]
[(#t #f #f #t) #\J]
[(#f #t #t #f) #\F]
[(#f #f #t #t) #\7])))
(define (map-with-pipe-at-starting-point map-lst start-point)
(map (λ (line y)
(map (λ (char x)
(if (and (equal? x (car start-point))
(equal? y (cdr start-point)))
(pipe-at-starting-point map-lst start-point)
line (iota (length line))))
map-lst (iota (length map-lst))))
(define (%traversal-directions point under)
(match under
[#\L (list (cons (car point) (1- (cdr point)))
(cons (1+ (car point)) (cdr point)))]
[#\F (list (cons (car point) (1+ (cdr point)))
(cons (1+ (car point)) (cdr point)))]
[#\J (list (cons (car point) (1- (cdr point)))
(cons (1- (car point)) (cdr point)))]
[#\7 (list (cons (car point) (1+ (cdr point)))
(cons (1- (car point)) (cdr point)))]
[#\| (list (cons (car point) (1- (cdr point)))
(cons (car point) (1+ (cdr point))))]
[#\- (list (cons (1- (car point)) (cdr point))
(cons (1+ (car point)) (cdr point)))]))
(define (%filter-prev prev) (λ (point) (not (equal? prev point))))
(define (%traverse map prev1 point1 prev2 point2)
(let* ([under1 (list-ref (list-ref map (cdr point1)) (car point1))]
[under2 (list-ref (list-ref map (cdr point2)) (car point2))]
[tgt1 (filter (%filter-prev prev1) (%traversal-directions point1 under1))]
[tgt2 (filter (%filter-prev prev2) (%traversal-directions point2 under2))])
;; Start of traversal, point1 picks one direction, point2 -- the other.
[(and (null? prev1) (null? prev2))
(cons (list point1 point2)
;; tgt1 == tgt2 here
(%traverse map point1 (car tgt1) point2 (cadr tgt2)))]
;; End of traversal, point1 == point2
[(equal? point1 point2)
(cons (list point1 point2)
(cons (list point1 point2)
(%traverse map
point1 (car tgt1)
point2 (car tgt2)))])))
(define (traverse map start-point)
(%traverse map '() start-point '() start-point))
(define (filter-points-out-of-path map-lst path)
(map (λ (line y)
(map (λ (char x)
(if (hash-ref path (cons x y))
line (iota (length line))))
map-lst (iota (length map-lst))))
;; .|.
;; L -> .L-
;; ...
;; ...
;; F -> .F-
;; .|.
;; .|.
;; J -> -J.
;; ...
;; ...
;; 7 -> -7.
;; .|.
;; ...
;; - -> ---
;; ...
;; .|.
;; | -> .|.
;; .|.
;; ...
;; X -> .X.
;; ...
(define (%enlarge-top-line line)
(apply append
(map (λ (char)
(match char
[#\L '(#\. #\| #\.)]
[#\J '(#\. #\| #\.)]
[#\| '(#\. #\| #\.)]
[#\F '(#\. #\. #\.)]
[#\7 '(#\. #\. #\.)]
[#\X '(#\. #\. #\.)]
[#\- '(#\. #\. #\.)]))
(define (%enlarge-middle-line line)
(apply append
(map (λ (char)
(match char
[#\L '(#\. #\L #\-)]
[#\J '(#\- #\J #\.)]
[#\| '(#\. #\| #\.)]
[#\F '(#\. #\F #\-)]
[#\7 '(#\- #\7 #\.)]
[#\X '(#\. #\X #\.)]
[#\- '(#\- #\- #\-)]))
(define (%enlarge-bottom-line line)
(apply append
(map (λ (char)
(match char
[#\L '(#\. #\. #\.)]
[#\J '(#\. #\. #\.)]
[#\| '(#\. #\| #\.)]
[#\F '(#\. #\| #\.)]
[#\7 '(#\. #\| #\.)]
[#\X '(#\. #\. #\.)]
[#\- '(#\. #\. #\.)]))
(define (enlarge-map map-lst)
(apply append
(map (λ (line)
(list (%enlarge-top-line line)
(%enlarge-middle-line line)
(%enlarge-bottom-line line)))
(define (%point-to-fill map-lst point dx dy)
(let ([width (length (first map-lst))]
[height (length map-lst)]
[tgt-x (+ (car point) dx)]
[tgt-y (+ (cdr point) dy)])
(if (or (< tgt-x 0)
(>= tgt-x width)
(< tgt-y 0)
(>= tgt-y height)
(not (char-set-contains? (char-set #\X #\.)
(list-ref (list-ref map-lst tgt-y) tgt-x))))
(list (cons tgt-x tgt-y)))))
(define (%list-of-points-to-fill map-lst filled pending)
(λ (point)
(not (hash-ref filled point)))
(%point-to-fill map-lst (car pending) -1 0)
(%point-to-fill map-lst (car pending) 1 0)
(%point-to-fill map-lst (car pending) 0 -1)
(%point-to-fill map-lst (car pending) 0 1)
(cdr pending))))
(define (flood-fill map-lst)
(let next ([pending '((0 . 0))]
[filled (make-hash-table)])
(if (null? pending)
(hash-set! filled (car pending) #t)
(next (%list-of-points-to-fill map-lst filled pending)
(define (paths-to-point-hash paths)
(let ([hash (make-hash-table (length paths))])
(receive (left right)
(unzip2 paths)
(for-each (λ (point)
(hash-set! hash point #t))
(append left right)))
(define (part2 map-lst paths)
(let* ([points-on-loop (paths-to-point-hash paths)]
[map-with-only-loop (filter-points-out-of-path map-lst points-on-loop)]
[large-map (enlarge-map map-with-only-loop)]
[filled (flood-fill large-map)])
(fold + 0
(map (λ (line y)
(fold + 0
(map (λ (char x)
(if (and (not (hash-ref filled (cons x y)))
(char=? #\X char))
line (iota (length line)))))
large-map (iota (length large-map))))))
(let* ([map-with-broken-loop (read-input)]
[start (find-starting-point map-with-broken-loop)]
[map (map-with-pipe-at-starting-point map-with-broken-loop start)]
[paths (traverse map start)])
(format #t "Part 1: ~a~%" (1- (length paths)))
(format #t "Part 2: ~a~%" (part2 map paths)))
;; (define (visualize map points filled)
;; (for-each
;; (λ (line y)
;; (for-each
;; (λ (char x)
;; (cond
;; [(hash-ref points (cons (floor (/ x 3))
;; (floor (/ y 3))))
;; (format #t "\x1b[32m")]
;; [(hash-ref filled (cons x y))
;; (format #t "\x1b[31m")]
;; [else (format #t "\x1b[90m")])
;; (format #t "~a"
;; (match char
;; [#\L "└"]
;; [#\J "┘"]
;; [#\7 "┐"]
;; [#\F "┌"]
;; [#\| "│"]
;; [#\- "─"]
;; [#\. " "]
;; [#\X "X"]))
;; (format #t "\x1b[0m"))
;; line
;; (iota (length line)))
;; (format #t "~%"))
;; map
;; (iota (length map))))
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