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Last active February 7, 2023 09:21
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  • Save qoomon/c8a125beb50d8d4fbd88211f8cd4a111 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save qoomon/c8a125beb50d8d4fbd88211f8cd4a111 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Jira Queries

Board Quick Filters

  • Recently Updated

    • updatedDate >= -1d OR ( updatedDate <= endOfWeek(-1w) AND updatedDate >= -3d)
      • Filter issues updated since last weekday
  • Flagged

    • Flagged is not EMPTY
      • Flter flagged issues
  • Hide Sub-tasks if not in Progress

    • type != Sub-task OR issueFunction in subtasksOf("status IN ("In Progress")")
      • hide sub-tasks if parent issue is not in "In Progress" status
  • Blocked

    • Require ScriptRunner to use linkedIssuesOf
    • issueFunction in linkedIssuesOf("status not in (Closed, Done)", "blocks")
      • Filter issues that are blocked by another issue
    • issueFunction in linkedIssuesOf("status not in (Closed, Done) AND project = <YOUR-PROJECT>", "blocks")
      • Filter issues that are blocked by an issue within your project
    • issueFunction in linkedIssuesOf("status not in (Closed, Done) AND project != <YOUR-PROJECT>", "blocks")
      • Filter issues that are blocked by an external project issue
  • Level Cumulative Workflow Diagram

    • Level CWD by excluding issused closed before selected time range, edit status to all status mapped to most right board column
    • [CWD] Past 3 Month - status not in (Closed) OR status changed after startofday(-90d)
    • [CWD] Past 6 Month - status not in (Closed) OR status changed after startofday(-180d)
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