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Created August 13, 2013 14:50
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Save qpliu/6221933 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
-- A friend interviewed at Google and was given the task of
-- making a linked list from a binary tree where an element's
-- next element is its sibling, or null where there is none.
-- Example:
-- A
-- / \
-- / \
-- B C
-- / / \
-- D F G
-- should become A -> B -> C -> D -> null -> F -> G.
-- While half-asleep the next morning, I realized that the path
-- to each element in the tree is just the bits of its index in
-- the list, so
data Tree a = Tree a (Maybe (Tree a)) (Maybe (Tree a))
toList :: Tree a -> [Maybe (Tree a)]
toList tree = map (lookupByPath tree . reverse . toBits) [1 .. maxIndex tree]
maxIndex :: Tree a -> Int
maxIndex tree = maxIndex' 1 tree
maxIndex' n (Tree _ Nothing Nothing) = n
maxIndex' n (Tree _ (Just t) Nothing) = maxIndex' (2*n) t
maxIndex' n (Tree _ Nothing (Just t)) = maxIndex' (2*n+1) t
maxIndex' n (Tree _ (Just t1) (Just t2)) =
max (maxIndex' (2*n) t1) (maxIndex' (2*n+1) t2)
lookupByPath :: Tree a -> [Bool] -> Maybe (Tree a)
lookupByPath t [] = Just t
lookupByPath (Tree _ Nothing _) (False : path) = Nothing
lookupByPath (Tree _ (Just t) _) (False : path) = lookupByPath t path
lookupByPath (Tree _ _ Nothing) (True : path) = Nothing
lookupByPath (Tree _ _ (Just t)) (True : path) = lookupByPath t path
toBits :: Int -> [Bool]
toBits n
| n <= 1 = []
| otherwise = odd n : toBits (n `div` 2)
content :: Tree a -> a
content (Tree a _ _) = a
example :: Tree Char
example = Tree 'A' (Just b) (Just c)
b = Tree 'B' (Just d) Nothing
c = Tree 'C' (Just f) (Just g)
d = Tree 'D' Nothing Nothing
f = Tree 'F' Nothing Nothing
g = Tree 'G' Nothing Nothing
-- map (fmap content) (toList example)
-- => [Just 'A',Just 'B',Just 'C',Just 'D',Nothing,Just 'F',Just 'G']
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