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Created August 1, 2019 17:28
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forward capture
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#define FWD(...) std::forward<decltype(__VA_ARGS__)>(__VA_ARGS__)
namespace impl
template <typename... Ts>
auto fwd_capture(Ts&&... xs)
return std::tuple<Ts...>(FWD(xs)...);
template <typename T>
decltype(auto) access(T&& x) { return std::get<0>(FWD(x)); }
#define FWD_CAPTURE(...) impl::fwd_capture(FWD(__VA_ARGS__))
struct A
int _value{0};
auto foo = [](auto&& a)
return [a = FWD_CAPTURE(a)]() mutable
std::cout << access(a)._value << "\n";
int main()
auto l_inner = foo(A{});
l_inner(); // Prints `1`.
l_inner(); // Prints `2`.
l_inner(); // Prints `3`.
A my_a;
auto l_inner = foo(my_a);
l_inner(); // Prints `1`.
l_inner(); // Prints `2`.
l_inner(); // Prints `3`.
// Prints '3', yay!
std::cout << my_a._value << "\n";
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