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Created December 21, 2018 13:19
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A min-heap in Red/System
Red/System [
Title: "A min-heap implementation"
Author: "Xie Qingtian"
File: %min-heap.reds
Tabs: 4
Rights: "Copyright (C) 2018 Xie Qingtian. All rights reserved."
License: {
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
heap-cmpfunc!: alias function! [
a [int-ptr!]
b [int-ptr!]
return: [integer!] ;-- 0 => a = b, negative => a < b, positive => a > b
min-heap!: alias struct! [
data [int-ptr!] ;-- array of pointers, @@ change the spec once we support it
size [integer!]
maxn [integer!]
grow [integer!]
compare [heap-cmpfunc!]
min-heap: context [
create: func [
grow [integer!]
cmpfunc [int-ptr!]
return: [min-heap!]
hp [min-heap!]
hp: as min-heap! allocate size? min-heap!
hp/data: as int-ptr! allocate grow * size? int-ptr!
hp/size: 0
hp/maxn: grow
hp/grow: grow
hp/compare: as heap-cmpfunc! cmpfunc
put: func [
hp [min-heap!]
val [int-ptr!]
n [integer!]
idx [integer!]
pv [int-ptr!]
arr [int-ptr!]
if hp/size = hp/maxn [ ;-- increase the memory
n: hp/maxn + hp/grow + 3 >> 2 << 2 ;-- align by 4-bytes
assert n < 40000000h
hp/maxn: n
hp/data: as int-ptr! realloc as byte-ptr! hp/data n * size? int-ptr!
assert (as-integer hp/data) and 3 = 0
arr: hp/data
idx: hp/size
hp/size: idx + 1
while [
n: idx - 1 >> 2 + 1 ;-- parent index
pv: as int-ptr! arr/n
all [idx > 0 0 > hp/compare val pv]
idx: idx + 1
arr/idx: as-integer pv ;-- move the parent down
idx: n - 1
idx: idx + 1
arr/idx: as-integer val
pop: func [
hp [min-heap!]
return: [int-ptr!] ;-- return the top value and remove it from the heap
val [int-ptr!]
arr [int-ptr!]
idx [integer!]
idx1 [integer!]
idx2 [integer!]
cur [integer!]
lchild [int-ptr!]
rchild [int-ptr!]
last [int-ptr!]
sz [integer!]
sz: hp/size
if zero? sz [return null]
arr: hp/data
val: as int-ptr! arr/1
idx: 0
hp/size: sz - 1
last: as int-ptr! arr/sz ;-- last value
cur: 1
while [
idx: idx << 1 + 1 ;-- index of the left child
idx < sz
idx1: idx + 1
lchild: as int-ptr! arr/idx1
if idx1 < sz [ ;-- have a right child
idx2: idx1 + 1
rchild: as int-ptr! arr/idx2
if 0 < hp/compare lchild rchild [ ;-- if lchild > rchild
idx: idx1
lchild: rchild
if 0 <= hp/compare lchild last [break]
arr/cur: as-integer lchild
cur: idx + 1
arr/cur: as-integer last
top: func [
hp [min-heap!]
return: [int-ptr!] ;-- return the top value
as int-ptr! hp/data/1
;foreach: func [
; hp [min-heap!]
; process [function! [data [int-ptr!]]]
; 0
;find: func [ ;-- O(n)
; hp [min-heap!]
; value [int-ptr!]
; return: [integer!] ; return index of the value, -1 if not find
; -1
;remove: func [ ;-- O(n)
; hp [min-heap!]
; value [int-ptr!]
; return: [logic!] ;-- true if find the value, otherwise false
; false
clear: func [
hp [min-heap!]
hp/size: 0
destroy: func [
hp [min-heap!]
free as byte-ptr! hp/data
free as byte-ptr! hp
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