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Created August 11, 2013 00:12
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// First solution. This cannot pass larget test.
class Solution {
int uniquePathsWithObstacles(vector<vector<int> > &obstacleGrid) {
if(!obstacleGrid.size() || !obstacleGrid[0].size() || obstacleGrid[0][0])
return 0;
return getUniquePath(obstacleGrid.size()-1, obstacleGrid[0].size()-1, obstacleGrid);
int getUniquePath(int i, int j, const vector<vector<int>> &obstacleGrid) {
assert( i >= 0 && j >= 0);
if (obstacleGrid[i][j])
return 0;
else if ( !i && !j)
return 1;
else if(!i)
return getUniquePath(i, j-1, obstacleGrid);
else if(!j)
return getUniquePath(i-1, j, obstacleGrid);
return getUniquePath(i-1, j, obstacleGrid) + getUniquePath(i, j-1, obstacleGrid);
// Second solution. Passed the large test.
class Solution {
int uniquePathsWithObstacles(vector<vector<int> > &obstacleGrid) {
if(!obstacleGrid.size() || !obstacleGrid[0].size() || obstacleGrid[0][0])
return 0;
const int height = obstacleGrid.size();
const int width = obstacleGrid[0].size();
int path[height][width];
for( int i = 0; i < height; ++i)
for( int j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
if (obstacleGrid[i][j])
path[i][j] = 0;
else if ( !i && !j)
path[i][j] = 1;
else if(!i)
path[i][j] = path[i][j-1];
else if(!j)
path[i][j] = path[i-1][j];
path[i][j] = path[i-1][j] + path[i][j-1];
return path[height - 1][width - 1];
// Third solution. Optimization space complaxity(Not finished).
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