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template <typename InputIt, typename OutputIt, typename BinaryOp, typename T, typename Size>
async_inclusive_scan(InputIt first, InputIt last, OutputIt output,BinaryOp op, T init, Size chunk_size)
Size const elements = std::distance(first, last);
Size const chunks = (1 + ((elements - 1) / chunk_size)); // Round up.
std::vector<unique_future<T>> sweep;
// Upsweep.
for (Size chunk = 0; chunk < chunks; ++chunk)
sweep.emplace_back(async([=] {
auto const this_begin = chunk * chunk_size;
auto const this_end = std::min(elements, (chunk + 1) * chunk_size);
return T(*--std::inclusive_scan(first + this_begin, first + this_end,
output + this_begin, op));
auto sums = co_await when_all(sweep);
// We add in init here.
std::inclusive_scan(sums.begin(), sums.end(), sums.begin(), op, init);
// Downsweep.
for (Size chunk = 1; chunk < chunks; ++chunk)
// Capturing sums by reference is fine here; we're going to co_await on the
// futures, which will keep the current scope alive for them.
sweep.emplace_back(async([=, &sums] {
auto const this_begin = chunk * chunk_size;
auto const this_end = std::min(elements, (chunk + 1) * chunk_size);
std::for_each(output + this_begin, output + this_end,
[=, &sums] (auto& t) { t = op(std::move(t), sums[chunk - 1]); });
return *(output + this_end - 1);
co_await when_all(sweep);
co_return output + elements;
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