Recently Google Cloud announced they will charge for control plane of GKE. That’s some small amount, but users got angry. One reason is that many companies are running many Kubernetes clusters, which surprised Google people. After looking into the discussion, it cleared out my long time curiosity.
Remember that Kubernetes started in competition with DC/OS, which manages 1000s of machines. It is supposed to manage a whole data center, and all your applications are supposed to be deployed inside, with namespace for isolation. While in Cloud, it is reasonable that a company runs a single Kubernetes cluster (or a few, but no more), to be shared by all teams and to isolate from other companies. So, you need one Ops team to manage Kubernetes, and all other teams can focus on applications.
But for majority developers, Kubernetes is compared with much simpler orchestrators like Swarm, Nomad, Service Fabric, etc., which are typically used to host a single application (or a few)