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Created September 27, 2020 17:25
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// hook into the script_loader_tag filter, but not in the admin ##
if ( ! \is_admin() ) {
\add_filter( 'style_loader_tag', 'q_script_loader_tag', 0, 3 );
// add the filter function - passing 4 params ##
* Defer style asset enqueuing
* @param String tag The original enqueued <script="...> tag
* @param String $handle The registered unique name of the script
* @return String src The asset file path with fragrments
* @return String $html The src <link rel="...> tag
// only on the front-end
function q_style_loader_tag( $tag, $handle, $src ) {
// error_log( $tag );
// error_log( $src );
// error_log( $handle );
// route two - exclude files based on handle match ##
$avoid = [
'underscore', // _underscore ##
'backbone', // backbone ##
'jquery-core', // main js ##
'wp-i18n', // internationalizations ##
'wp-tinymce-root', // tinymce root ##
'wp-tinymce', // tinymce ##
'editor', // wp editor ##
// exclude files based on handle match -- controlled by passed filter ##
$avoid = \apply_filters( 'q/hook/wp_enqueue_script/avoid', $avoid );
// error_log( $avoid );
if (
in_array( $handle, $avoid )
|| strpos( $tag, '__nodefer' ) !== false
// h::log( 'Not deferring load of script: '.$handle );
return $tag;
// track changes ##
$param = '';
// route one - include all files based on explicit usage of "__js_async" OR "__js_defer" in $tag - normally appended to src url ##
// if the unique handle/name of the registered script has 'async' in it
if ( strpos( $tag, '__js_async') !== false ) {
// return the tag with the async attribute
$param = 'async ';
// return the tag with the defer attribute
$param .= 'defer ';
if ( $param ) {
return str_replace( '<script ', '<script ' . $param, $tag );
// no change ##
return $tag;
// example of how to add an asset to the avoid array via the filter ##
\add_filter( 'q/hook/wp_enqueue_script/avoid', function( $array ){
// add asset handles to skip ##
$skip = [
'acf', // main acf js file ##
$return = array_merge( $skip, $array );
// check ##
// error_log( $return );
// kick back to filter ##
return $return;
// example of how to avoid deferring css files when adding via wp_enqueue_style ##
\wp_register_script( 'unique-handle', 'path/to/file/index.js?__nodefer', [ 'jquery' ], '1.0.0' );
\wp_enqueue_script( 'unique-handle' );
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