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Created August 19, 2008 19:06
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Save qrush/6221 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# this is in application.rb. Yes, I'm lazy.
# holy mess, batman!
uses_tiny_mce(:options => { :theme => 'advanced',
:mode => "textareas",
:convert_urls => false,
:remove_script_host => true,
:theme_advanced_toolbar_location => "top",
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:theme_advanced_buttons1 => %w{ bold italic underline strikethrough separator justifyleft
justifycenter justifyright indent outdent separator bullist numlist forecolor backcolor separator link
unlink image undo redo code},
:theme_advanced_buttons2 => %w{ formatselect fontselect fontsizeselect pasteword fullscreen },
:theme_advanced_buttons3 => "",
:theme_advanced_statusbar_location => "bottom",
:editor_selector => 'mceEditor',
:width => 720,
:paste_create_paragraphs => true,
:paste_create_linebreaks => true,
:paste_auto_cleanup_on_paste => true,
:paste_convert_middot_lists => false,
:paste_unindented_list_class => "unindentedList",
:paste_convert_headers_to_strong => true,
:paste_insert_word_content_callback => "convertWord",
:plugins => %w{ contextmenu paste table fullscreen} },
:only => [:new, :pick, :create, :edit, :update, :homepage_options])
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