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Last active August 27, 2019 05:01
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  • Save qstrahl/43601b42630414c12d13efc37426631a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save qstrahl/43601b42630414c12d13efc37426631a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
" Quick Vimade-like fading plugin I hacked onto the end of my theme.
" Probably won't look any good in your terminal without some tweaks.
" It should gray-out all but the active buffer. Split and see.
" Actual effect probably depends entirely on your colorscheme.
" Might be nvim only, I dunno. If vim has NormalNC hlgroup, :+1:
" Detects diffs, too. Or at least it should.
" This method requires you to explicitly define each hlgroup.
" I'm sure a more reflective approach could be devised. I'll keep at it.
" You might have to clear some highlights too, I dunno.
hi! ActiveNormal cterm=italic ctermfg=8 ctermbg=none
hi! ActiveNormalNC cterm=italic ctermfg=8 ctermbg=none
hi! ActiveDiffAdd cterm=none ctermfg=2 ctermbg=none
hi! ActiveDiffChange cterm=none ctermfg=8 ctermbg=none
hi! ActiveDiffDelete cterm=none ctermfg=0 ctermbg=none
hi! ActiveDiffText cterm=none ctermfg=5 ctermbg=none
let s:masked_hls = ['NormalNC', 'DiffAdd', 'DiffChange', 'DiffDelete', 'DiffText']
let s:active = []
let s:inactive = []
for s:hl in s:masked_hls
let s:active += [s:hl . ':Active' . s:hl]
let s:inactive += [s:hl . ':Inactive' . s:hl]
exe 'hi! clear' s:hl
exe 'hi! Inactive' . s:hl 'cterm=italic ctermfg=7 ctermbg=0'
" Normal is anything but.
hi! InactiveNormal cterm=none ctermfg=none ctermbg=none
let s:active += ['Normal:ActiveNormal']
let s:inactive += ['Normal:InactiveNormal']
let s:masks = s:active + s:inactive
function! s:mask_diffs ()
let l:wins = gettabinfo(tabpagenr())[0].windows
let l:diff = getwinvar(winnr(), '&diff')
for l:win in l:wins
let l:winhl = getwinvar(l:win, '&winhl')
let l:winhls = split(l:winhl, ',')
call filter(l:winhls, {i, hl -> !count(s:masks, hl)})
let l:diffing = l:diff && getwinvar(l:win, '&diff')
let l:winhls += l:diffing ? s:active : s:inactive
let l:winhl = join(l:winhls, ',')
call setwinvar(l:win, '&winhl', l:winhl)
function! s:own_syntax (leaving)
let l:syncmd = 'ownsyntax' . ' 0'[a:leaving || &l:diff]
exe l:syncmd
if &l:diff
let l:rest = winrestcmd()
let l:view = winsaveview()
let l:home = winnr()
let l:wins = range(1, winnr('$'))
call filter(l:wins, {i, w -> getwinvar(w, '&diff')})
for l:win in l:wins
noautocmd exe l:win 'wincmd w'
exe l:syncmd
noautocmd exe l:home 'wincmd w'
noautocmd exe l:rest
noautocmd call winrestview(l:view)
augroup MagiColor
autocmd! BufWinLeave,BufEnter * call s:mask_diffs()
autocmd! OptionSet diff call s:mask_diffs()
autocmd! BufWinEnter,WinEnter * call s:mask_diffs() | call s:own_syntax(0)
autocmd! WinLeave * call s:own_syntax(1)
augroup end
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