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Last active September 2, 2019 15:05
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Red/System [
Title: "High resolution timer"
Author: "Xie Qingtian"
File: %time-meter.reds
Tabs: 4
License: {
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
#either OS = 'Windows [
LARGE_INTEGER: alias struct! [
LowPart [integer!]
HighPart [integer!]
#import [
"kernel32.dll" stdcall [
QueryPerformanceFrequency: "QueryPerformanceFrequency" [
lpFrequency [LARGE_INTEGER]
return: [logic!]
QueryPerformanceCounter: "QueryPerformanceCounter" [
return: [logic!]
time-meter!: alias struct! [
base [LARGE_INTEGER value]
sub64: func [
return: [integer!]
;-- mov edx, [ebp + 8]
;-- mov ecx, [ebp + 12]
;-- mov eax, [edx]
;-- mov edx, [edx + 4]
;-- sub eax, [ecx]
;-- sbb edx, [ecx + 4]
#inline [
return: [integer!]
time-meter: context [
freq: 0
init: func [/local t [LARGE_INTEGER value]][
QueryPerformanceFrequency :t
freq: t/LowPart
start: func [t [time-meter!]][
if zero? freq [init]
QueryPerformanceCounter t/base
elapse: func [
t [time-meter!]
return: [float32!] ;-- millisecond
t1 [LARGE_INTEGER value]
d [integer!]
QueryPerformanceCounter t1
d: sub64 t1 t/base
(as float32! d) * (as float32! 1e3) / (as float32! freq)
time-meter!: alias struct! [
base-s [integer!]
base-m [integer!] ;-- microsecond
time-meter: context [
timeval!: alias struct! [
tv_sec [integer!]
tv_usec [integer!]
#import [
LIBC-file cdecl [
gettimeofday: "gettimeofday" [
tv [timeval!]
tz [integer!] ;-- obsolete
return: [integer!] ;-- 0: success -1: failure
start: func [
t [time-meter!]
tm [timeval! value]
gettimeofday :tm 0
t/base-s: tm/tv_sec
t/base-m: tm/tv_usec ;-- microsecond
elapse: func [
t [time-meter!]
return: [float32!] ;-- millisecond
tm [timeval! value]
s [float32!]
ms [float32!]
gettimeofday :tm 0
s: as float32! (tm/tv_sec - t/base-s)
ms: as float32! (tm/tv_usec - t/base-m)
s * (as float32! 1000.0) + (ms / as float32! 1000.0)
comment {
test: func [
n [integer!]
f [float!]
t [time-meter! value]
time-meter/start :t
n: 0
loop 1000000 [n: n + 1]
probe [time-meter/elapse :t "ms"]
time-meter/start :t
f: 0.0
loop 1000000 [f: f + 1.0]
probe [time-meter/elapse :t "ms"]
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