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Created December 14, 2011 11:06
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regenerate :: Pool Connection -> String -> String -> IO ()
regenerate pool dir subId = do
inPool pool $ \conn -> do
let strPair = (fromSql . head) &&& ((fromSql :: SqlValue -> String) . head . tail)
fromDb <- filter (not . null . fst) <$> map strPair <$>
quickQuery' conn ("SELECT url, ext FROM f_main_playlist(?)") [toSql subId]
dat <- catMaybes <$> mapM (\(url, ext) -> do
let parsed = parseAbsoluteURI url
case parsed of
Just URI{uriAuthority=Just auth} -> do
let host = uriRegName auth
ip <- (head . hostAddresses) <$> getHostByName host
syslog Notice ("auth - " ++ show host ++ "," ++ show ip ++ "," ++ show ext)
return $ Just (ip, url, ext)
Nothing ->
return Nothing) fromDb
newStdGen >>= setStdGen
volId <- randomW32
ct <- getClockTime >>= toCalendarTime
let fs = filesystem $ mapM_ (constructFile (gigs 2)) $ zip [1..] dat
rsvd = 32
cl = CL_32K
dSize = calcDataSize cl fs
fat = genFileAllocTableRaw cl dSize fs
fSize = fatSize cl dSize
volSize = calcVolSize rsvd cl dSize
fatInfo = FAT32GenInfo cl volSize volId "RADIO" (fatSectorsOf fSize) (Just rsvd)
vm = compileRules $ genFATRules fatInfo fat ct fs
syslog Notice $ "size:" ++ show dSize ++ "," ++ show volSize
withFile (dir ++ subId) WriteMode $ \hFile -> L.hPut hFile $ toBinary vm
randomW32 :: IO Word32
randomW32 = liftM fromIntegral (randomIO :: IO Int)
constructFile size (n, (ip, url, ext)) = do
let name = printf "%02d.%s" n ext
firstBytes = runPut $ do
putWord32be n
putWord32be ip
putLazyByteString $ LC.pack url
putWord8 0
file name size $ const firstBytes
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