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Created April 16, 2020 01:08
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`alga::general::AbstractMonoid` for `min` and `max`
//! ```cargo
//! [package]
//! name = "min-max-monoid"
//! version = "0.0.0"
//! authors = ["Ryo Yamashita <>"]
//! edition = "2018"
//! publish = false
//! [dependencies]
//! alga = "0.9.3"
//! [dev-dependencies]
//! static_assertions = "1.1.0"
//! pretty_assertions = "0.6.1"
//! ```
fn main() {}
use alga::general::{AbstractMagma, AbstractMonoid, AbstractSemigroup, Identity, Operator};
use std::cmp;
macro_rules! impl_monoid {
((($operator:ident, $operate:path, $identity:ident)), ($($ty:ty),*) $(,)?) => {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct $operator;
impl Operator for $operator {
fn operator_token() -> Self {
impl AbstractMagma<$operator> for $ty {
fn operate(&self, right: &Self) -> Self {
$operate(*self, *right)
impl AbstractSemigroup<$operator> for $ty {}
impl Identity<$operator> for $ty {
fn identity() -> Self {
impl AbstractMonoid<$operator> for $ty {}
(($($monoid:tt),*), $tys:tt $(,)?) => {
$(impl_monoid!(($monoid), $tys);)*
((Min, cmp::min, max_value), (Max, cmp::max, min_value)),
(u8, u16, u32, u64, u128, usize, i8, i16, i32, i64, i128, isize),
mod tests {
use super::{Max, Min};
use alga::general::{AbstractMagma, AbstractMonoid, Identity};
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
use static_assertions::assert_impl_all;
assert_impl_all!(i32: AbstractMonoid<Min>);
assert_impl_all!(i32: AbstractMonoid<Max>);
fn test() {
assert_eq!(1, AbstractMagma::<Min>::operate(&1, &2));
assert_eq!(2, AbstractMagma::<Max>::operate(&1, &2));
assert_eq!(i32::max_value(), Identity::<Min>::identity());
assert_eq!(i32::min_value(), Identity::<Max>::identity());
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