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qqplot/after.R Secret

Last active February 16, 2021 06:00
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[R] Calculate Distances
#' Vectorize
bld_ids <- as.character(df_localdb_dt$bld_id)
target_long <- df_localdb_dt$long
target_lat <- df_localdb_dt$lat
#' Calculate distances
dt_dist <- foreach(chunk = isplitVector(1:nrow(df_localdb_dt), chunks=getDoParWorkers()), .packages = c("foreach", "geodist"),.combine = c, .verbose = T) %dopar% {
dt_tot <- foreach(x = chunk, .inorder = F, .packages = c("geodist")) %do% {
# Reduce the range to search
map_to_rn <- df_rndata_dt[lat < target_lat[x] + threshold & lat > target_lat[x] - threshold &
long < target_long[x] + threshold & long > target_long[x] - threshold ,]
map_to_PS <- df_PSdata_dt[lat < target_lat[x] + threshold & lat > target_lat[x] - threshold &
long < target_long[x] + threshold & long > target_long[x] - threshold ,]
distRN <- as.vector(geodist(cbind(long=target_long[x], lat=target_lat[x]) , map_to_rn[, c("long", "lat")]))
hm_content <- new.env()
hm_content$bld_id <- bld_ids[x]
hm_content$rn_id <- map_to_rn$rn_id[which.min(distRN)]
hm_content$distrn <- distRN[which.min(distRN)]
hm_content$pos_cd <- map_to_PS$pos_cd
hm_content$distPOS <- as.vector(geodist(cbind(long=target_long[x], lat=target_lat[x]) , map_to_PS[, c("long", "lat")]))
#' Combind
df_comb <- foreach(chunk = isplitVector(dt_dist, chunks=getDoParWorkers()), .packages = c("foreach", "data.table"), .verbose = T) %dopar% {
dt_list <- foreach(content = chunk, .packages = c("data.table")) %do% {
dt_rn <- data.table(
bld_id = rep(content$bld_id, length(content$rn_id)),
type = rep("RN", length(content$rn_id)),
code = content$rn_id,
distance = ceiling(content$distrn),
stringsAsFactors = F )
dt_pos <- data.table(
bld_id = rep(content$bld_id, length(content$pos_cd)),
type = rep("PS", length(content$pos_cd)),
code = content$pos_cd,
distance = ceiling(content$distPOS),
stringsAsFactors = F )
return(rbindlist(l = list(dt_rn, dt_pos), use.names = F))
return(rbindlist(l = dt_list, use.names = F))
result <- rbindlist(l=df_comb, use.names = F)
dt_dist <- foreach(chunk = isplitVector(df_localdb_dt_bld$bld_id, chunks=getDoParWorkers()), .packages = c("foreach", "geodist", "dplyr"),.combine = rbind, .verbose = T) %dopar% {
dt_tot < - foreach(x = chunk, .combine = rbind, .inorder = F, .packages = c("dplyr", "geodist")) %do% {
# Reduce the range to search
map_from_localdb <- df_localdb_dt_bld %>% filter( bld_id == x ) %>% dplyr::select( long, lat )
map_to_rn <- df_rndata_dt %>% filter(
lat <= map_from_localdb$lat + threshold & lat >= map_from_localdb$lat - threshold &
long <= map_from_localdb$long + threshold & long >= map_from_localdb$long - threshold)
map_to_PS <- df_PSdata_dt %>% filter(
lat <= map_from_localdb$lat + threshold & lat >= map_from_localdb$lat - threshold &
long <= map_from_localdb$long + threshold & long >= map_from_localdb$long - threshold
rn_nrow <- nrow(map_to_rn)
pos_nrow <- nrow(map_to_PS)
maxCnt <- min(rn_nrow, pos_nrow)
if(maxCnt==0) return(NULL)
distRN <- geodist(map_from_localdb, map_to_rn[, c("long", "lat")])
distPS <- geodist(map_from_localdb, map_to_PS[, c("long", "lat")])
idxRN <- order(distRN) %>% head(maxCnt)
idxPS <- order(distPS) %>% head(maxCnt)
dt <- data.frame(bld_id=rep(x, maxCnt),
distRN= distRN[idxRN],
distPOS= distPS[idxPS],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
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