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Last active April 19, 2017 10:18
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#!/usr/bin/env run-cargo-script
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::io;
use std::io::{Read, Stdin};
use std::str;
use std::str::FromStr;
macro_rules! array {
[$x: tt; $n: tt] => {array!(@go ($n, $x) -> ())};
(@end $x: tt) => {$x};
(@go (1, $($x: tt), *) -> ($($xs: tt)*)) => {array!(@end [$($x,)* $($xs)*]) };
(@go (2, $($x: tt), *) -> ($($xs: tt)*)) => {array!(@go (1, $($x), *) -> ($($x,)* $($xs)*))};
(@go (3, $($x: tt), *) -> ($($xs: tt)*)) => {array!(@go (2, $($x), *) -> ($($x,)* $($xs)*))};
(@go (6, $($x: tt), *) -> ($($xs: tt)*)) => {array!(@go (3, $($x,)* $($x), *) -> ($($xs)*))};
(@go (12, $($x: tt), *) -> ($($xs: tt)*)) => {array!(@go (6, $($x,)* $($x), *) -> ($($xs)*))};
(@go (24, $($x: tt), *) -> ($($xs: tt)*)) => {array!(@go (12, $($x,)* $($x), *) -> ($($xs)*))};
(@go (25, $($x: tt), *) -> ($($xs: tt)*)) => {array!(@go (24, $($x), *) -> ($($x,)* $($xs)*))};
(@go (50, $($x: tt), *) -> ($($xs: tt)*)) => {array!(@go (25, $($x,)* $($x), *) -> ($($xs)*))};
(@go (100, $($x: tt), *) -> ($($xs: tt)*)) => {array!(@go (50, $($x,)* $($x), *) -> ($($xs)*))};
fn main() {
let mut sc = Scanner::new();
let n = sc.parse();
let a = sc.vec(n);
for x in solve(a) {
println!("{}", x);
fn solve(mut a: Vec<u32>) -> Vec<u32> {
for &x in a.iter() {
assert!(1 <= x && x <= 100000000);
trait RadixSort {
fn radix_sort(&mut self);
impl RadixSort for [u32] {
fn radix_sort(&mut self) {
let buckets_a = array![{ Vec::with_capacity(100) }; 100];
let buckets_b = array![{ Vec::with_capacity(100) }; 100];
let mut buckets1 = buckets_a;
for &x in self.iter() {
buckets1[(x - 1) as usize % 100].push(x);
let mut buckets2 = buckets_b;
for v in buckets1.iter() {
for &x in v {
buckets2[((x - 1) / 100) as usize % 100].push(x);
let mut buckets3 = buckets1;
for v in buckets3.iter_mut() {
for v in buckets2.iter() {
for &x in v {
buckets3[((x - 1) / 10000) as usize % 100].push(x);
let mut buckets4 = buckets2;
for v in buckets4.iter_mut() {
for v in buckets3.iter() {
for &x in v {
buckets4[((x - 1) / 1000000) as usize % 100].push(x);
let mut i = 0;
for v in buckets4.iter() {
for &x in v {
self[i] = x;
i += 1;
mod tests {
use super::solve;
fn test() {
let a = vec![1000000, 23, 323, 382, 2010, 30204, 302, 5982, 3877779, 3292, 9328829];
fn assert_sorted(a: Vec<u32>) {
let mut x = a[0];
for &e in a.iter() {
assert!(x <= e);
x = e;
struct Scanner {
stdin: Stdin,
buf: Vec<u8>,
impl Scanner {
fn new() -> Scanner {
Scanner {
stdin: io::stdin(),
buf: Vec::with_capacity(256),
fn parse<T: FromStr>(&mut self) -> T
where <T as FromStr>::Err: Debug
let mut it = self.stdin.lock().bytes();
let mut c =;
while c == ' ' as u8 || c == '\n' as u8 {
c =;
while !(c == ' ' as u8 || c == '\n' as u8) {
c =;
fn vec<T: FromStr>(&mut self, n: usize) -> Vec<T>
where <T as FromStr>::Err: Debug
(0..n).map(|_| self.parse()).collect()
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