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Created August 27, 2015 16:25
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Make gq format your javascript with js-beautify
"" This file goes in after/indent/javascript.vim
function! MyJavascriptFormatter (lnum, count)
if mode() == 'i'
return 1
elseif synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 0)), 'name') == 'Comment'
return 1
let l:options = []
let l:options += [ &expandtab ? '-s ' . &shiftwidth : '-t' ]
let l:options += [ '-w ' . &textwidth ]
let l:options += [ '-q' ]
let l:options += [ '-f -' ]
silent exe a:lnum . ',+' . (a:count - 1) . '!js-beautify ' . join(l:options, ' ')
undojoin | silent exe "'[,']retab!"
if executable('js-beautify')
setlocal formatexpr=MyJavascriptFormatter(v:lnum,v:count)
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